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Posts posted by sfmadison2

  1. I have a double-entry, 60-day tourist visa with the first entry expiring in a couple days (already extended it for 30 more as well). I was planning on heading to Mae Sai on Saturday to 'activate' the second entry.

    Am I understanding correctly that this is not longer a viable place to do that (short of applying for a Burmese visa in advance)? I haven't used a tourist visa like this in maybe 10 years, so I'm a little hazy on what is required to formally activate the second entry. At first I thought I would have to travel into Laos or fly to a neighboring country, but when I researched this a couple weeks ago I got the impression that for a 60-day TV, one could simply pop across the border at Mae Sai/Tachilek and come back over a bit later on that same day.

    If this is no longer a viable option, what would be the best option for somebody in Chiang Mai? Mae Sot? I have read inconclusive information on the viability of that crossing as well.

    Thanks for any feedback!

  2. There are many people that get work permits but cannot qualify for an extension of stay. The go out for a multiple entry non-b visa and make border runs every 90 days. There are even a few that go out every 90 days for a new a single entry non-b.

    You prove your income by showing tax payments.

    It requires a thick stack of documents and etc. to get an extension of stay based upon working under clause 2.1 of the immigration order.

    For teaching there is no minimum salary requirement under clauses 2.6 or 2.7 of the immigration order.

    so what benefit does only having a WP bring these people then? would this be a scenario where one can legally work, but only for 90 days at a time? sounds hard to believe that people would be satisfied with that arrangement.

    sorry for not being quicker to understand all this, i just get confused sometimes by the overlap and differences between these things (visa, WP, extension).

    thanks again for your help :)

  3. thanks, guys. you've both been helpful in the past in getting information. can't tell whether there's agreement or conflict here because i don't understand the process well enough.

    joe, i hear you saying that one can get the work permit, but that proof of salary is needed to get the extension of stay.

    does this mean, theoretically, that one could apply for a non-B, come back into Thailand on that non-B, apply for (and receive) a WP within that 90 days, but then fail to be able to stay on beyond that (thus rendering the WP useless). obviously one wouldn't want to go through the whole WP application process if it wasn't followed by an extension of stay.

    i'm just trying to figure out whether my friend knows something i don't, or maybe whether one of those exceptions could apply, which is why i want to find the thai version of that info.

    by the way, how does the proof of salary process work when attempting to extend one's stay with a non-B visa and a WP? does one have to show pay stubs? i did all this many years ago when I worked at a thai university, but i was new to thailand then and they had somebody from the university handling everything on that end so i never really knew what was happing behind it. (incidentally, my formal salary was FAR less than 50k a month there...)

  4. I've searched the forums for this and I'm sure it's in here somewhere, but I can't seem to find a Thai language version of all the rules and regulations connected to applying for a work permit. I can read Thai and would also like to share it with my friend/prospective employer.

    Specifically, I'm looking for a translation of the part about exceptions to the employer needing to confirm that the employee will receive at least 50,000 baht per month.

    On the TV 'How to Get a Work Permit' page (http://www.thaivisa.com/how-to-get-thai-workpermit.html) it states that, "The Labor Department may also issue or renew work permits regardless of the above criteria when the foreign individual falls into one of the following categories." It then lists those categories.

    [The context to this question is that I have a Thai friend with a long-established company who says he can help me get above board visa-wise again after my current visa expires. I think he understands the process as he used to have a farang investor/partner whom he would arrange visas for, but I want to make sure. Specifically I want to confirm that we can get through this process without him having to actually pay me anything. His message to me was, "I can have your name as a [redacted] employee so that you can get your working permit visa. Since we are [not] currently hiring any positiions, therefore there will be no salary pay to you. In this way, we can issue an employment paper to you to process your visa paper works." I'm not familiar enough with the rules to understand his logic here, but if any of the visa/extension-of-stay experts can confirm this, it would be of great help.]

    Thanks a lot!

  5. The only visa entry requirement for an extension is that it be a non immigrant visa as written in the police order. It is the same for work permits. You cannot change from one type of non immigrant visa to another. But you can change the reason for an extension of stay.

    Ok, but can you be granted an extension of stay in order to work while still residing under a Non-ED visa?

    I suspect your ED visa expired long ago.

    If a person had a ED visa entry the permit to stay from it could be extended for working according to the police order if you got a work permit.

    If my ED visa expired, then I don't know what kind of visa I'm staying on. I will have a look at my passport when I get back home. It was the school that helped me to extend the visa though, so at the very least I am on a Non-ED extension of stay. Is that not still an ED visa, or is that now in the territory of general unspecified extension of stay?

