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Posts posted by jb61

  1. Here they go again, the left getting their panties in a wad. No crime has been committed according to two democrat Hillary voting  law professors.

    Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz  (Democrate and stated proudly voted for Hillary)told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that "I don't see a crime" in Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting last year with a lawyer with ties to the Russian government.



    Prof. Jonathan Turley, constitutional  law prof. at George Washington Univ. school of law, and self described liberal democrat states;


    Prof. Jonathan Turley, liberal law prof at GWU.

    “There is no crime in listening to people who say that they have incriminating information on a political opponent, even a foreigner.”


    As this continues to play out, one thing is clear to constitutional law professor and expert Jonathan Turley: Nothing that’s being reported involving Don Jr. and associates is illegal, nor does it prove “collusion.” It’s just more media smoke and mirrors.


  2. I see comments like childish, no dignity, not presidential like etc. etc.

    Well, let’s see:

    Clinton used the oval office for his personal soi 6 bj bar.

    Bush and Cheney lied America into a war in Irag where thousands of boys came home missing arms, legs and parts of their heads, and some came home in bags. And they’re still there.

    Obama expanded the wars and then illegally spied on millions of Americans and lied about it and was recently described by 25 year veteran of the CIA; Kevin Shipp,  as a subversive and outlined just a few things that Obama did that boggles the mind.

    So, if Trump wants to have a bit of fun at the expense of the media, go for it Donald. Just practice your body slam. It’s a bit rusty.

  3. Trump is an arrogant , pompous, bombastic blowhard. But, God bless Donald Trump. It took him and a little help from sheep dog Bernie Sanders to get a critical portion of the public to understand for the first time that the USA is a rigged system -- it is rigged financially, politically, in every possible way, to favor Wall Street over Main Street.

    The news media has for decades had a monopoly without accountability to say what they want, whether true on not. And, arrogantly lecture us who they expect us to vote for.

    For once someone is calling their bluff and collecting wolf tickets. Go Donald Go.

  4. the CNN story just gets worse. In a late release,

    "James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has struck again: This time, a senior CNN producer was caught on camera by one of O’Keefe’s investigators admitting that the network’s relentless bashing of President Donald Trump with the Russia scandal lacks proof.

    “Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now,” the CNN producer, John Bonifield, said in a video O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released on Tuesday, when asked about his thoughts on the Russia investigation.

  5. speaking of questionable websites;



    Having no formal background or experience in investigative research, Snopes.com is run by a married couple from California who assert their beliefs on controversial issues while pretending to “get to the bottom” of various issues in order to share facts with the public. There is no team of lawyers or public records being scoured here and there are no qualified researchers doing work behind the scenes. Snopes is nothing more than a very popular basement blog that takes on a front as a “fact checking” website. David and Barbara Mikkelson, husband and wife from San Fernando Valley, started their “neutral” blog of shoddy, liberal-bent research over a decade ago, posting time and time again their “final factual words” that aren’t really facts at all. Snopes repeatedly explains away criticisms towards liberal politicians and other leftist public figures while character assassinating conservatives. It’s obvious now that Snopes.com is particularly agenda motivated and biased to help Obama and Hillary Clinton, just as dogmatically as the mainstream media, including CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Politifact, and Forbes. (1) (6)




    PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse

    Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an analysis and according to Human Events found “PolitiFact is not that honest fact-checker. Once widely regarded as a unique, rigorous, and reasonably independent investigator of political claims, PolitiFact now declares conservatives wrong three times more often than liberals. More pointedly, the journalism organization concludes that conservatives have flat-out lied nine times more often than liberals.


    In the three years since the end of the partnership with CQ, PolitiFact has found a total of 323 conservative claims to be untrue, with 119 of those getting Pants on Fire.


    In the same time, it’s found 105 liberal claims to be untrue, with just 13 deemed Pants on Fire, according to White’s tally.”


    PolitiFact tips the scales leftward in two important ways: first by what the fact twisters choose to study and two, by how it interprets what the individual said, up to and including putting words in their mouths.

    Nope, no bias here. Move on, nothing to see.

  6. Oh the irony. Mueller is the perfect special counsel to investigate Trump for 'obstruction of justice', since he is an expert on the subject.

    Mueller is guilty of doing the same thing he is investigating Trump for.

    "special counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, was accused of doing exactly the same thing in a 2011 book in regards to the deaths of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas.


    According to former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, now special counsel Mueller said nearly the same thing to him during the 1995 Congressional investigation into the 1993 stand-off in Waco, Texas that resulted in the deaths of 76 members of the Branch Davidian cult.

    Barr recounts Mueller as saying, “Bob, don’t go too hard on these guys. We know most of them, and they’re good people.”

    Yep, Mueller is the perfect guy to conduct the investigation.

    How ironic.

  7. Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Thursday the accusation that President Trump directly colluded with Russia to interfere in the U.S. election "came apart" following former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in front of Congress.


    Yes there was collusion---but not with Trump and the Russians----it was between Comey, Lynch, Hillary and more than likely Obama....this investigation is about to take a much different turn than the Democrats expected.


  8. not a trump fan, but frankly this Russian thing is beginning to bore me.

    DNI Clapper - no evidence

    ex Dir CIA - Brennon - no evidence

    Sen. Feinstein - no evidence

    Sen. Shiff - no evidence


    If you want to hear the truth where all this came from, give a listen to 27 year CIA analyst Ray McGovern (ret)

    in a 27 minute interview with several other contributors. Even though he speaks only 3 times,  and states he doesn't think much of

    trump, he speaks volumes.


  9. Many will also be unaware that before Comey was installed by the Obama Administration as FBI Director in 2013, he was on the board of Director at HSBC Bank – a bank implicated in international money laundering, including the laundering of billions on behalf of international drugs and narcotics trafficking cartels.


  10. Lawmakers and activists who criticized the Paris Agreement in 2015 are now calling President Donald Trump “horrible” for moving to eliminate the highly contentious climate accord.



    “I’m glad that Trump had the fortitude to stick it out despite all the attempts to waylay him,” said Dr. Tim Ball, a retired climatologist at the University of Winnipeg and author of “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.”

    “He didn’t have to rely on the false science,” Ball told WND and Radio America. “He relied strictly on the economics of it, that it’s a very, very bad deal for the United States. In fact, it’s deliberately designed to punish the United States.”

    Ball said the Paris climate accord was simply the latest incarnation of the old Kyoto Protocol from the 1990s that sought to redistribute wealth from the industrial nations. He contends the Green Climate Fund, which is part of the Paris agreement, is the latest effort in that regard.

    Ball points out the nonbinding nature of the agreement – which is the only way the deal could be struck – means most nations have not contributed what they’ve pledged to the Green Climate Fund.



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