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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. I always gets this when i go for my happy massage...u pay me 399....now finish.... wait...i just got here!!!..still have my socks on! ????
  2. and my hand never asks "where u come from" how long i stay thailand..or hurries me to finish
  3. so observing frugal behaviors and not race makes me racist? ok....I guess I hate my own self as well...self racist....
  4. also take your passport as they may ask for it-----i now have my bank book to show too as ive upgraded to a account holder--ive come a long way--top of the world ma!
  5. was long ago as i now have an account there--bank of bkk--should work with any bank and they have a swipe module at counter....yep can do the PIN----dressing nice for business is just thai culture as to opposed to looking like a poor cheapskate(me)----gotta play the game here..
  6. cant have the frank without the beans!
  7. the bar girls are thrilled of the news about the indian arrivals..... is it racist to point out facts?...as this would apply to cheap charlies too....Charlie Lives Matter..
  8. connect them all together to make some fancy pants,,then wear them to pattaya...
  9. I did..it was Apu.....taking a break from the quik e mart..was haggling with a bargirl...
  10. was a condom joke...for those confused
  11. best to ask the tin man..though hes a bit rusty due to the rainy season--bring oil
  12. i can assist if need help--esp if already in CM.....i moved 3 x last few months-all cheap rooms 3000-3500..and lower if u wanna rough it
  13. allow me to assist friend, once again.. hover pointer over avatar...click ignore--check all boxes Ive been using it lately more than usual---is refreshing!!! carry on! (waits for backlash about me assisting again)
  14. your post needs value for me to put a thought on it, to read, or remember..
  15. I remember having to travel to BKK from CNX to apply for a VOLUNTEER visa--to work for free I had to get the thai lawyer who was sponsoring the program to get involved..sheesh... had to pay for that visa too--the irony
  16. this was my reply at the very beginning of this mess...i was like the first response and oooh the strange backlash i got.....it was a solution ive tested and been successful at, even though i was able to open an account at same bank when i started a job here... The atm in my exp only allowed 30k and i recall a 150 fee and also the fees attached to convert usd to thai baht from MY debit card carrier and foreign transaction fees.... So as i posted..i went into the bank,dressed nicely as its thai culture, as expected, the bank teller told me to use the atm at the door, i said I needed more than the 30k for a motorbike for my thai gf(welcome to thailand and obsession with $$$) and being that I was dressed "thai style, and "taking care" of my fake thai GF, she agreed to swipe it at the counter and avoid all said fees...done and done....and yet you can see some posters here are offended. I digress to use my "fake gf" excuse as we all know the thais are the most honest folks ever
  17. I personally blame the Oompa Loompas!!!....and a certain other Orange Guy......
  18. 4 pages deep and all i did was offer a solution to the OP who asked about avoiding atm fees--which i did--legally and simply....and ohhh the backlash from the HISO sugar daddies--- $$$$ says alot....keep em coming gents i can take it.....the relentless white male grievances....lol
  19. thanks for sharing--there is a bargirl waiting to lub u long time teerak...cash only!
  20. my original plan works so why fix it....and i think some of the posters need the tissues for tears
  21. im better at that then some used up bargirls whos only in it for the money--- a man comes to be wealthy by know the value of a dollar--a fool throws it away
  22. and im giving posters a solution to their problem--thanks for sharing..
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