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Posts posted by nick2k

  1. the reason why they call you fat is because they are either jealous, mean, or just plain stupid.

    many people I don't know call me cheap when I don't buy something from them. when they do this, I tell them they are poor. if they keep persisting with the name calling, I call them poor, and tell them that they will never get rich. they will stay poor even in the next life.

    oh. and do this with a straight face. never show anger.

    yes, these people who call others names may never become your friend, but then, the way I look at it - why would you want friends like that?

    some people say this is a cultural thing? no, I don't think so. I have many thai friends who never do this. I think this is a habit exhibited by uneducated people. and not just in thailand, but all over the world.

  2. a long time ago, I had a heated debate with someone about HIV. he started a string saying that over 80% of the thai military in northern thailand were HIV positive. I asked him where he heard this. he said he read it in the newspaper back in 1991 or thereabouts. this heated discussion I had with the guy was back in 1998 or 1999. anyway, I replied to his story by saying, I didn't believe the story was true. he replied why? I said if it were true, then, there must be a lot of the thai military dying right now, right?

    after the heated debate I had with the guy, I started to wonder who these people are who writes these article for the media. whenever I found a name (author) associated with an article on HIV, I would do a a search on a search engine with the name to see if I could find any info on the guy. get this, many times I would find someone with this name associated with some "religious (christian) organization".

    nowadays, when you read a newspaper article on HIV, see if you can see an author's name associated with it. many don't.

    there are many people in this world who are so opinionated that they can't tolerate other people's point of view. they are willing to lie to get you to adhere to their beliefs.

    ...many will kill you to get you to follow their "ways".

  3. I have a friend who is currently a kite surfing instructor in vietnam. he asked me to see if he could work here in thailand. he is originally from california. but came over to southeast asia recently.

    does anybody have any info on where he could get a job, and how much the pay is here?

    any kite surfing info would be welcomed. thank you.

  4. With the repressive and opressive government here to stay; why do you stay?

    I have been living here for 7 months now and am bored to death.

    This is not the Thailand I remember from the past. 

    I am a night person who likes to party.  But, with the drug laws and early closing times, it's just not fun anymore.

    I would be interested in hearing from similar type people.

    Farangs who are married or working here obviously have a good reason.

    I think people who are into drugs are some of the most selfish people in this world. they are a dangerous group who care only of the addictive pleasures they get from using drugs. they don't care about the people around them who suffer from drug addiction. they really don't care about their friends either.

    history is full of examples of countries being destroyed by relaxed drug laws, and yet these people still push for the right to use drugs.

    I had this ex-friend who knew full well the penalties of possessing drugs here in thailand, and yet he put my life at peril by carrying it with him whereever we went. one time, he was stopped by the police, and thank god they didn't find the drugs he had on him. otherwise, I would be in jail now. ..I only knew of the drugs he had on him when later, he bragged of how he got away with it. this ex-friend is one sick person. as are all people who use drugs deemed illegal in the countries they are in.

    don't like what I have to say? well, you did ask.

  5. ...its evaluation methods were extremely reliable, according to the poll’s chief. 

    Well the concluding sentence is based on a sample of one person, who just happens to be the most biased one... How about a poll: are you confident in Suan Dusit polls?

    Getting back to the subject, how confident are you in this govt, relative to the one before? Or the one that was responsible for the '97 economic crash?

    2 points...

    1-before 1992 leaderships changed by way of coup every 4 years. knowing this fact, I would have to say that those leaderships including the current one are a step forward. they may not be perfect. but they are definitely an improvement.

    2-I have already forgotten much of the 97 economic crash. but as I recall, the main reason why it occurred was because of a man named george soros. in his greed, he was ready to destroy the economy of a many countries just to increase his wealth. ..some people say he was smart because he was able to do what he did. it is a weakness of the system to not realized the crimes he has committed. to not bring him to justice. by the way, does anyone know where he lives?

  6. 27 baht per minute? that can't be right.

    in the states, you can make a phone call from a pay phone for 50 cents. but you can talk forever for that.

    it must be a mistake.

    I can't believe a hotel like novatel siam would do that.

    a phone call from a land line in bangkok costs 3 baht. and for that 3 baht, you can talk forever.

    yeah. I would talk to the hotel manager about this.

    every business graduate knows that return customers are the name of the game. enticing people to come to the hotel once, and then, blowing them away is so shortsighted.

    I'm sure that the hotel would not want to give this image to prospective customers. they stand to lose a lot of business if this is the way they are treating people.

    being the curious type of guy, I will go to the hotel and ask them face-to-face how much it costs for a phone call if I stay at their hotel.

    27 baht a minute for a local call? nah. you must be exaggerating.

  7. be careful of prices quoted on the net. if there is one thing I have learned from living overseas is that prices get jacked up if you are a foreigner.

    one of my friends had a house built on a rai of land outside of chiang mai a few years back for 700k baht.

    chiang rai is much smaller than chiang mai.

    foreigners are so gullible it makes me cringe. if I was evil, I could make a killing being a real estate agent here.

    hey! anybody want to buy a piece of a royal temple? let me know. I'll give you a good deal.

    I remember once about 6 years ago, I asked this girl if she knew of a place out in onnut area of bangkok which was cheap. she replied she knew of this place where they had small condos going for 600k baht. told her that I was interested. so, she said she would find out more info for me. being curious about the place, I asked another thai friend about this place, he replied that those places are selling for 300k baht.

    so, I'm thinking, ...hmmmm. is my other friend trying to make some easy money for herself?

    a fool and his money are soon departed. of course, if you don't mind being a fool....

