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Posts posted by herwin1234

  1. i dont get it. all the usual extreme cynical and negative comments. you all live in Thailand, how about more understanding for your host country? want a seahome off the coast? how about doing it in yr own magnificent country off the coast of Florida?  Why come here as an ignorant gringo, and with zero respect think you are in your own Disneyland. Plz go back home and take yr bargirlfriend with you. and that goes for all the cynical expats. dont like it here? its not yr country and nobody forces you to stay. 

    • Confused 1
  2. This is Thailand, a real country, not Disneyland.  Imagine if a tourist from Ghana comes to your country, and with a local paid girlfriend do the same in your own homecountry? The utter disrespect.

    And now running and hiding??? 

    All the posters who are living in Thailand and as usual are slamming Thailand with their cynical comments about Thai authorities, plz if you dont like it here, why are you here?time to go back perhaps.


    • Sad 1
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    • Haha 1
  3. did read that various other people on the forum had similar experience of being kicked out of a taxi on the highway.

    i like to add my experience. One time i arrived at night at the bus station in Bangkok with the Thai wife and baby and took a taxi to return home in Silom. Just a short ride later the taxi driver demanded cash money right there and now and when we refused he pulled a knife and we were forced to leave the taxi at the highway. We took the license number and went to the police the next day, anybody really thinks that we did hear ever again from the police, desapite being threatened with a knife?

    Threatening with legal action is nothing but sending the message to journalists and bloggers that don't you dare to post anything negative about Thailand or you will regret it. We see it all the time. Anybody foolish enough to believe these tourists weren't dumped just because a Thai driver conveniently shows up and tells these tourists asked to get out of the bus? Anyone ever tried to leave a bus on the highway, anyone ever succeeded? Get real. a Thai van driver doesn't stop and let a tourist out on the highway.

    Reminds me of the regular stories that show up in the media and ex pat forums about these Thai taxi drivers that find a bundle of money left by a Japanese passenger and return it to the police, who, in return return it to the Japanese tourist. Yeah right.. All what matters is image, no matter if it has to be fabricated as in many cases.

  4. Obviously a troll post. LOL.

    But since it does happen to other people (troll post, real issue) i want to give my reply.

    Something similar happened to me. Meet a girl in a restaurant in Bangkok 5 years ago. We date for a few days until i return to my own country. On the airport while saying goodbye, she asks me for money. She wants to "wait for me" not in Bangkok but at her families home in Isan and so asks me a few thousand baht for a bus ticket and some food money.
    Naive maybe but i i give her some money. Turns out she takes the bus home to her family just like she said. Long story short, 5 years later we are married and have a son.
    Just saying, be on your guard because obvious many scamming girls out there (can't blame them though, most "victims" are not only stupid but also selfish and are in fact mostly looking for free sex and not a real relation..) but don't be too paranoid. Enough good things happen with many other Thai girls.

  5. Let's not be naive. Ordinary muslims making the v sign and even dancing when non muslims are killed, are common all over the world. This time it are nurses that with smiling eyes make the v sign with a corpse, a person they should take care of instead of making and posting photos on social media. Absolute wrong.

    Sacking them ? How about sending the police to their house and question all of them and their family members. If these nurses feel so strongly to celebrate the death of a patient in their care, i bet their family or friends are involved in this southern terrorism (teachers, monks, and ordinary people are killed so "terrorism" is the correct term.)

    Again, absolutely disgusting.

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