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Posts posted by thaijett

  1. 2 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    Good to know ... but Thailand is still xenophobic . In , for example , France , Thais can buy and own just a as a french person .

    Never heard anyone ( french ) complain about this .

    Open - minded society against narrow minded society ...

    How many dirt poor, subsistence farmers, with no social security support are there in France ?

  2. 13 hours ago, baboon said:

    Your post sounds a bit cruel, but perhaps I am getting the wrong end of the stick.

    Why not just leave them be until there is an agreement between Thailand and the Russian Federation as to what should be done?

    & who do you propose pays for their extended holiday ?


    Their country is not being invaded by another,   there is nobody shelling their homes or Hospitals. 

    • Like 2
  3. I see that Phoenix no longer requires the compulsory use of carts !!

    Might appease some, (not all) of the whining coming from this board subject.

    Hardly surprising that 1 of the regular whiners posters chose not to post this relevant development, or maybe they just don't know !!

    We are well aware of the developements at Phoenix.Thaipet You without doubt are an irritating little slimeball,on a period again ?

    You may well be, but in the interest of a balanced view, I thought it may be prudent to advise other BMs of this developement.

    Completely understandable that you personally would not have posted some relevant information, best you stick to name calling and whining !!

    With High season fast approaching, you better get in quick and get some rounds in, before the Korean invasion commences.

  4. Well, it's very convenient that they found 1000 tablets on him.. I mean as opposed to 96 or 107 for example. not convenient for him though.

    I suspect that the quality of the reporting may not be that great..

    Actually I feel sorry for him anyway, I know I shouldn't but I just do. The punishment (if convicted) will be out of proportion to the crime.

    Are you serious ??

    The quoted number is 1000, (1 thousand) while your figures are close to 100 (1 hundred) !!

    He is a moron, dealing drugs in any country, let alone a foreign country. Lock him up, I say, & forget about him.

    These drugs are ruining many people, both young & old, zero sympathy from me.

  5. The management of Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club are still dragging their heels after the board met at the start of March to decide on the validity of members and their rights. This is especially disappointing in the light of their legal representative stating that once proof of membership was established, decisions would be swift.

    It would seem that the board is not interested in the members or their rights.


    "It would seem that the board is not interested in the members or their rights."

    What a fine grasp of the bleeding obvious you have struck on there.

    Where to from here ?? Perhaps, some name calling & teeth gnashing !!

    Remember folks, you heard it here first !! (or not)

  6. I can say without any doubt what so ever that whatever demons haunted Rory during last year, they're gone now. I spoke to one of the caddies in Dubai last night and the word around the tour currently is; Rory is smiling all the time. Rory is swinging freely. Rory is confident. Rory is positive.

    Watch out for Rory 2014... remember where you heard it first.

    Didn't look too good Day 4 in Dubai !!

    All around him were losing their heads, so instead of pulling away, chucks it in !!!

    The year is young, but !! that was a golden opportunity spurned. If he repeats that type of piss poor effort, the word around the tour will be Rory, he could have been a champion !!!!!!

    Much the same in the Honda Classic, had it won and then bottled again. Went on to lose in a 4 way play off.

    Another golden opportunity spurned !!!!

    I was watching it live on the TV, they were falling over themselves to lose it. All 4 (make that the 3 losers) will be kicking themselves as they dropped shots with poor shot slection or execution.

    McIlroy was the only 1 of the 4 to birdie the last, while Palmer bogeyed it from the edge of the green.

    Mind you, that course looked Tough, with a capital T.

