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Sticky Rice Balls

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    The Matrix

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  1. translation Hitler or Democracy for the dense ones......sorry in advance for those that worship the rapist felon hes already planning his excuse about how his loses to protect that fragile ego of his....what an inspiration to you im sure! SAD! *those we admire are reflections of ourselves*.....but alas you still have your red hat....which spells H A T R E D 🙂
  2. i eat once a day.....bike the city daily for few hours then head home....watermelon--yogurt 4 pk..2 boiled eggs or grill a chix breast....maybe a steam bag of mixed veggies 100 bt/day....chug a few green teas from 7-11 while biking... was 91 kg...now down to 85 kg in just over 2 months......heading out to bike after reading the wonderful posts here...../s hence the old adage...eat less move more.....simple process in a junk food world makes it not as easy as it sounds... easy to lose weight here with the heat...of course will gain it all back when return home to winter and hibernation time
  3. good to have boots on the ground with an ear to the scene to report all the gory details...quite a hobby.. but i suppose not much going on up in isaan....
  4. the balcony is jealous of the stairs now as it is usually the killer in LOS
  5. thus ruining the magic trick aka the big lie......once you see how the magic trick works it no longer marvels you.. stupid people that cant see the smoke and mirrors...
  6. Cool story NOW do King Baby and his staff that say he is unfit for office.....take your time as there are many...many are saying! tears in their eyes!!!
  7. Ahhh King Baby the KING of Projection Ill listen tot what the historians tell me rather than a lifelong con man......who said mexico was paying for a wall...
  8. the thais have taught me well..i love when i hear a new hustle and like to play along as the stupid falang my mom is sick and had surgery...give me free money....ok...what hospital is she in so i can go pay the bill! no wait...mai dai....u give to me......why?????? lol
  9. i bow to our new overloads and offer up a box of snail white,,,durian chips...a yankees cap and a nice pair of nikes...ni hao! love the china dolls in the sundresses with the big hats as they wander in the street seemingly lost with google maps leading
  10. how about her grilled cheese and falalel skills?? nimman aka little shanghai and why i avoid it at all cost..i stay on shutep rd--thai side..but the chinese do float over as i saw them last night haggling with the fruit lady and being noisy
  11. you are what you eat.....mama cups...processed fried pork balls....soda..sweet drinks..fried dough...pizza..fried chix
  12. certainly could be TF ..just when i didnt think that app could get worse...i think ive figured out the system soooo many fake profiles....and of course freelancers...but if you use the app and website can see "patterns" on the site if it says premium is likely fake as no thais pay to use it...also pic quality..one pic...no intro....too good english--how long they have joined and reappear--time between being online....and with the app can see the distance which many forget shows location of phone..which i tracked to Uganda 6850 miles..exact distance on MANY profiles....and the site using old members pics that never got deleted to reopen new fake profiles........has become this little side project of mine...lol and i assume they are all fake even if i get a line id until i see them on cam and then of course comes the money ask.... latest one has been the sick mom who needs surgery.......gotten that one 2x this month....i told them to sell their phones 🙂
  13. ive been riding cycles since 87 and my US license says MC...moto and car....of course the thai cops wouldnt take it and i asked so i forgot how to ride a moto????...smh...anyway i DID get an Inter License back home for 20usd from AAA agency..easy looks like a paper passport....i forgot it expd after a year as i flaunted it to a cop and he said....ahhh expired!.....of course i just didnt pay the fine as i never put the motos iin my name.....an i just got some of that white out tape and wrote a new date on it thai style! lol havent tried it out yet....i just keep talking to the cops and they eventually tire of me and send me off also i rarely drive my moto in city during day as i switch to my bike and then back to the moto at night....the cops kept my key once until i returned with the money out by nimman...i just waited until they left and went back with my backup key...lol
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