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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. I know there is a shop at cm gate on outer side right before wulai rd 200 bt
  2. check my post----seems most of the action is contained at TP gate and some hot spots
  3. i ride my bicycle around old city daily so I ventured out today---dressed as such Wrapped phone up---wrapped my headphones--squirt bottle to return fire I WILL give credit so far---the action seems to be contained MOSTLY at TP gate So i rode thru that and got a little soaking hiding between the cars slowly creeping thru As far as around old city not bad at all compared to pre covid--of course the thai kids were out as i spotted 3 kids light up thinking they had me--I fired off a few shots and did a 180 as they faced the truth of failure.......also the massage girls had the trash bin out and ran to try and get the hansum man---only landed it in my left sandal as i pumped my pedals!! So all in all day one was good---of course im still on high alert but nice to see it laid out so that is you DONT want to engage there are safe zones--or are there? day 2 comes.......
  4. Im just glad its sectioned off--so folks can choose to engage or skip it
  5. Ok Ive been coming to LOS yearly since 2008 for few months each time I tried the pay to play---was horrible---I compare it to paying for a steak--is meat if u want to argue it-----and that steak was bad--would i get that steak again? nope I think for me its my upbringing--principle-and lack of emotion and connection To each their own gents---if u wanna spend ur cash--so be --is MY exp and choice Almost daily I am offered a massage or sex online thru thai apps--is exhausting as I dont pay I offer to meet and chat and maybe see if it could be a nice relationship--no thais want that or at least the ones who message me---sex for cash period-----nope.. I have gotten to the point of simply mirroring thais--you want money--no i want money you freelance??? ME TOO!! you pay me for sex!!! I give YOU massage--the outrage from the scammers or whatever hustlers is a true sign of who they are---oh its ok for YOU to ask me for my money but i cant turn it on you??? why would I want to have sex with that???? Are they nice to me?? not really? is there emotion? nope--im used to foreplay and building up the event but they just want me to finish and pay so they can leave----pay for that? nah if there was actual connection and attraction other than a hot body maybe....but have yet to keep a thai hustler on the line long enough to want to give that type of person my money let alone put my d*ck into something that has probably done hundreds of other dudes-yuk So yep im a hopeless romantic--maybe a cheap charlie but cheap charlies know the value of money---there wealth and rich---wealthy people dont get that way buy throwing away cash So If she wants my money she needs to earn it--money buys goods and services and if that service sucks than ill pass......I ride my bike daily and the same ladies wave me down for a crappy massage---happy massage??? WHY? i have internet and can do myself and better! So u wanna drop 500-1000 just to release? or do it yourself and go get a nice steak dinner and a glass of wine and go get a foot massage--then u can chat up the cute gal then gents I am open to meeting a nice thai lady but that has yet to happen...this ATM is out of service
  6. I actually did that--stayed in KK for a month and had a GF--she was young and had a kid Problem was her dad didnt like me....so I rolled out--up to nong khai for a month....
  7. Ive been coming to LOS for 12 yrs never ever had a visa and always one way...even with TPass
  8. Up here in CM not too bad!!! They mostly contained it to TP gate area as I did my daily bike ride and of course got soaked in TP area otherwise not bad!!!!!!!!!! Nice to have a CHOICE--if u want to party and enjoy SK fine and also good if you DONT!! No signs of being bombed coming around a corner or from the rooftops--at least not YET Happy with day one results....
  9. Breakfast at Tiffanys--- Classic Movie (note my signature below)
  10. Suppose you could find at least ONE.... Protip--Dress Nice!
  11. Not from what I witnessed today on my daily bike ride......lots of day boozing--or MORE so
  12. Already begun in CM as i witnessed the thais ripping it up --day drinking--shirts--music--etc
  13. Sounds like my sex life!! As for SK i saw the thais day drinking a plenty today and getting a jump on things early as usual when it comes to acting a fool .... gonna be interesting up here in CM as I got my water gun ready --only to be used in defense...I will be amazed if thais and tourists actually BEHAVE
  14. Make sure there isnt a floater in the toilet! Yellow is mellow---Brown-send it down!
  15. If you buy the ugly hat there you get a free bowl of soup--but its looks good on you!
  16. Kids eat free!!!! Ive always preferred Breakfast at Tiffany's! ???? or Leo and Tylenol..breakfast of champions!
  17. thought the thread was about finding the ladies.....as for retiring...the scenery???? ????
  18. Imagine being in Udon being bald and obese and reading this thread and seeing your mug on video (spits sangsom onto pc screen)
  19. Indeed--also this morning I shot and elephant in my pajamas-- What it was doing in my pajamas I have no idea!!! thai police are sneaky!
  20. Funny as I DiD get in an accident AND the previous guys ins covered ME!! true story Ive had 5-6 honda dreams never put them in my name--had a few run ins with cops and nothing ever said------resell to other farangs with green books----no issues my thai buddy says is cos u=im farang cops let me off....i even asked about getting my green book updated etc after yrs of ownership--would be about 2500 bt----- no real issue for me ive had the honda for years--will just run it into the ground or a guy said he would let me trade it in if I bought another used bike from him...... is a 95 dream so any accidents is super cheap to fix and easy access for used parts --paid 9000 for it and already got my $$$ worth out of it......when in rome do as the romans do!
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