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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. i suppose at it seems to me is all about money...they do it in the USA..come in on ed visa and become ghosts...
  2. gotta agree and i was a teacher..most thais are terrified to speak english..i went to AIS yest to gt my phone plan and they all jostled about to find the one willing to speak english to me..she even used her translate app lol..
  3. ive worked retail and recently....its soul crushing..7-11 emp do everything..cook your food,,pay bills..fix your sim..stock,,clean,,inventory etc,,,,now mix in ppl from all over coming in there..demanding a beer at 2pm etc i gotta give a hats off to those folks at 7-11 and i know they get paid sh*t to put up with all the drama...long hrs on feet
  4. i just copy thais...they like to joke and watch slapstick shows etc...so i just act like a clown with them and they seem amused things are tough here for some locals and maybe why community is key....worry less...smile and try and enjoy the ride..sanuk
  5. gotta say when im home for the other 6 mo.i stay in a tourist area during winter/low season and love the peace n quiet in a nice waterfront condo...and hate it as soon as the tourists creep back in..even the weekend warriors..i dont blame thais one bit as i feel the same way.....i do notice as well when im doing visa runs..folks are much friendlier...but i noticed also yest as i crept slowly around the old city on my bicycle that i got quite a lot of smiles as i like to test any thais staring at me with a smile
  6. went to city yesterday as usual to ride bike.. stopped at my mechanic--we joked and i chatted with his daughter while he did repairs.. walked to 7-11 to get a water...smiled at the somtam gals as i walked in--they smiled back got my waves from usual massage gals sitting outside cat calling me as i see them daily the little kids came out to say hello where i leave my mbike and lock up my bike for the night... joked and chatted up the couple that sells me fruit every night on my way home.... depends where u look i suppose.....or maybe its just me 🙂
  7. all friendly as long as you show them the money 🙂
  8. yep i have a shoebox room as i only use it to shower and sleep use my headphones as soon as i go out..spotify all day ride my bike daily to get outside and be active..til dark..eat..go home smile and wave the thai ladies cat calling me for a massage! aint life grand...get busy living or get busy dying... and im the only white guy in my thai apt--thais avoid me at all costs here....and im fine with it i say hello to the owners and to the manager.....mind my own business .....
  9. pretty busy for 530am....love how the motosai guy claps his hands to disperse the crowd to no avail lol i always wondered about patts and took a bus there from bkk..arrived late and left within 12 hrs...seedy AF..never again
  10. is she single?...lucky for you being such a hopeless romantic she let you live another day
  11. order a vodka martini? shaken not stirred?....or inject your foe with nerve agent?
  12. being a chef myself you are paying for an experience as if you cooked it at home its gonna be cheaper-hence street food cheaper than a cafe...labor costs-rent-staff-etc I dont pay for sex here as i achieve the same results with other means.....i dont need steak daily to be satiated....(wink) food is food anyone can learn to cook..esp in this digital age.....i rarely eat out as i know food cost and what goes on in most kitchens....30+ yrs.....
  13. where theres a will theres a way :)..money #1 in LOS
  14. yep i do this...cool shower b4 sleep and set at 27 with fan on low....i wake up to move temp to 30 as it gets chilly for me and i use a cotton sheet to cover......seems the 27' uses less amperage..than above 27 windows open during day with fan..just use ac when sleeping...
  15. with all the used bk stores here and digital/kindle/etc.....it seems shipping isnt gonna be cheap i bought a 10 bt postcard and it cost $5usd to send it home!
  16. i get the big white jug here in CM..20 bt..80 deposit whats the diff from the clear blue big jugs??? polestar brand
  17. WOOO just arrived few days ago on EVA...and took China Air home last trip......Eva is my go to....even love the FREE showers at the layover in TPE.....and got the flight direct to CNX from TPE as i usually go thru BKK.....CNX was the quickest IMMIG EVER less than 5 mins...no lines..no questions asked and was able ot bring my bigger carryon on all flights with no extra fees...
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