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Posts posted by leolibby

  1. Are there geckos in Thailand? (probably) those are the little brown lizards that live in walls... I hear they eat cockroaches. A cockroach can live days without its head...

    We have house lizards which eat mosies, but cockroaches are too big. There are geckos here too, but they are quite large and don't come in the house much. Thai people are often terrified of them!



    Intesesting because in the Philippines, Tokos (house lizards) are considered good luck--I thought house lizards are geckos. In the Phlippines, I have never seen a cockroach in the rural areas... only in cities. Maybe the sewer system is a breeding ground.

    I had idea that maybe there is an ultrasonic repeller for cock roaches. I researched it and indeed there is.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_pest_control I guess that predators of cockroaches probably communicate in ultrasonic... so maybe try differennt settings to find the most effective frequency

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  2. Are there geckos in Thailand? (probably) those are the little brown lizards that live in walls... I hear they eat cockroaches. A cockroach can live days without its head...

  3. You should definitely go for the psychological strength. I think you really need some!

    Is that because you don't like me? I don't like you either.

  4. I hope you fully understand what you are doing, and just not getting the Sak Yant because it’s the “in thing” to do. Not just any monk or individual has the "magical" powers needed to provide a genuine Sak Yant, but I’m sure if go to any tattoo parlor they will gladly make you one right there on the spot, for the right amount of cash of course. I recommend you don’t do this.

    For those that don’t know Sak Yant; Sak - means "to tap" or "to tattoo", and Yant, means "Yantra". For hundreds of years Thai and Khmer warriors were renowned and feared for the magical markings tattooed on their skin. IMO, this is probably one of the main reasons it's so big in the Muay Thai scene.

    Thank-you for the informitive answer! Actually, I won't get it. I can't abide by rule # 10 also--and I am not a Buddhist. Just so you know, It's not an in-thing where I live. By way, somoneone accused me of calling a poster in this thread racist. I was calling whoever started that rumor racist-- not him.

  5. If a Sak Yant tattoo is one of the tattoos done by the monks in the temple with a peice of sharpened bamboo, not a conventional tattoo needle/gun, I've been informed that they do not use a new peice of bamboo for every new recipient of a tattoo. I was told this, I did not observe this personally.

    There are obvious disease issues associated with that practice, so, maybe demand a new peice of bamboo.

    It sounds like anti-Thai propoganda to me. I heard on "the doctors" that even tattoos done in the US carry some risk. Lots of racist know-it-alls who have never been outside the US are quick to tell you how dangerous these 3rd world countries are.

  6. Just don't get a Monk with a sense of humor.laugh.png

    Good point. I'll request something that will imbue health or psychological strength, though. They also do these using non-visable ink... ust for those of you who are interested.

  7. when you are not of that faith?

    I asked if anyone knows of a temple where it could be done. I'm not seeking approval.

    The monk will choose the meaning.

  8. religious rules?

    May I ask what those rules are? I believe only the Buddhist monks must abide by religous rules... lay buddhists don't have rules

  9. I'm opposed to showing off a neat, meaningless design on my skin. My interest in the yak sant stems from the fact that it does have meaning... and my back is usually concealed.. so it's not a fashion statement.

  10. So your saying the ying yang/barbed wire/mauri trible/Chinese symbols/roman numerals are out???? Boo hoo wink.png. I'm gonna get a love/hate on my knuckles I bet no ones done that before???? wink.png

    Yup. I think those went out in 1997.. but I'm not sure. But tribal tattoos

    are still okay for girls


    I'd prefer an cartoon on that location.. or some words of wisdom like 'keep on pushing', 'stay strong' or perhaps 'local pharmacy: 076-5544334'.

    How about "you're the first"? or "time limit: 30 seconds"?

  11. Ask at any temple.

    Are these tattoos the new fashion statement?

    Sort-of. They are popular because some actress got one. I'm normally opposed to being tattooed myself, though (I believe it feeds the ego). But no one will see my sak yant. unless I take off my shirt... but I'm make a point not to look at it too much, if at all

  12. Maybe if you explain <deleted> "Sak Yants" are, people might be able to help you.

    Ahh. Large underpants are close Sak Yants are the magical tattoos done by Monks.

  13. Maybe if you explain <deleted> "Sak Yants" are, people might be able to help you.

    Ahh. Those are the magical tattoos done by Monks.

  14. In the Philippines, they just close the kitchen door to keep roaches in there.

    One way you might reduce their numbers is to keep it VERY clean... and seal all the cracks.

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  15. Greetings:

    I've never wanted a tattoo as I believe having them just serves the ego... but

    Is it true that these totoos (sak yants) can imbue spiritual / maigic power, and that there are certain designs for different powers?

    I've resolved the ego bit: I just will never see my tattoo..or let others see it. I dont wannt that invisible ink one, because there has to be an urge to overcome.

    Can anyone explain how I should request the following:

    1 sak yant that will help me form a relationship with "God" or "Dharma"

    1 sak yant that will give me health and .psychological strength

    Is it better to have this done in phuket or Bangkok?

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