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Posts posted by AdamTheFarang

  1. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Sounds about right! Thais seem to confuse the word "loan" with "gift".


    Sister-in-law had 3 loans from us, one for car, one for business and one to pay final year of daughter's degree. When we inquired about repayment the answer came back "are they so poor now they have to ask for it back". She now moans to all that we're too mean to "lend" her more!


    Poor Jimmy. I doubt he'll ever get a satang back.

    A good idea would have been to see how she paid back for the car before lending her more, guess it was not on a strict monthly basis, so you were slack and she took you up on the slack and took you for everything she could get and she is your family! Poor you, doubt you will ever see a single Baht back from her. Would she have done it to a Thai? Doubt it, there again who cares.......

  2. On 4/3/2018 at 12:13 PM, canthai55 said:

    I swerved to miss a dog once. A kid was right behind the dog. Thought I had him for sure.

    Just knocked him over - not a mark on him.

    So far - 7 dogs have met their maker. And not one more kid.

    Does it make you feel a real man killing with your car 7 innocent dogs that have never harmed you. Inhumane idiots like you deserve bad luck. Hopefully you will have some soon and many times. 

  3. On 2/26/2018 at 2:15 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Another British chav in Bangkok.


    Holding the traffic and making everyone wait in line because his sorry behind was offended.


    There are better ways to deal with this.


    What an epic loser.





    On the limited vocabulary it seems unfair to name him as British.......he could be Australian, South African etc 

  4. Although these ladies look calm for young ladies to be the other side of the world with no money, no ID must have been very frightening. How did they even make a phone call if they only had UK numbers this might have cost them a fortune. How would they know the numbers to dial, how would they get to the Police station.What goes through these taxi driver's head? You don't hear stories like that in the UK. I lived in Thailand for many years and Thais are calmer than Brits and don't misunderstand me some tourists verbally are so rude and patronising to Thais but at least he could have put their handbags on the road. You don't leave woman alone (yes I know there was 2) but you know what I mean and especially if you are in a position of trust like a taxi driver.

  5. I visited my friend at Vachira who had life threatening injuries and was fitting and therefore had to be strapped to the bed with a tube inserted into her chest so she could breath. Therefore she could not speak. She had many injuries including a swollen brain. Her pupils were dilated, I was so upset. I asked to speak to the doctor and he said she would likely recover. She did and could not move one side of her face but over the months made a full recovery including her face and can now speak normally. The hospital was clean I am from the UK so know what clean hospitals are and also I lived in Australia, Thailand I lived for 7 years and clearly the doctors, nurses and hospital saved her life. Gerald I don't know how long you were in Phuket but there are many doctor's surgeries in the high streets and you can just walk in. Hospitals are also busy in many countries in Thailand you can also but many drugs at a Pharmacy that you need to see a doctor and get a prescription for in GB/Aus so your comment about not having doctors surgeries is not accurate clearly you did not notice or mix with Thai people. This is not the reason the hospital was busy. I like your support of the hospital as it certainly saved my friend life. Well done Vachira you deserve it!   

  6. 5 hours ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

    570,000 per night something wrong with the reporting here.


    90,000 over 4,000gbp for knee / leg repairs again this seems a little on the high side.


    The British embassy is involved, wow a first they want him to fly to the main land.  I would have thought his insurance would take care of all this?  Or is it void, did he have insurance?


    Just like an episode of East Enders all doom and gloom dadadadadaddddddaaaaaaa.


    “He needs surgery. But it’s going to cost £90,000 for him to have it in Thailand.” - not Baht but the mighty GBP  so way more than 4000 

  7. Dipstick But again I am sorry I still don't understand. I am assuming that if he were to import these two vehicles into the uk, then they would be for his personal use and not to sell. Have I missed something ? - They both have kmh not mph for start my Thai rented car a Vios did not have heating as it is not needed in Thailand but would be so cold in the UK and probably not pass the specs and I am sure the UK would like most countries need imported cars to meet their specifications.

