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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. went maskless today in old city--felt odd went into 7-11 lotus X Mini Big C.....even asked if i needed a mask they said up to u..... now all the grumpy grandpas can find stg new to moan about
  2. they figure if youre foolish enough to buy SB coffee why not waste more money....
  3. im the type that asks before i even step inside the shop.....so no "misunderstandings" but very aware when i was a newbie of the thai massage "drive by" in that area to get u in the mood......luckliy for me i ask for the "hansum" discount.....(5 bt)
  4. the chin masks folks are telling everyone they basically dgaf about others, or maybe they dont say anything now that they can see your full face.....
  5. your username says all i need to know...any moderators awake???
  6. I usually rely on my doctor for medical advice..not the windows xp guy
  7. elaborate please..with factual links...your Username gives u away....
  8. ewwww...almost touched the dirty farang with my bare hands....(reaches for sanitizer pump)
  9. books tix to south buys chain link by the meter from home pro one can of gold spray paint and one long weekend tricking the ladyboys and getting my frank n beans jostled when in rome! (smirks thinking about when the LBs get a closer inspection of my hiso necklace) Oy!
  10. might need a little time to refuel.....
  11. I had this happen ONCE...i told her to stop..got up--got dressed and paid for the time and left. as it was obvious what the next hour was going to be like...... as far as the tip for her? heres one dont ask a customer halfway thru a massage about a TIP!
  12. yep took my Gik to OZ we just followed the yellow brick rd. watch out for the witch and her monkey minions tho...
  13. some may find this useful The phone # of Jenny-via Tommy Tutone 867 5309 (for a good time call) rates may apply
  14. nah....tie string to a tree and tooth id drive motorbike sangsom for the remedy amulet for thai logic
  15. if i had to live next to a noisy party house id be breeding roaches and rats.... Wonder who the Hiso vermin are--the rat n roaches or the noisy drunk guests???
  16. welp...count me out....is my porn name btw....Chuck Wow.....or as the loy kroh grannies call me..
  17. i come for the fresh orange juice i stay for the stimulating conversations...
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