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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. says the guy who posts videos from new york post and daily mail Uk......shows us all your level of "logic" and what you claim to be a reputable news source......which I have linked you to as tabloid trash
  2. your comment reminds me of tik toks who wanna get likes as they go online and make up fake theories to true crime and how they know it all and police are inept, the ones that do it for a living commenters elsewhere???? you mean commenters who are foolish enough to read trash clickbait on site that you post here aka daily mail uk...post your source of these "internet detectives"...
  3. and here you are..posting strangers death all over the web....such empathy you show to her and her family......such respect!....both sources as well from trash tabloid sources that EVEN claimed it was sketchy and possible murder(hearsay)...did you even WATCH or READ the trash you post???? ?????????????????????????????????????? what are you smoking..you preach all this "knowledge and theory" and THEN post videos and links to TRASH tabloid.... and yet here you are preaching it upon the internet....obviously
  4. anyone who has worked in hospitality tips...they've been there....and know they get paid crap...just like you tip a bartender so he will remember you next time--or places i go often... the extra effort gets noticed and rewarded imo.....ive walked in their shoes serving others....
  5. dont know--dont care --why does it matter or affect u? its between me and the service someone gives me--my massage lady does a good job and she works hard..i ask for her by name--she earned it i pay what i feel the service was worth....ive worked hospitality all my life..ive been there
  6. and this has WHAT to do with being called a "farang" hence your "topic" no...and No.....i dont need to figure out the ramblings of a sex perv
  7. New York post vids and Daily mail Uk trash.....the duality of man! Formal logic..perhaps YOU should do a brush up on that and your "farang theory"
  8. why? YOUR words..not mine... maybe YOU should get some books instead of posting tabloid trash and sex obsession posts about condoms-butt plugs--dick pics-girls getting off..
  9. i tip my massage lady as i usually return to her weekly..also any services i use often and they do good work..my mbike mech......waitstaff at the pub....
  10. well it is up to them to provide it should the IO ask....i mean the guest doesnt have it.....not disagreeing...
  11. when i read these tragic articles in LOS i always wonder what the outcome is..in thai society and what the end of these stories is.......how thai culture handles these types of crimes ...never any closure...
  12. burmese style it seems....and some just have a screen on top or a lid that you can pop off.....esp old cheap bldgs
  13. they prefer the shortcuts in life and besides they all seem to be carrying them close to the hip......too tricky to find the zipper--slash n grab and cut ya if u catch em
  14. how quickly they fall..he used to be king of the mountain....much like the orange guy
  15. reminds me of the girls in TF that say they need money to eat...I tell them to sell their phone if so hungry.........
  16. i see..remind me who the master is.....why not keep the mask off as it seems easier.....why would a meth head want fentanyl?..just as im a sangsom--not hongthong guy.....he wants it to be over..then why not just step in front of a bus???....how do you run out of people to steal from....seems at least hes asking rather than jumping me....seems to be in human form....but i do get your point aka the orange guy... have a super weekend big gimpin'....its hard out there for a gimp//junkies too!
  17. to whom? besides thais yes cos they are THAI what if im boarding china air? or korean? or EVA air?..incorrect again..im whatever my PASSPORT says im from...asian--european--american-swiss..... the cops arresting here didnt call her that ,as SHE has NEVER been to LOS and nor have the police who are NOT THAI as thais will do...in thailand and from thai mouths oh the irony.....SMH good grief......read b..then read the exact opposite d.....you just contradicted yourself.....if a tourist is in thailand..thais may call them farang as is THAI culture...end of story
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