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Posts posted by smacko

  1. i was travelling around EU for most of last year, and generally people were rating americans are the worst tourists.

    one american i spoke to told me stories of other americans he had met, that would put Canadian flags on there packs, because they believed they would be treated better.....

    as for american's in LOS, i wouldn't worry about it.

    as long as you respect the locals, you wont have any problem (regardness of were your from)

  2. Gday,

    Okay just a little quick background info.

    Age: 21

    Nationally: Australian / Czech (dual citizen, born in aus)

    Status: Single

    Location: Melbourne

    I’m looking at going to Thailand (Bangkok) for my 3rd visit in the next few months.

    I Planing on staying for a minium 3months (more likely 6-9months) and renting an apartment during this time.

    I’m going to see friends, and to look into wether I can start up some kind of business (no idea what yet).

    I am a listed director of my dad’s small company.

    I am trying to decide which visit I should apply for.

    Obviously a Non-Immigrant Visa, but for which category.

    O or B

    Can I use looking into a business venture as a reason for category B?

    Hopefully I’ve given you all the information you’d need to advise me.

    This really is a great site, I was totally lost till i found this.



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