  6. The only visa entry requirement for an extension is that it be a non immigrant visa as written in the police order. It is the same for work permits. You cannot change from one type of non immigrant visa to another. But you can change the reason for an extension of stay.

    Ok, but can you be granted an extension of stay in order to work while still residing under a Non-ED visa?

  7. UPDATE:

    We called over to the MoL in Chiang Mai and they said it is no problem to apply for a WP with a NON-ED visa. My understanding is that we will use the TT1 form to apply, and that we would receive some kind of receipt of application. The secretary seemed to think that we would receive the actual WP, but I don't see how that can be given that I am still currently on an ED visa and one is not allowed to work on an ED visa.

    I then called over to the Thai Embassy in Yangon and related this to them. They said that either a WP or confirmation of successful application for a WP is an acceptable substitute for the Letter of Approval.

    Getting the papers ready now for the WP application. Hopefully no further issues.

    If Chang Mai Labour are happy with your passport/stamps, then go with the flow and get the WP, if not do the visa run.

    You haven't said what work you are doing, but assuming that you are not teaching, then the document attached below shows what papers you require for an Extension of Permission to Stay based on Working in the Kingdom of Thailand.

    As you may only have been working for a couple of months should you be able to you apply for an extension following your Education Extension with a WP, then you will not have last year's personal tax return (PND 91) plus only two months of PND 1 Salary Tax Payments and Social Insurance contributions. This should be still ok as Immigration will see that you have only recently started work.
    If you can't meet the criteriae for an extension, then visa runs for Non Immigrant 'B' Visas are your only other option. At the moment you should be able to get a One Year Multiple Entry Non 'B' from Penang witht he correct papers and a WP.
    Here is a link to the MFA list of requirements for a non immigrant 'B' visa .http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/123/15388-Non-Immigrant-Visa-%22B%22-(for-Business-and.html
    Good luck.

    No, you're right, not a teaching job.

    I haven't started working yet as I thought that would be illegal on my Non-ED. Don't I have to be on a Non-B with a WP on the way to be working in Thailand? Also, I wasn't entirely against the visa run, as I wanted to visit Burma anyway (790 baht BKK-Yangon tickets pre Xmas!), so I have planned on getting my visa there. (I never knew you could get a one year Non B, though. I'd assumed it was 3-months, then the ability to extend another 9 months upon getting the WP. Something like this.)

    I hadn't thought about what I would do if they actually gave me a WP on top of my Non-ED. Can you really extend a Non-ED based on working? This seemed to be what Ubonjoe was suggesting "in theory" as well. The extension of stay document you included does state that one only needs a 'temporary visa'. The company should be able to fulfill all the requirements, the only part I'm confused about is extending "ED" into a "B". For whatever reason I thought you had to give up/cancel one class of visa before you could move into another.

    Anyway, thanks again for taking the time. Really appreciate the input.

  8. I see. Thanks for that info. It sounds like a whole other topic -- do you know if there's an old thread detailing this type of situation?

    As it is I'm happy to visit Burma anyway (never been), so perhaps it's just best to try and go the standard route (leave thailand, get non-b, get WP, extend non-b. Had a pleasant conversation with a couple women at the Thai Consulate in Yangon this morning, and I feel hopeful that it is not a place where one is likely to meet unexpected strictness. They said it takes one day to process the visa.

    As I mentioned in another thread, I hope to be able to give a more recent update on Yangon after this is all over.

  9. UPDATE:

    We called over to the MoL in Chiang Mai and they said it is no problem to apply for a WP with a NON-ED visa. My understanding is that we will use the TT1 form to apply, and that we would receive some kind of receipt of application. The secretary seemed to think that we would receive the actual WP, but I don't see how that can be given that I am still currently on an ED visa and one is not allowed to work on an ED visa.

    I then called over to the Thai Embassy in Yangon and related this to them. They said that either a WP or confirmation of successful application for a WP is an acceptable substitute for the Letter of Approval.

    Getting the papers ready now for the WP application. Hopefully no further issues.

  10. Thanks so much for the info. I was hoping you'd comment on this as you seem to know the deal.

    Ubonjoe and Lopburi seemed to think my NON-ED might make it difficult to apply for the WP--any thoughts on the best way to approach this? Maybe it's dependent on the employees at the Chiang Mai Ministry of Labour more than anything, I don't know.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Thanks guys.

    That was my fault. I had been reading up on visa requirements on the MFA website and wrote it wrong. I just checked with her and she called the MoL for advice. She didn't ask specifically about the WP, but about the LoA. She was told I would need to leave the country to start the LoA application process.

