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Posts posted by smacko

  1. just box it up, make sure you do a good job as it will be bumped around a bit.

    between you and your wife you should have 40kg allow (going off the standard 20kg person ticket)... so if you dont have a lot of clothes you should be okay weight wise.

  2. gday,

    i'm heading back to thailand in november (for 4-6weeks).

    going with my mate (we're both 22).

    this will be my 3rd and his 2nd visit.

    his dad's an expat living in bangkok (suk soi 22), so again we'll be making

    bangkok will be our base. :o

    our last trip;

    fist week in bangkok

    a week in phuket (patong)

    5 days in Koh Samui

    then another week in bangkok

    so anyways we're trying to get a bit of trip plan going...

    the cheapest air fair is linked to a pre booked local flight.

    so i need to decide at least one destination.

    I was thinking Chiang Mai??

    to help with suggestions i'll give you a quick run down of the things we like to do.

    (*note* we didn't barfine/ST/LT any girls during the pervious visit, so i dont think that will change)

    so we like:

    lots of drinking (like most aussies) :D

    playing pool (while drinking of course)

    night clubs (hiphop/dnb *dancing fun when your young!)

    food/eating out (love thai food, love the cart vendors, hanging for sticky rice mmm)

    meeting new people (girls of course - no backpackers met enough in EU)

    I think we'll return to Patong, but not Koh Samui (just didn't like it)

    As i've read so much about Pattaya i think i'll have to visit there too.

    so can anyone sugguest places to visit?

    will we be bored in Chiang Mai? or enjoy it for a few days?


  3. need to get my glasses prescription renewed.

    i'm heading back to LOS at some point this year, and i'm wondering if its worth waiting...

    does anyone know the cost of lenses in LOS?

    cost be about 160AUD last time i got them done. :o

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