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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. Why do they fall? Easy.. The thai spirit ghosts.......they dont like us either... Protip they like red fanta......or so ive seen...glass still full..
  2. Catching the gang should be easy as they had to be dirty farangs--thais would never do this!
  3. Seems to me there would be a reason why so many empty rooms....much like a empty restaurant.....id try and scope out anyone coming out ie--tenant and ask them
  4. maybe i lucked out -my flight from lax-Sin-bkk was late so i literally ran thru SIN airport to catch my connection to BKK------horrible airline btw as they almost wouldnt let me board in lax over the time issue of my PCR test......not keen on the facial rec cameras either to board
  5. i just re-use mine--they will eventually turn black ????
  6. Old city...my usual route down loy kroh-night bazaar to get my daily ego boost.. my eyes are on the road but one cant block out the cat calls--not easy being so hansum!
  7. Freelancer offered this to me on thai friendly for and extra 500 baht, still recovering...
  8. Reminds me of all the bar girls I see daily on my bike ride around town...
  9. The Extra VIP +++++++ )only applies to chinese double price for dirty falangs
  10. If want the link to the shop i bought my j bikes from can PM me
  11. Keep your eyes open--chang moi rd off east side of moat towards chinatown/ river is almost at chinatown "gate" on right side--motorbike shop on left side---I used the shop directly off CMoi rd,,,,new pedals and a flat tire--then she walked me up 2 shops to have her repair guys install for free..
  12. My hands would disagree...been working like a charm--esp during covid and easy on my wallet
  13. To Alcohol! The cause and solution to all of lifes problems!
  14. I have had a few folding 2nd hand japanese bikes and ride my current one daily in old city As i have found the parts shops as i done a few repairs.....chang moi rd going towards chinatown--right side before bridge over stream...first one is open shop and another is the soi right after that..always busy and they did the repairs for free after buying parts... if u are in car id pull into that soi after the 1st shop as they are very close to each other.. Feels like chinese-thai owners as they spoke english to me and they have tons of stuff--also i buy my 2nd hand bikes from a lady who has 100s of them at her house--imported from japan 2nd hand and her hubby fixes them--local and good prices---lots of parts too-but when I asked where SHE gets parts she told me the shops on chang moi rd--old city
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