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Ban Sao

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Posts posted by Ban Sao

  1. The pyrethrins are a pair of natural organic compunds normally derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium that have potent insecticidal activity. Pyrethrins are neurotoxins.

    So pyrethrins is deet? ground mozzie coils are DEET?

    And Chooka before you bang your drum and the I Told You So Chorus joins in with what those misguided youth wont do, how do you know that they asked for anything more than a good cocktail.?

    Right you don't

    PS for those of us who avoid speculation of Leo dwellers, we never saw that post - about mozzie coils, nor saw the attacks on it. Get that chip off your shoulder

    It was a special cocktail. not to be confused with a happy pizza in cambodia.
  2. What an idiot. Hopefully, he will drop out immediately.

    Why? He represents the views of a large number of Republicans? Shouldn't they be allowed to voice their views? The man is but the the edge of the wedge that distinguishes so many who want the GOP to win the election in November so that they can further impose their views on the rest of the USA. I hope he stays in so that the public can see what the GOP represents.

    yes and he is a good man he may have said the wrong thing, But so does vice president Biden and no one dares say a word about him.
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  3. Yes, unlike a certain Senator who uzi'd his ex to death, this girl hasn't got the resources to claim it was an accident or plea temporary insanity etc. Unlike those who have the means to pervert the course of justice, this girl will get what she deserves.

    Those who regularly rely on drugs are more likely to suffer from permanent insanity!

    Alcohol is a drug right?
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