  8. here's a story for you. since I got the info second hand, I don't know if it's entirely true.

    there is this guy from abroad who came to thailand to find someone underage with whom he could have sex with as often as he wanted.

    he found such a girl. but realizing that he could be in big trouble he married her older sister. they both live in the same place with him. but in the privacy of the bedroom, he only makes love with the younger sister.

    in return for their secrecy and loyalty, he spent over 4 million baht on the family buying them a house, and a large farm. even bought them a pickup, and a tractor. moreover, he is putting the 2 girls through school.

    I hear that whenever he goes out to the farm, the whole family treats him like a god for what he has done for them.

    ..should such a person still be put in jail for being a pedophile?

    since I got this info second hand, and don't know if it is entirely true, I won't mention names to protect myself from any legal action.

    ..just consider the scenario as fiction for discussion.

  9. I was born and raised in the usa.  some observations...

    in america, at least on the west coast, often when a man looks at a woman, the woman will stare back in a hostile way.  and many times, tell the man to not stare.  quote, "it is impolite".

    if the man happens to be old, usually, you will get added the quote, "dirty old man".  or, "you could be my father."

    on the other hand, here in thailand, when I look at a young woman, I often get a smile.

    now, ladies....  tell me how you would react if a man whether it be young or old look at you.  would you show hostility towards the person, or smile?

    ...it's all about attitude.

    of course, this is a generalization.  I'm sure it doesn't happen all the time.  but in my experience, more often than not.


    This is an old issue that has been addressed in other posts. But, for your newbie sake I will repeat myself :o .

    Take a poll, ask your female friends in the US how many times, as a teenager or as a young woman, they were sexually harassed, ask them how many times they had some man expose himself, ask them how many peeping toms they had to put up with. I learned my lesson about making eye contact with a strange man when I was 13 years old and a man stopped me to ostensibly ask me for directions, when, in fact, he was exposing himself to me. He looked to be about late 20's early 30's. Certainly not anyone's idea of a dirty old man. When I was 17 I had a serial peeping tom, I kept my curtains pulled tighly shut for years afterwards. In high school I was sexually groped by a guy walking down the hallway. And I am not unusual, this happens to girls regularly. You are a guy, you do not have a clue what it is like. There is nothing like having one's personal space invaded in a way that feels sexually threatening to keep one from being overly friendly to strange men.

    Next time you decide that the girl is being unfriendly, try to look at things from her point of view. My father once said to me that it deeply bothers him that his daughters cannot walk down the street without being at risk from some weirdo.

    I'm sure you will agree that most men in the world including the usa are decent human beings. the perverts, weirdos, etc. are but a small minority. right?

    so, why is it that in the usa, laws have been put in place to control the decent men who just happens to want to look at a woman?

    frankly, I find it insulting that a man cannot even approach a woman in the work place for fear of possibly sexually harassing a woman.

    hostilities towards women? I think it's the other way around.

    and you wonder why men don't want to approach a western woman?

    for every instance that you can tell me of a possible sexual harassment, I can give you a story of cruel rejection.

    I remember times when I would approach a girl in america only to be told to <deleted> off. I remember hanging out at this bar in san francisco, my friend was interested in this waitress. so, he tried to ask her for her phone number. her cruel response was quote, "why don't you give me a break, I'm working, and have no time to entertain you."

    ...hostility towards women?

    look in the mirror.

  10. I was born and raised in the usa. some observations...

    in america, at least on the west coast, often when a man looks at a woman, the woman will stare back in a hostile way. and many times, tell the man to not stare. quote, "it is impolite".

    if the man happens to be old, usually, you will get added the quote, "dirty old man". or, "you could be my father."

    on the other hand, here in thailand, when I look at a young woman, I often get a smile.

    now, ladies.... tell me how you would react if a man whether it be young or old look at you. would you show hostility towards the person, or smile?

    ...it's all about attitude.

    of course, this is a generalization. I'm sure it doesn't happen all the time. but in my experience, more often than not.


  11. if you haven't worked out for a long time, going to the gym 6 times a week is too much.

    for a total beginner, you should only work out - at most - 30 minutes a day 3 times a week.

    after a workout, if you feel sore or tired the next day, take a break. rest your body until you feel better. then, when you return to the gym, consider lowering the amount of exercise you do until you get stronger.

    in other words, 30 minutes maybe too much for you in your current physical state.

    listen to your body.

    remember. ...the object of going to gym is make your body stronger. ..not to make sure you don't miss a scheduled workout.

    a common mistake with many beginners...

  12. I hang out a lot in various places in bangkok. many times I meet people who are really unhappy with their lives. no matter what I did to try to make them happy, they would not smile. during the course of getting to know them, I found out that they enjoyed making other people unhappy.

    ..whatever it took, an insult, a threat. getting happy people to be miserable was such a high for them.

    there are many people out there like this. including some on this board.

    their only enjoyment in life is to make other people's lives miserable.

    internet forums were made for these kind of people. beware.

  13. hmmmm....

    someone is killing people all the time. he is living with a group of friends. when the police try to arrest this one person, his friends stop them from doing so. these friends have guns, and they are able to stop you from arresting him.

    since this one person is killing people all the time, and won't stop.

    what are your options?

    1) kill them all.

    2) let the one person continue his killing spree,

    3) ?

    being such highly moralistic individuals, I would like your feedback, if you don't mind.

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