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Posts posted by RicFlair

  1. Kill them all, imo. I am a dog lover - but the domestic types only. I have a brilliant French Mastiff who I love to bits. I live 100 meters from the beach in Hua Hin and half the reason i koved to the beach was so i could walk my buddy on the beach twice a day. What should be a fun hour on a smahing beach is ruined by packs and packs of dirty horrible strays who surround us constantly and bark like hell. Its a battle between fending off the strays and restraining my 55 Kilo dog.

    I once thought "to hell with them" and let him off the leash to have a go back but I ended up having a huge row with one of the "owners" about it. For "owner" read beach cafe owner who throws left over food to dogs a couple times a week and lets them run ragged.

    To those of you who will inevitably post back to me "So you want all these dogs dead so you can enjoy a stroll a couple times a day". Yes. Exactly that. Call it cold and sadistic if you like, I dont care. I want to enjoy a stroll without having to stress about these horrible muts and would happily see them enjoy a slow painfull death so I can partake in a stroll.

    I agree with this, I have 7 dogs ( was 8 until my female Pitbull disappeared and never returned last week) and like yourself one of my dogs is a mastiff. I used to love walking my dogs in England, but find it almost impossible here, as we are constantly barked at which makes my dogs go ballistic.

    I love dogs and wish no harm to any dog, but there are way too many 'loose' dogs here. They have a tough life and wouldn't condone a cull, but the numbers are getting too much. Think every 711/tesco/familymart etc has a few, shame these very wealthy companies don't donate to the dog rescue to help neuter/ rehome these animals, instead of letting them loiter around their shops.

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