  7. Hey All,

    Thought I'd share something. I went to Phoenix 2 times this past week to get some free putting and chipping practice on their practice green. I was there about 1:00 pm and both days the golf course had very few players. Today I counted 12 cars and 2 minivans in the parking lot and for the 90 minutes I was there I saw only 5 people tee off. Looking over the golf course I could hardly see anyone playing. I asked the starter why there were so few golfers and he said, pang gunbai, which means, too expensive. I have no idea whether or not our boycott will make any difference but the new owner must be very upset with the lack of play. Too bad for her!
    Secondly, I wanted to tell you about Century Pattavia which many of you have played already. It's a redone golf course that recently opened and provides great value. Green fee 600 baht. But that's not what I want to tell you. From the first time we played Century we have been welcomed by their GM whose name is Khun Uthai. A wonderful Thai man who speaks great English but more importantly is a perfect customer relations man for Chang Beer, the new owners. He greets the golfers as they arrive and thanks us for coming and playing the golf course. Shortly after meeting him he asked if we had any suggestions. I asked if they could provide diet drinks in their restaurant. A week later they had coke zero in the facility. A few weeks later, after playing, we were recovering from the super fast greens when he again asked for suggestions. We told him the greens were too fast and a week later the greens had considerably more grass and had slowed down. Last week one of our friends brought his girlfriend to the course and was told he had to pay 500 baht for her to ride. When we asked Khun Uthai if he could reduce the price for this, he completely waived the fee!! The course will open a beautiful new clubhouse soon and we were told they would increase the green fee a whole 100-200 baht. Now that's reasonable!! I'm not trying to promote Century. It's the contrast in the treatment we've received at Century versus what we experience at some other golf courses that is so pleasing.
    Compare this with the new owners at Phoenix and their complete lack of communication or consideration for the members and it's not surprising that only a few people are playing there now. Also, I'd like to thank those that have supported our Wednesday golf group. We've had a great time and usually about 12-16 golfers participate. Hope you join us in the future and let's hope we see some changes at Phoenix so we can play there again soon.

    Greens too fast....w00t.gif

    Heaven help us if you actually had to try & hit your shot to a particular area of the green Much better to just get the greens slowed down so the skill level is reduced when playing. They are comparatively small greens to most courses' & the speed is part of their defense.

    Pattavia has some of the best greens in the area, and they can be quite fast, whereas the majority of courses are unable to get their greens up to any similar speed.

    If you can't handle the speed, better to go to somewhere like Plutaluang, and leave the fast greens to the golfers who enjoy the challenge, rather than removing part of the course's character.

    "let's hope we see some changes at Phoenix so we can play there again soon." and so say all of us !! Make sure you tell Khun Uthai so the greens can be returned to what they should be to return Pattavia to it's glory !!

  8. > You need to get help or at least take your medication

    Well said. But maybe it is better not to feed this troll.

    For all we know, it might even be MG himself, LOL!


    Your insight is amazing !!

    amazingly WRONG !!

    I truly hope that the rebellious Phoenix members have some better leaders than you & your lurker buddy. You couldn't lead a horse to water, & I will repeat, the forum is for BMs to put "their" views down +ive, -ive. If you only want your head nodding shelf corgis to comment, get your own web page & only give out the address/password to your cronies.

    Otherwise, suck it up sweet pea, I am sure you have got some household chores for you to busy yourself with.

  9. OhOH !!!

    BAD news in the Pattaya Mail of today !!!

    Like rats from a sinking ship, only this time they are boarding said ship !!!

    I will leave 1 of your group to post the relevant article (if you want). Just in case it commences a flood of deserters from your oh so noble cause.

    Firstly you are a very sad and I suspect lonely man,you are undoubtedly struggling to find something useful to do with your time. To enlighten you that article was written by an equally sad man that can't find anyone to play with.He broke the boycott of Phoenix and in spite of posting notices all over still can't find anyone to play with him. So go away and try and think of something to post that's remotely interesting.

    Oh !! Of course you are right, so I think this weekend I might go down to Phoenix Gold Golf Course & count the number of cars in the carpark, before returning home & posting the info on a Forum !! No doubt that would make me appear to be not a lonely, sad individual, despite me not being a member there !!

    hahahaha keep em coming Grasshopper, in fact I might go down there BOTH Saturday & Sunday, TWICE the FUN !!! I will be the 1 in the comouflage gear, with black shoe polish under my eyes, so you might not see me !! but I will be there, lurking! watching! counting !!

