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Posts posted by manly100

  1. chatting with the limo/taxi guys in patong you soon learn of their dislike of russians, however many of them are learning to say a few words in russian as there are so many of them. i think while i sat at the taxi stand from 6-11pm about 8 out of 10 passerby were russian. very humorless looking people who negotiate with a look of contempt on their face. the russian’s i saw were well dressed and i did not notice any tattoos. they did seem deeply unhappy with everything, everywhere. thankfully it will more difficult for russians to establish and maintain their underworld here. yes they have been hard at it but many will give-up and try their luck in the west where they can setup their trademark no compete rules. but if the bib give the russians an inch they will take it all the way and it's much harder to stop at that point. i fear that the thai’s will lump us with the russians and we non-russians will be the losers.

  2. If you are able to support yourself financially you should never take money from any government as all you’re doing is taking funds away from people who are unable to financially take care of themselves.

    Oh dear...

    So when you have your tax done each year do you say to your accountant: "Don't worry about claiming any deductible expenses on my return. I don't want to take money away from the government".

    quite right, I was strictly writing about taking welfare from the government, not claiming tax deductions.

  3. I made plans to drive from Mumbai to KL with some like minded people but after checking all the red tape involved in moving a vehicle over political borders I gave up. I found it could be done but better on motor bike and even then, border control can make kiss your bike good bye and walk across. A nice dream and a dream it stayed.

  4. The disability pension is social welfare; the old age pension is social welfare. These payments are made so people have money to eat and money for accommodation. If you have worked all your life that's great but it does not entitle you to welfare payments. You become eligible for welfare when you simply have no other means of supporting yourself. The idea that you are entitled to welfare at a certain age is fast becoming a thing of the past because people started living beyond the average of 65. If you are able to support yourself financially you should never take money from any government as all you’re doing is taking funds away from people who are unable to financially take care of themselves. A financially secure person taking a welfare payment because they feel "entitled or they've earned it" beggars belief.

  5. How about opening up a provisioning account, for your girlfriend and her son. Keep making contributions to the account for as long as needed. This shouldn't be longer then say... forever. Make sure there is always enough money for both of them. This amount should not be more then every baht, cent and penny you've got in the world. If the provisioning account runs low, just begin selling things, everything you have should be enough. If you lose everything before you die make sure to give some helpful advice to your girlfriend and her son before you return home. Say something like... ask the next guy to set up a provisioning account.

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  6. Individual Australians are net benefiters of taxation. They get back more than they put in. The difference is made up by company tax payments. To say or scream "look how they waste my tax dollars" is just putting your hand up and admitting little knowledge of how the tax system works. For an example, if you’re a family with 2 children and live to be 70 years of age you will have received more from the tax system then you have put in. That being said you can see why the tax system tries to reduce the amount you get back out of it. From the systems point of view every taxpayer is an expense and it wants to reduce its expenses. Australia is a lucky country in that it is able to support such a system. People who have the means to support themselves financially in retirement need to do so as this will enable the system to support those unable to financially support themselves. This will be a real issue as baby boomers move into retirement. And really if society won’t help those in need, wherever they may be, the term society becomes limited.

  7. A 22-year-old British tourist has been shot dead as he danced at a New Year party on one of Thailand's most famous islands after a fight between rival Thai gangs erupted on the beach, police say.

    The holidaymaker was killed when a Thai man opened fire at a bar on the island of Koh Phangan in southern Thailand in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

    "He was shot in the side while he was dancing on the beach," local policeman Lieutenant Colonel Somsak Noorod said, adding the area had been packed with revellers during the evening's New Year celebrations.

    Police believe the gunman was aiming at members of a rival gang.

  8. to test for a short you must get sumchi to stand in a puddle of water in bare feet, then get to him to test it, after his head explodes have another sumchi confirm that the headless sumchai is caused by a short by repeating this process. again and again and again. when there is no room left they could choose to fix it. O and don't wear yr sunday best.

  9. you guy are being so unfair to the poor op, all he needs to do is sell his house and car back home and buy a new house and car for the thai family and all will be fine and her sweet brother will think your the best mark yet. sell, sell, sell. give them any money you have left as well. what ever you do, don't use your top head.

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  10. Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

    but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

    Personally I don't mind...I don't go to these places much anyway. Besides, I'm paid 5-10 times more for being a white teacher compared to the local teachers, or even other non-native speakers? Is that fair? Should I insist they pay me the Thai salary in return for cheap entry to a lousy National park?biggrin.png

    By that logic, how much should a thai guy driving a ferrari pulling in

    600k up per month pay? There are many, many of them

    However, people like you think middle class foreigners should support thailands poor while ultra rich thais exploit them, give them nothing in return while not even paying income tax:huh:mad.gif

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

    rich thais mostly pay no tax other then 7% vat. makes the blood boil eh.
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