    Ok, so say I am able to successfully apply for a WP and receive my letter of receipt. Do we know if this is an adequate substitution for the Letter of Approval?

    Do you think it's best to just go ahead and apply for the WP? She wants to call the MoL and ask if I can apply with my NON-ED, but maybe that's just more likely to set us up for rejection.

  12. Have a similar question, that's why I am posting it here. Kind of frustrated by asking people (who should abviously know) and getting every time different answers. Hello dejavu! I am hoping to get straight answers or tips how to do this and providing links, docs, if possible (so that I can proof it).


    Currently on NON-ED here IN THAILAND. I want to apply f or a work permit inside Thailand to get the letter of approval and wp3, before going on a visa run for NON-B. Want to ensure that I get the NON-B first time and the WP is waiting to get picked up upon return.

    1. Can I apply for a work permit and letter of approval on a NON-ED inside Thailand? If a agency (hired by employer) is doing it, can they do it for me, while I am in Thailand?

    2. What are the differences between WP1 (tt1?), WP2, WP3? Which one(s) do I have to use?

    3. Can you describe briefly the process and docs I have to do/get? WP1 > Approval > WP3 > visa run > Work Permit?

    4. For Vientiane: As I do not have former/current work permit I need the letter of approval, right? Is it the same then WP3?

    5. How can I get WP3 as other Embassies require it.

    6. Can I be inside Thailand while an agency is applying for WP3

    7. Do I have to cancel my NON-ED before going on the visa run? Do I get NON-B if I don't (ED expires autom.)?

    8. Can I get a re-entry for NON-ED and still get the NON-B on visa run? (In case for easy return if docs are missing)

    9. Anyone heard of the same story getting a work permit and work visa inside thailand without leaving TH for Non-B visa run?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. yes

    2 Use the WP1 application form if you are already resident in Thailand.

    3.Apply sucessfully with form WP 1, you will get a receipt (A5 sized); this is what many erroneously call the WP3 (which is actually an application form of behalf of someone who is not yet in Thailand.

    4. No, its a letter signed by the head of your local labour dept stating that you will be issued with a WP once you have the correct visa stamp (i.e. visa/entry).

    5. See 3 above.

    6. Strictly speaking no, although may get away with it if they don't spot your existing entry stamp in your passport.

    7. No if it's a visa, yes if it's an extension of permission to stay.

    8. You might have a problem at the border on re-entry with your new 'b" visa.

    9. Yes it's possible if you are eligible for an extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom of Thailand (National Police Order 777/2551 Case 2.1); in this case you can first convert to a non Immigrant Category 'B' Visa at immigration inside of Thailand then get an extension. It's rare but has been done.

    So, I found this post from a couple months ago which is more or less my exact situation. I am currently in Thailand on a NON-ED visa, and need to get my NON-B and Work Permit. I want to do it in Yangon.

    The secretary at my future place of work has called to the Thai Embassy in Yangon and confirmed that we have everything we need except a Letter of Approval from the Ministry of Labour OR a Work Permit. When she called the MFA, they told her that I would need to leave the country in order to prove I was outside the country in order to apply for a Letter of Approval (LoA). This then takes 7 business days, meaning I have to hang around outside Thailand waiting for this LoA and then they have to mail it to me in Burma. This is doable, but I'd certainly like to avoid it if there's an easier route. So:

    1) Can I apply for a WP before I go while I'm on this NON-ED visa? My understanding is that I would use the TT1 form to apply for this.

    2) Can this WP (or whatever I get by applying with the TT1 form) be used in lieu of the LoA?

    I got a work permit years ago and I don't remember any of this LoA business. I just took the forms out of country, got my NON-B, then applied for a WP and used that WP to extend the NON-B another 9 months. Maybe things have changed since then. Regarding the quoted comments above, I'm confused by digitalchromakey's answers to questions 1 & 6.

    Many thanks for anyone who can help me with this. Very confused.


  13. Thanks, ubonjoe, that's my assumption as well. I was a bit unsettled by not finding any recent posts on visa-runs to Yangon, but maybe just a result of most people going elsewhere.

    Speaking of required documents: do you know if the 'Letter of Recommendation' from the company needs to be in Thai? The owner of the company is farang himself, so not sure whether it needs to be translated or not. Elsewhere I've seen this referred to as simply a letter requesting a visa for the employee, but on Thai Visa there is the suggestion of it being more formal.

    The letter should state that the applicant has been offered a job, that the company requests that the applicant be given a non-immigrant visa so the company may apply for a work permit for them, and that the company knows the person to be dependable, upstanding, etc.

    Once I do this (probably next month) I'll try to give a more recent report on Yangon... :)

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