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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. as others have noted--location and being stealth long ago i sold food at big c night parking in lot with a thai girl--we shared the table no issues.....when i finally got a visa and work permit to be a chef here i was upset no one ever asked to see it as it took forever with all the dang paperwork....still have it! be stealth and out of tourists areas...or dont risk it
  2. Dark alley late at night----met my first thai girl there--or what I thought was a girl...
  3. I will distract them with a Big Mac since they shut the doors on the Russkie side And then throw off the lead of their Maga cult by saying i have Kid Rock + Ted Nugent tixs Then bombard them with chunky weapons aka My Pillows.......comes with a plastic Jesus....
  4. that usually includes money...my hand works just fine and a lot less hassles... I did includes sangsom--does St Pauli girl count--she truly loves me
  5. Stay locked in my room and rough up my usual suspect.... rinse--lather--repeat
  6. I am the Lizard King...and a hansum one too
  7. confirmed i have my nice studio--tv fridge ac good bed 3500 about 115 a day bike around daily--free----shop and cook my own food at local market go out once a week to have some sangsom--100 baht a bottle....Premium SS just set a 500 a day but mostly dont spend that in a day--- so 10k a month roughly came here for cheap simple living like a local.....works fine for me....call me Loso....
  8. is warm from everyone peeing in it.... ???? fish too
  9. I call Dibs on loy kroh here in CM signed a Yank......no relation to the Former Guy
  10. too busy beating of the loy kroh grannies hansum 2 much!
  11. i live on less than 500 bt a day in CM... keeping it simple and local
  12. Wut u wanna go to Aintry fur? You dang city slickers!
  13. I come for the bargirls.. I stay for the stimulating conversations with them... hansum 2 much!
  14. I did it with thai post service---sent it with tracking #.....simply fear of the unknown also was sent email saying they got it in bkk and was on route.....was all in my head...
  15. easy thailand=cheap hawaii= $$$$$$$$ islands are always $$$ as i lasted 4 months in key west
  16. Still may go..drive my mbike....is always on the back burner---just being lazy about it Beside the loy kroh grannies would miss me too much-----being hansum 2 much!
  17. As someone that has worked in CM and hospitality field 30+ yrs I see pros n cons here.. I was also a Chef for a hiso market at Nim City so i was the only farang working with thais I could not teach them to cook or follow recipes no matter how hard i tried--other issues were quality control--hygiene--food temps and much much more...i quit after 5 months.. 4000 a night--yikes thats my rent for a month in a nice clean studio in city...anyhoo No matter how nice a hotel etc is its the STAFF that makes the exp worthwhile--its the front desk service--housekeeping --chefs--bartender--etc....they are thai and i bet getting paid cr*p.. U get what they pay for---and they seemingly ignore the farang GM, much as they ignored me So would a thai look for these amenities if they got a room? think like a thai...they are the ones basically running things---the GM likely gave up trying to train them as i did after 5 months I think i know the place as u said chang on draft/bar..and others have guessed it too....when the 7-11 is night street over with a cold bottle of chang for 39 bt.....as i bought one today there... You been here awhile? so ....why drink a draft?--is easy way to tweak CO2 tank to get more baht outta you...if i saw 3 of the same drafts i go outside since ur by pantip/ N bazaar and ask how much draft is......i learned this long ago--always ask BEFORE you order here.... Toothbrush etc,,,,,either a lazy maid who turns rooms daily 6 days a week? I ran a BnB and that gets old quick!!! or maybe costing costs during past covid yrs..those amenities add up for a a big hotel with 100s of rooms.....is why they try not to wash towels and sheets daily---$$$$ Also chang...probably got a deal with chang kegs as tourist dont know better and thais are all about thai beer right???.....all tourists want a thai beer they think at $$$ price--(thai minds) eggs....its rare i eat hot food..im used to it..as thais are..they get takeaway and use microwave or reheat......is why i never eat these buffets..they always disappoint.....thais are used to cold food. scrambled-----do u see thais eat scrambled..they are cooking it after all--better off ordering an omelette and thats thai.......reminder..thais i trained to cook never--ever listen to the farang-GM .....also they likely have no system...and they will never say no......i would not be surprised if he forgot how to make them...i couldnt get my guys to make tuna or egg salad correct;y w/recipes front desk---paid how much to work 6 days long shifts and dealing with tourists who expect western service---housekeepers---cooks etc.....all overworked for low wages=service level? Is likely why they cook eggs etc..the one guy aka Chef is in the restaurant keeping an eye out Reviews..I leave them all the time on google maps...and if you think im using my real name on the internet for reviews guess again......go ahead and leave one or call corporate or go on twitter or online......not asking u to identify yourself.....Id call corporate if you are really upset..they listen As devils advocate think like a local thai....most barely understand us...work long hours for low wages..work 6 days a week, have never traveled or left CM and are not aware of western expectations.......and this is why i quit my job working here as a Chef I just could not get thru to my staff and tried to do it all myself.......frustrated x10000.....is easier to just go home to work and come back and live on those $$$$.......so i place blame on both sides..fool me once..shame on them...fool me twice........remember where u are and who exactly is providing the service......
  18. ive been here 12 yrs in CM..never been---pretty sure i know whats waiting there... rather go to mae hong son.....didnt travel across the world to be with tourists...
  19. ooooooo jing lor?????? how much u give me????? joop joop!!
  20. Yep I used to work there...
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