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Posts posted by razor

  1. I am in just the same situation I have to apply for my new support visa and it looks as if I will not be able to be back here in Thailand when I have to report for the second consideration stamp, ( Pattaya Immigration ) I am making the trip out of Thailand to sell my house, my only problem is that where my property is ( a small Island of the coast of africa) It does not have a Thai Embassy , so even if I took the marriage certificate and copy of wife id card I could not obtain a new Non " O " visa, any one got any ideas of what to say to Immigration so I don't loose my current Visa...?

    Thank you

  2. Ive been looking at the comments from .. Jonniebkk , to  Jasonfieber ( cost of living in Thailand ) as some one who has now been here in Thailand for 2 years, and came here with a " Dream "and having gone through a lot of up's and down's  , from living in a small room in Pattaya, eating Thai soi food every day, only drinking at bars with happy hours, and having to watch every baht i spent, yes you can live on 10,000 Bt, a month but as i soon found out, this way of life is " NO "  way of life!. and  you would end up going crazy , ( with out the nulling effect of large amounts of Chang  ) so " YES " Jonniebkk has hit the nail right on its head . and I totall agree with him, the Thai dream can turn into a nightmear , but we all thave  to go our own way, and take some knocks ,
  3. i am thinking of looking for a house to rent ( 2/3 bed detached ) in the Khorat area, may be on the out skirts , does any one know how much the going rate for renting a house long term in this area would be ( approx ) and does any one already live in this area, if so any comments about living /life in this area would be most welcome .
  4. To start, many thanks to all who replyed to my first article, in which i used the immortal words.. I HAVE A DREAM , of which i hope it does not turn out to be a long running nightmare !!!, Ive often thought the first thing to do when you are starting out down an un known path, is to seek the advice of some one who has already made the same trip. hence this request to fellow readers of the forum, ..so here goes, Firstly some advice i was given on my first trip to Thailand, by an " old time Pattaya resident" .... Son here in Thailand if you are going to buy any thing, or build any thing ,rember that one day you may have to just walk away from it, if you can't accept that then " DON'T DO IT " . this thought is forever etched on my brain.  My on going dream is to buy a plot of land ( away from Pattaya, )  as the land prices are ailen,, out of this world. the asking price in my village 15Km from Pattaya for one rai of land .... 600,000 Bt. !!!!. i would like to build a modist house, grow fruit, and vegatables, raise chickens, and breed fish. Then lookforward to a quiet life, with the occasional trips to a city. ( in the past ive lived in a mountain village on a small island off the coast of Africa, so i enjoy the solitude, ) ..can any of the forum readers offer me some advice/comments/personal experiences, on the do's and dont's of buying rural land..?, finding a builder..?, expected land cost's..?, is it better to obtain a price from a builder for a finished house, or pay a builder a day rate and provide the materials direct to him..? can any one offer any personal accounts about living in a rural area..?, including the bad points !!. also has any one used solar power or wind power in any way here ..? Many thanks ..
  5. For over a year now i have lived in and around Pattaya, and as a young buck of 53, ive managed to enjoy the attractions on offer with out inducing a heart attack !!. Now for some un-known mystical reason , when i lay in bed at night next to my " till-lack '' i start to dream of having a quiet , calm , and tranquil life away from the thorns in my side of NOISE, MENTALLY DISTURBED SOI DOGS, THE BOOM-BOOM OF INEBRIATED KARAOKE CUSTOMERS, AND THE EVER INCREASING END LESS TRAFFIC. All the things i never noticed in the early days of getting to know Pattaya.   In my dream i see my self going to bed knowing i won't be woken up by the endless barking of the soi dog's pack, or the screaming of over reveing Honda motor bike engines as the young riders wildly twist the throttles on the way to an early grave. I see my self after a wonderful un broken nights sleep waking to the sounds of singing birds, and spend the rest of the day tending to the fruit trees and plants on my small holding, not for getting to feed the chicken's ( NO cocks allowed ) as too much noise !!!, and later retiring to the veranda to sip a glass of wine, and gaze at the sun setting . " O WHAT A LIFE " . Now back to reality my question is , ... has any one managed to escape to a place like the one i see in my dream ..?. if so can they offer me some words of wisdom , or comments about life away from the big city's has any one had this same dream ,and its turned out to be ok, or may be turned into a nightmare..?
  6. After looking at the list of requirments to obtain a retirement visa O-A , as shown on this forum, can any one please clarify/explain..?, the following points,. (A ) item 2.3 a personal data form ( is this a special type of immigration form, if not what.? and where can i get one ..? )  ( 2 ) item 2.3  verification stating that the applicant has no criminal record issued from the country of his nationalty, ( again is this obtained from your home country embassy, if not where..?, ) sorry if the questions have been asked many times in the past . also i would like to if possible ask a few questions , direct to any one who has managed to obtain this retirement visa here in Thailand, its ok  looking at lists of requirements , but lists can't  talk back with advice and personal comments. Many thanks..
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  7. I have seen several companys offering visa run packages to fly you out of Thailand and back ,  in one day ,to obtain a non immigrant visa type - O, valid for up to 8 months, for around 11.500 Baht. has any one done this type of arranged package visa run, and am i correct in thinking that if applying for this type of visa , outside of Thailand you do not have to show on your application , an income / money in a Thai bank ..? any comments on this subject would be welcome.  :o
  8. One of the requirements to obtain a O-A retirement visa is proof of 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, or proof of a monthly income of not less than 65,000 baht. My questions are. ( A ) does the monthly income have to be shown to end up in Thailand..? ( B) what type of proof is normally required to show a monthly income..?, ( C) what sort of checks are done by the immigration to confirm that the monthly income is correct..?  ???
  9. Here's an interesting statement from an interview with Col. Somsak Senavenin , Superintendent of Pattaya Immigration Office. published in the December issue of the Pattaya People Newspaper.... QUOTE. The most dangerous group of foreign criminals are the Germans and the Scandinavians, as they are frequently found to be involved in drug trafficking, armed robberies, and money laundering. This has created a lot of problems for Pattaya. END QUOTE. now there's a thought ...????
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