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Posts posted by RicFlair

  1. Maybe the reason why the Thai telecomms companies aren't that interested in going to 3G is because of they are having problems sourcing s/hand 3G systems from companies outside Thailand? Ha ha ha! ... On the other hand, it could well be that they are aware that the vast majority of their users - in the poor rural areas - would not be happy coughing up the more expensive mobile network charges, and would much prefer the present network coverage and strength, to be better than it currently is?

    But give kids tablets in schools...then they want an I pad...then need 3G.... there is a trail leading back to certain Telecommunication Directors.

    PS I should get out more.

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  2. Gawd........don't teach them how to launder money and commit computer fraud!!! No wonder that guy at the front is paying attention. ermm.gif

    Exactly, talk about educating the criminals, they will accepting brown envelopes with rubber gloves on next!

  3. Seems all the Government departments are on a mass scramble for money. Tax hike on Alcohol, new tax inspectors, land investigations, now the police are going to chase their backlog. It looks like Thailand will become an increasingly difficult and expensive place to live.


    You make yourself sound like a criminal. How else would police investigations of unsolved crimes, land investigations, tax inspections make life more difficult. In fact, for honest people, it makes life easier. And as for alcohol tax hikes, that happens in the UK every year.

    This sounds like an effort to clean up the system and find the criminals and tax dodgers. They should be applauded for doing that. People on TV always complain if the government don't take action, but also complain if they do. What do you suggest, that they leave crimes unsolved, allow people to illegally use land and avoid tax?

    This is called upping the ante, there is a much bigger picture forming here, why do you think all these officials are suddenly getting off their bums and doing some work? Why is the Thai government being quoted as starting to invest in European properties and land? Not a conspiracy theorist, but I think there are turbulent times ahead. Can not give my reasons on the forum due to the rules.
  4. Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

    Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

    "Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

    Ice has no Cocaine in it, both Ice and Yabba are speed derivatives, they will all <deleted> you up in the end, one way or another. Even too many beers!!!!!

  5. What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

    Thats a fair question. In Victoria Australia life is 20 years and can be out in 12. Hopefully life in Thailand means for the term of thier lives if it is then it is far better than them recieving the death sentence. They will rot in a rodent infested cell until they either die or comit suicide.

    Or another thought is, will putting the scumbag who murdered her in prison make an impression on his version of a normal life? Will life in prison for him be regrettable, or will it simply be a life?

    If placing a person in a certain environment causes no suffering or regret on a daily basis, then there really is no point of letting them linger in a place that is supported by funding and taxes; and that provides fodder for idealistic scum "human rights" organizations that generalize murderers into the same category as lesser criminals.

    The murderer looks like a piece of <deleted>. I regret that he will be able to wake up every day and experience even remote kindnesses and joys. I regret that he will be able to establish friendships and experience gratification even in remote ways. I also regret that every mother's day, he will get to have his mother come and hug him whilst Mrs. Smith's children will not feel their mother's cradling arms around them. Knowing Thais like I do, I am quite certain that his "face" will push this heinous act very far from his diminutive mind and he will be pleading for release within a year with total sincerity.

    No. I do not apologize for saying that life far too good for this non-human creature, and that his mother can look forward to visiting him whenever she wants, and hear his voice on a smuggled cell phone, and get to look forward to hugging him every year.

    Justice my arse!

    Mother will sell the Pickup, back out in a few weeks, I wish whatever Nationality they murdered they get sent to the relative countrymind you they would love anEnglish jail, so comfy, I know as I have had the pleasure.
  6. Just think if they had a Thai Tv programme similar to CSI etc. It would be shorter than the commercial break!

    This crime/suicide has just been reported and in the next paragraph solved, has Thailand really got the fastest Crime scene investigators, pathologists in the world? Nope, surely this would take a few weeks to collate all the facts?

    TiT. And don't forget it is Amazing Thailand this year, well I'm amazed every day here one way or another!

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