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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 14 hours ago, SpaceKadet said:

    You know nothing about the requirements for building and commissioning a NPP. There are though inspections throughout the building process and no fissile material will be available unless the inspectors are satisfied. That's why generally big NPP projects are delayed and over budget.


    In any case, if Thailand would build a >1TWe NPP, and not go for SMR, it would most probably be China that builds and supplies the fuel. Just like Hinkley in UK.

    China would most probably insist that they run the plant too.


    So your humorous musings, are just that...

    Well, glad that you eventually realized that this was simply an attempt to be humorous, nothing more...

    • Haha 1
  2. What could possibly go wrong when the Thai commission, build and operate a nuclear power plant? Let's think for a second....

    1. To showcase national pride, they hire local graduates from the Physics Dept. to design a new Thai-style nuclear power plant that will be "unique and the first of its kind in the entire world".
    2. They treat it like every other infrastructure project and it turns into an aircraft carrier-sized nightmare of epic proportions as mismatched and sub-standard parts are procured on separate contracts and critical systems are cut out by the lowest bidders. A Frankenstein's Monster is the resulting design.
    3. They actually build the thing and turn it on.
    4. The idiot third cousin twice-removed of the local bigwig gets assigned to the safety officer position and proceeds to use all the budget to fund his string of girls and fancy cars while no safety measures are actually put in place. He gets promoted to run the place after an inquiry while the only technical person involved in the entire project has it pinned on him and gets sent to prison. 
    5. The contaminated materials get carelessly disposed and local charlatans latch onto it and start packaging the waste as skin whitener so widespread radiation contamination occurs throughout the country.
    6. They have a party for the New Year and wreck the place in a drunken free-for-all while forgetting to turn the coolant stream back on after they leave so it melts down.


    • Sad 1
  3. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Pattaya, Thailand – In a viral incident that has made international headlines and drove significant speculation and discussion online, a group of independent contracted guards brutally assaulted British tourists after a furious dispute over a bill on the bustling Soi 6 Pattaya over the past weekend. The attack raised serious concerns about safety and tarnished the family friendly image of the popular tourist destination, according to Pattaya Police.


    There we go! Looks like they listened to my comment and put the "family friendly" back in Pattaya! That sentence being the only location it will ever be found...

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No one is in ICU, they all walked away.

    The video shows the Thai security guys walking away, not the victims.


    The quotation on the first page of the thread appears to quote the Webfact that provided the initial story. Perhaps it was written originally then edited out after not being confirmed?

    • Confused 1
  5. 7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    He could have settled to the life of a retired grandfather, play with his grandchildren, and live in peace.

    But no, that is obviously not what the criminal wanted.

    Thailand had enough of Thaksin, the Shinawatras, and their minions. 

    How about the current mob of unelected power-hungry elite who spent much of their time in power blaming everything on the evil one right up until they welcomed him back in the country to "serve his time", if by serving his time you mean lounging in luxury outside of the purview of the commoners. He's now free and clear, and if you don't think he's joined up with the current elite who now realize there's a much larger threat on the horizon - young people who aren't tied to or interested in perpetuating the old system whereby the same dinosaurs pass the public purse around to pilfer. 

    This is just a more subtle version of Trumpism - don't mind me, BUT LOOK OVER THERE!!!! THERE'S THE BAD GUY!!! NO NOT THAT ONE, THAT WAS LAST YEARS' BAD GUY!!!

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
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