  8. Have you looked up a Retirement Visa which were for over 50's I was so relieved when I had one no more Visa Runs, online 90 day reporting you do have to deposit about $25,000 but every country has rules for foreigners the USA has a lot more rules at immigration. You sound like you want to stay in Thailand for long time periods so maybe this is an option? Rules do change so look up the current criteria for this Visa

  9. Surely one of the measures to be introduced is INSURANCE?

    Who is going to insure in many cases people that have no license and therefore are illegally riding and have little or no experience of riding I am talking about Phuket which is probably the same and the same people often are drunk and think the road and other drivers/riders are the same as in Europe. Thai roads are unique.

  10. Record number of tourists, wow well done as the numbers just seem to go up and up. However after living in Phuket for many years when I arrived the bars were thriving with truly an international clientele of foreigners. Now many of the bars are closed whole street are closed and in many of the few bars there are a few depressed looking ladies staring into their phones. Agreed Phuket is not all about bars but apart from groups of loud, spitting Chinese being shuffled around in 60 seat buses pumping out acrid black smoke where have all the other tourist gone and why are Thais saying the economy is bad. Zero Baht tourists is a name often referred to about Chinese tourists, they do not venture out fro their group and every thing is pre-planned. I have left Phuket but did have a great time there but numbers do not mean everything. Thailand should be actively promoting Europeans to return but I never really see much advertising say like Indonesia does.

  11. Guys and gals do you think any thing you say on this matter will make any difference, this is a Thai on Thai matter. Get on with your own lives I used to get into these debates but now leave the Thais to themselves to work out the situation. Enjoy the benefits of Thailand, feminine ladies, great food, great beaches (depending where you are as some provinces do not have beaches) and of course less strict implementation of laws. The last is a main reason most foreigners are in Thailand. If you want to make Thailand like the UK, Australia etc you would probably not enjoy it as much.

  12. Hi, around two years ago I transferred to a Retirement Visa from a Visa Exemption (What you presumably mean a Visa On Arrival) Unless the rules have changed which they often do if you can get the other paperwork etc in time I don't think you need a Tourist Visa. Udonjoe is normally spot on but could be mistaken on this one. Alternatively look up Phuket Immigration online give them a call they are very helpful and speak English and they will take care of you. They are friendly enough and have always treated me fairly well over many years in Phuket. Get to the Immigration early as it can be very crowded and some sections close for lunch and have a photocopying machine for the details page of your Passport and entry stamp page possibly more.

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  13. Hi, having spent a few minutes on the internet it is possible to test for fatherhood without the mother being available. http://www.dna-testing-adviser.com/PaternityTestDNA.html please note "But paternity can still be checked without the mother’s DNA" I think this can be done in Thailand. I am optimistic that the German Embassy has legal procudures for DNA testing both it's administration and legal procedures, alternatively if the boy was issued with a Thai Passport if DNA is proven can he then apply for German residency on the basis of established fatherhood. Sadly I am sure there are other cases like this so there is a way to sort it out. He is a good man for standing by the boy who I hope will respect this when he grows up, more than can be said for his wife and his mather in law. People like them blame poor education etc but in reality they are the lowest form of life you do not abandon family. There should be laws to prevent mother's from running away from small children, charges like neglect, attempted murder etc.

  14. I have been in Thailand for just over 2 years. I am on a UK Passport. I initially came in on the 30 waiver and then had a single entry Tourist Visa from Singapore back in 2010, since then I have been flying to Singapore every month, very expensive but at 48 I am too young for a Retirement Visa and am not working. I can show funds of 800,000Baht I understand the Non-O's are not available for visiting friends anymore and was told last time back in Singapore I could only have one single entry Tourist Visa as I had to leave Thailand for 3 months before I could apply for another one. I have recently been told that this rule has been dropped therefore can I get ideally a triple entry Tourist Visa or at least a double entry and if so where from. Thank you in advance.

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