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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. for you or for them?.....maybe they like it this way?.....maybe you should become a citizen and run for president as you seem to have it all figured out....
  2. perhaps the GG -S and GG-J are one in the same....as both seem to communicate the same way.....if they are in fact 2 people i wouldnt want to be stuck in the middle seat on a plane with them.....cue comic book guy from simpsons at his computer all day
  3. ummmm.. block the number are you a 5 yr old child????
  4. a fool and his money are soon parted.......another day for the dimwitted in LOS....
  5. Im starting to think this is the alter ego of Gamma..as seems one persona is not enough for him....GG vs GG they will make nice bedfellows on my ignore list...
  6. this isnt about pools at at..your creepy pic makes it quite clear.......wonder how she feels about you taking her pic as you dont even live there....
  7. Ive been doing this awhile.. AIS even had a free 6 months APPLE promo....a ways back,,they also had spotify promos..havent seen them in awhile Anyhoo I use AIS and have a Bank of BKK atm card.....i used it the last week to sign back up for spotify and listening now as i type and bike all day using it.....i used to have a 200 bt unlimited internet/month package..just expired for some reason but had a good run on it..spotify all day then chromecast movies to my tv at night..def got my moneys worth with it PROTIP i have 3 spotify accounts and when i used the oldest one they offered me 3 months for 140bt..if you open a new account they usually offer a promo deal...just have to rebuild my playlists...no biggie....45 bt a month for 3x...woooo Also i went to AIS shop to see if I could get my 200bt plan..they said its exp'd but did offer me a 6 month same plan/speed for 1400..so only paying 30 bt more a month for same plan and dont have to keep topping it off every month.... spotify accounts----with facebook---my google email and my thai sim #...jump around on them for promo deals....
  8. forward this to all the grumpy grievanced grandpas.....and Elons Twitter...and Truth Social.....thanks in advance
  9. If he follows your proclaimed diet he will surely be able to ward off any possible attackers...by toxic gas alone
  10. Khun LA going to 7-11 for his double pork burger??
  11. I suppose you are no longer an oscar meyer wiener..(song)
  12. you remind us all daily..pat yourself on the back as im sure there is no one there to do it for you.. You have the diet of a teenage boy and the miindset of one too...
  13. and so many here say thais are ignorant ...seems bliss to many here....go get some bloodwork and see what your Doc says but then im sure he doesnt know what hes talking about .....hence the saying you are what you eat.....do the math (pig entrails)
  14. rice is their version as bread is to us.....maybe you should buy a tix home so you can get your western food...rice is King here I love how everyone is moaning here cos they are in ASIA and thais arent catering to thier every means and wants..SAD!!!
  15. I was a Chef in CM and made 3 diff sandwiched daily...so your post is false..7-11 also sells them sans crust.....just cos its not the way you like doesnt make it untrue..but its your world..we just live in it.....another day for the grumpy grievanced grandpas
  16. BC any reasonable educated person knows that is healthy for ones body...duh! Go for the Quad Burger next time! Enjoy!
  17. Fox FTFY Your diet seems to conclude you yourself are a very large walking hot dog.....you should be very proud of your choices....should your epitaph say "I Owned the Libs"?....by all means eat more!!!!...make yourself a MSG smoothie and gloat
  18. compared to those that spend their time ON the bed.....he could have used one of the many delivery services too....unless he thought they would "track" him in the "system".........this is one kiwi that has been plucked from the tree and smashed! If he has some cash could have gotten some thai lady to do all his errands....there are a few that dont seem to mind skirting laws...
  19. with friends like these who needs enemies?? reminds me why I avoid gardening....could say his friend is pushing up daisies... can only hope it was a fern and not a cactus inside...guess the brute doesnt have to worry about housing now-- just will have more roomies to fight with
  20. Perhaps he got used to seeing thais drive around without plates and assumed its ok...... the BIB just got a marvel idea to to set up a checkpoint right around the corner from said car dealer $$$
  21. Maga are too inbred to even own passports.. arrive at R airport...wuttya mean i need a passport??? huh..what is that? all i need is my murica flag and my red hat.... muh freedums!
  22. All Maga Idiots were greeted at the airport with a fruit basket and immediate incarceration in the gulag..... better to let russia take them.....they are a stain on the USA flag.....domestic terrorists....and anti americans
  23. was on my bicycle in CM when it came roaring in......a few sets of it but cleared out for me to make it home dry..... starting to be able to see doi shutep and the lights up there at night...
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