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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. Ive always bought the same used mbikes..Honda Dreams 1995--the ultimate work horse..as when I first came to LOS in 2008 i follow the thai lead--what kind of bikes do they drive--poor folks--rich folks? brands..models?. reliability?.....Id see these old dreams with a side cart--dogged to hell--smoking etc and still running... Id ride my bicycle around daily and find them at shops--random spots with a cardboard sign..last one I got was parked at a car lot...9000bt..took it for a test ride..etc 100 cc is fine for me as i just use it to gt around....super cheap to get parts and repairs....never had any serious issues with em and ive had a few that Ive resold for same amount as I take them apart and clean em all up.....the faster a mbike can go the more damage it can do to u..LOS is already bad enough trying to drive.... It aint the prettiest but I dont worry about it getting stolen---and is reliable to the end....function over fashion and I blend right in with the locals!...Ive had my current one for years and leave it to sit at a friend place---that horse starts right up each time....just needs some fresh gas and a little washing from that CNX smoke!
  2. Somchai was busy spending that money on lao kao with his buddies..his card is full with his wife- mia noi- gik and sideline girls *love the username btw....as I get the hansum 2 much from the grannies yours makes me think of the swampy IOs flipping thru my passport ????
  3. Thailand-an enigma wrapped in a riddle-hidden in a cypher-------Thai response? You No Understand Thai People!....Ok explain it to me...mai dai--solly--cannot ????
  4. Cos im hansum too mutt..or so Ive been told and thais are known for their honesty...--so must be true
  5. I come for the mama cups-I stay for the sticky rice.....also do u have a map for the orgies? asking for a friend! ????
  6. Thais are willing to take your dirty falang money since their beloved chinese are not able to return yet...
  7. Thai Brains=Money #1....(and tons of useless paperwork-so it looks official and important to the world)
  8. Response from TAT.."You Tink too Mutt!...mai pen rai!. Why so serious!.you pay now.... ????
  9. Im pretty sure I can guess why there was a cluster with the thai "mai pen rai" mindset... Rules only apply to the dirty falangs!
  10. Easy..Spend money and go...has been the vibe ive gotten since 2008, but in fairness this could apply to most tourists worldwide... Double pricing being a whole new thread...
  11. Thailand in a Nutshell. Big Money-Big Face--A luxuriously wrapped Box with all the trimmings is offered, but once opened, is empty, high hopes dashed... Welcome to the Grand Illusion.....
  12. Me. But I never claimed to be in my right mind--even pre-covid ????
  13. I doubt you would find a decent one for 10k Ive always bought Honda Dreams-95s for that 9000-10k They are workhorses and easy to fix...Not sure if the Mee Chok weekend motobike market is still going on-covid Otherwise the Motobike shop on Wulai rd right at Cm gate where sat walking street started--left side Guy named BON owns it--speaks english -that guy would know as that job is his life--Id say I have 10k and I need a Honda CLICK He has tons of bikes but tended to weed out older ones for newer ones but nice guy-----Chinese thai--wears glasses..."Bon" His mom owns it too I think and shes always nagging him for more cash on sales so If you find him pull him aside ???? The shop is next to the hospital--right side--cm gate--outer side to the left of Wulai rd..tons of bikes in a open shop Sidenote a rental shop would likely sell you one during slow covid times but not sure how dogged out those may be...
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