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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. Screenshot? Pic taken with your phone? This Thai pass sure is coming hot out the gate(sigh)
  2. Trying to get back to Thailand--"The Grand Illusion"...
  3. OP Pic...thai guy on left side.. That is the guy that I will run into if Im able to get back-----Khun Side Eye...
  4. Hoping EVA Air will start doing flights as they were always good for me Lax-TPE-Bkk...id like to get a direct to CNX for hotel+test
  5. I'll wager a guess... zero. Sidenote Ko Tao has a 2 for 1 murder promo for the ladies!
  6. Will someone please think of the sick buffaloes........they are helpless without us........velly velly sick.....cannot work..mai dai....hurry back teekak! Im sure the notion of a hive minded society and no public gatherings will make the thais love us more, as the Burmese were unavailable for scapegoating
  7. whats best about those phones they are virtually hack free and 100% safe ..just give a faceless company all your banking info and all will be fine...batteries last 24/7..as does wifi and folks never lose phones either.......good riddance to carry a few paper bills folded neatly in my pocket.......kids these days are spoiled! /s
  8. Immediately makes me think she is chatting with 146 other dudes and is pay to play....not my type As is clearly lowering the bar on whom/what they are seeking
  9. nobody better lay a finger on my butterfinger---also leggo my eggo.........frank n beans on promotion for 4 doraemon stamp books!
  10. nice tip tnx!....but ive come to accept TF as a frelance site so I was never a pay to play guy so i use thai cupid which im finding to be very sketchy(fake profiles)
  11. not the same--the flowing sundresses, the big hat and giant sunglasses...nikes and/or yankees cap...walking in the street lost looking for the snail white/ mango/ durian/ latex pillow/ 7-11 for a mama cup and sim card..(sigh)
  12. Thailand should take its lead from Phetchabun and open up more than ONE massage shop... ????
  13. 555...good one! but knowing thai women that could backfire..proceed with caution gents!
  14. these pretzels are making me thirsty!..as for bitter, I like my beer like my women, cold and bitter...as it used to be hot, black and strong but im getting old ????
  15. 555! Me-exhausted after 7 airports and 24 hrs transit tries to muster a smile and politely hand over my passport.....IO-sideyes me, looks at PC longer than usual, flips thru passport....flips forward.....then back..then sideways..flip flip..........one more for good measure....tells me to step back........flip flip......then come forward to face camera....flip.......tap tap on PC........and............me looking around, past his booth as I can see the "otherside".........wait for it......come on already....flip..then comes the stamp! Closes PP and throws it back towards me, ending with the classic hand dismissal......Im In!!!!.....IO proceeds to scowl at next dirty falang than walks up...Land of Smiles!
  16. and google translate if perfect for communication and supporting a lasting relationship I actually sat in a Big C food court and tried to explain VIA her phone that this concept would not work...she did give me a small tin elephant tho....
  17. You are assuming logic applies to thai minds....and if you were to ask why, the response would be "you no understand thai people"..no elaborating either Thailand--a riddle wrapped in an enigma--hidden in a cypher...hence the slogan mai pen rai--learn to adapt to it or go insane
  18. headline looks spot on to me...Id rather walk if a thai taxi was my only option...........just to spite them..they will be foaming at the mouth come Nov 1..HEY HEY YOUUU!!!
  19. If you cant "duct" it---- fuct it...i see she is a nurse--maybe just wiped out from covid ..is that a green sock?
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