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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. just pointing out the hypocrisy of thais--who always say the above to me..(being my point) Have I upset you? Do u need to agree with every single reply here? Am i kicked off the interwebs? Please note my "signature" and take a deep breath...relax
  2. Ive worked in every position in food service and attended culinary school--Ive seen it all 30+yrs Waitstaff will just refuse to wait on u again...as ive been a waiter--busboy-manager-cook-chef-dishwasher--host--etc.....sending food back tell the cook u disagree with his skills--hence my suggestion not to do so..Ive seen horrible things....watch the movie "Waiting" holds true...
  3. so those arent OP shorts??? ???? and summer with a cutie is a summer of love cochise! ????
  4. My approach would be go in and ask at your preferred bank luckily I worked here awhile ago and had to open an account for direct deposit
  5. what was the name of that resort? I love poking around abandoned places in CM
  6. I like to sit in the chair.....and play candy crush..
  7. reminds me why im single......kids are $$$$$$
  8. I give myself a budget of 500 bt a day--and i rarely spend it all in a day I have typical thai room--studio--ac--tv--mini fridge--small but comfy n cozy in city 3500 ride my bicycle everyday--rarely ride my 95 honda dream--paid for--bought 2nd hand as others said i dont buy new things--2nd hand clothes etc....nice and soft--brand names 20-30bt i shop at local market--spend about 100 on food for the day room comes to about 115 a day I may go out once a week--with my sangsom bottle..just wander and meet locals on street as i dont need to be in a bar to drink--pay double and get the bargirl asking me for an OJ Im happy cooking my own food--raw chicken at lotus is cheap to cook..steam veggies-rice 10 bt Watch a movie online streamed with my chromecast and AIS wifi 200 bt unlimited a month I live in needs--not wants--but if i really want stg I can get it--but im happy living like a local I have all the basic human needs --happiness comes from within--not from junky material things--Buddha seems to agree..... When i go back home to work i sleep in my old 95 camry wagon i tinted out and put a bed in the back--use a 24 hrs gym...eat at markets and was doing some work similar to grab-line delivery Once u get rid off all the junk you realize what u really need--i always come here with a carry on
  9. Dear Thailand.. jai yen yen!!! You Think Too Much!!! Why soooo Serious!!!??? sabai Sabai kop khun krup
  10. (clutches pearls)....runs to hide under bed........or just keep my mask handy dont recall any vaccines being "required" hence why this is still dragging on.. aka the burden of the unvaxxed...im triple vaxxed pfizer...waiting to become magnetic
  11. Sidenote Loves me a good bargirl thread!!!! Juicy! Salacious!
  12. yep I saw a LB friend this week that was pre op before covid ive known for years--then she got the boob job----nice--and she flashed me this week on my bike--she got the bottom done too! full transition--Wan..she looks good but a big crazy--as most thais bargirls can be...lol shes working loy kroh bars if you Lads wanna go have a peek!
  13. the ladyboys are still there--i spoke with a supercute one---usually hangs on bridge at bottom of loy kroh but saw "her" along moat last week....had her kitten ears headband on and big lashes I have been hit on this week alone by 2 LBs..met the one today at siam tv and she was cute as she wanted to come directly to my room-free as i dont pay as my hand works just fine.... I met another yesterday and said i would stop by to say hello--as soon as I walked in her room she grabbed my junk and stripped me down....gave me oral and wanted to do 69--i declined that part and tried to "enter" me...i also declined that.....but in the end a mouth is a mouth in these post covid times! Sending this one out to RafPinto!.....never need to pay with the LBs! lol She also said she bartends at a secret 12-6am bar with camera outside I ride by daily on bike.. As for me and the LBS i like the lady parts--not the boy parts--I always keep it above the waist!
  14. just dont send food back......its the ones that cook your food that your dont pi$$ off. ive been cooking for over 30 yrs.....ive witnessed some stuff.....waitstaff will just call you out
  15. confirmed..what can they do one cant do themselves or find free sources or even the trusty lads here on the forums to guide a newbie!
  16. I was in old city this week and daily enter 7-11s Lotus and Mini Big Cs....i even asked if i needed a mask...reply was--up to you........as i dont mind wearing one but no one had said a thing this week also kad kom market daily...maskless and not a word was in Bank Of Bkk last week at KSW...maskless..no issues
  17. not nearly enough pointing imo.....i want the both arms pointing double whammy!
  18. is why i dont own new things all my stuff is old and second hand smash it if it makes u happy.....
  19. found a weed shop today in old city-ping river..stopped in to talk with the dude if anyone wants to know can PM me.. bkk weed--local--MHS weed--lots of choices
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