  10. I once played in a 36-hole tournament at Ria Bintan, Indonesia, where I played in the same group as a reasonably decent player (I think he was off 3 or something) who's card was scored by the third player in my group. He did rather well until the 8th hole where he was in the jungle twice and then played ping pong across the green a couple of times before holing out for what I thought was a 9. He had a couple of double bogeys on the second half and after holing out on the18th he asked for his score card and when his marker said "I haven't checked the score or signed the card yet" he replied "lol, no worry, NR!" and disappeared. After having dinner I went down to check the leaderboard and noticed that the player was now in 12th position with a 74. It's by far the worst example of cheating I have ever experienced in golf. I met his marker the following day and asked him if he wanted to report the guy and he sighed and explained that the guy was a well known cheat, but also wealthy, there's no point.

    Are you a PGA Pro ?? as your namecard says !!

    Surely the onus would be on you as the Pro & therefore I presume the "low marker" in the group to report that, regardless of what the marker "wanted" to do. The T/ment C/tee would then call the marker (& the player) to verify your report. The field MUST be protected, and that "there's no point" is a copout by both the marker AND YOU !!

    It is all very well relating these stories of "this, that & the other" but the common thread is nobody wanted to, or was prepared to do anything about it, when as in your "story", you witnessed it 1st hand !!!

    It makes it sound (to me anyway) like jumping on the bandwagon, and putting it politely, as exaggeration. Not so politely would be B---S--- !!!!

    Oh, I reported the guy, of course. In case anyone is interested, this falls under rule 33-7. There is a decision (33-7/9) 33-7/9 Competitor Who Knows Player Has Breached Rules Does Not Inform Player or Committee in Timely Manner. So I didn't have many choices. The problem with this rule is that the only penalty is you get DQ, but in the case of his marker he didn't qualify for the last round, hence he wasn't too bothered.

    You did not answer my 1st question !!

    I have to ask, WHY?? when telling your "story" you did not include that you had in fact reported the offender/s? The highlighted in italics part of your "story" does certainly NOT indicate that you did this !!

    While IF you accepted your responsibilities & acted on them, I applaud you, BUT the course of your "story" certainly leaves me dubious as to it's authenticity.

    Everybody Westerner who plays golf in Asia has heard the "horror stories" of prize winning, cheating etc, I sometimes wonder whether there is not a certain amount of sour grapes and embellishment involved, that green eyed monster can be a bitch !!!

  11. I once played in a 36-hole tournament at Ria Bintan, Indonesia, where I played in the same group as a reasonably decent player (I think he was off 3 or something) who's card was scored by the third player in my group. He did rather well until the 8th hole where he was in the jungle twice and then played ping pong across the green a couple of times before holing out for what I thought was a 9. He had a couple of double bogeys on the second half and after holing out on the18th he asked for his score card and when his marker said "I haven't checked the score or signed the card yet" he replied "lol, no worry, NR!" and disappeared. After having dinner I went down to check the leaderboard and noticed that the player was now in 12th position with a 74. It's by far the worst example of cheating I have ever experienced in golf. I met his marker the following day and asked him if he wanted to report the guy and he sighed and explained that the guy was a well known cheat, but also wealthy, there's no point.

    Are you a PGA Pro ?? as your namecard says !!

    Surely the onus would be on you as the Pro & therefore I presume the "low marker" in the group to report that, regardless of what the marker "wanted" to do. The T/ment C/tee would then call the marker (& the player) to verify your report. The field MUST be protected, and that "there's no point" is a copout by both the marker AND YOU !!

    It is all very well relating these stories of "this, that & the other" but the common thread is nobody wanted to, or was prepared to do anything about it, when as in your "story", you witnessed it 1st hand !!!

    It makes it sound (to me anyway) like jumping on the bandwagon, and putting it politely, as exaggeration. Not so politely would be B---S--- !!!!

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