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About JCauto

  • Birthday 08/27/1962

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  1. Just looked through this thread - it's not here. A link to another post would work.
  2. She wasn't running for an electoral position that required one. Did you know she didn't win any seats on any school boards either? Who cares? She's run for several positions and won every time. Works for me.
  3. Yep, sure does. Have you seen us quoting anything from them and putting it out there as a reason one should not vote for Trump? I know I sure haven't, and I sure haven't seen it from anyone else on the Left. You guys on the other hand will drag anyone who has been on TV for more than one episode and put them on the dais to rant about their love for DJT and hate for everyone else. Kid Rock? LOL! Tell me, have you ever seen a jacked-up monster truck festooned with flags, obnoxious bumper stickers and obscenities directed towards the opponent of Biden? You know, like the Trump trucks, the Trump boats, the Trump convoys of trucks and boats. Nope, you haven't. Know why? Because he's just a guy who was running for and then was the President. We think he's done a pretty good job in challenging circumstances, but that's as far as it goes. Once he showed he didn't have the energy to defeat the GOP, we wanted him out and replaced by someone who could. It's because we Lefties care about policy and competence in government, but don't care so much about personalities. You guys are in a cult. Trump can say one thing and then the opposite the next day and you'll be 100% behind him on both of those days. There's no policy on the Trump Train, just the cult of personality and whatever gibberish comes out of his mouth or twitter feed on that day. Any "policy" is just a one-liner about how it's so easy to fix that particular issue and we'll be putting out our plan to resolve it in two weeks time. But the policy never actually arrives. Remember the amazing, incredible plan to replace Obamacare that would be cheaper, better and show how awful Obamacare really was? He ran on that. He had control of the House, Senate and Presidency. Where's the replacement Health Care plan? How about the Infrastructure Week? When does that start?
  4. Here's a great trick for anyone wanting to find their way around paywalls. Copy the URL you want to read, then paste it into this site: https://paywallreader.com/ Bob's yer uncle!
  5. You're so seldom correct that you should have the opposite of what you think as your default position just so you can be right about SOMETHING sometimes. Why would I be embarrassed about studying in the USA? They have some good schools. I studied engineering there but would rather not provide specifics so as to not be so easily identifiable. My experiences along with what I have previously posted on the forum would make me very easy to track down because they're uncommon. Does that make a difference? Are we required to provide credentials now for posting? I'm okay with it, but I don't agree with people having to do that because many folks are smart but don't have the opportunity to go to university or gain qualifications due to their life circumstance. I'm from Canada - our politics don't really affect the wider world very much, hence my interest in yours which do. I have also lived in the States for several years while studying and working, so I like the place and have many friends there. So yes, I find the politics there fascinating, much more interesting than the boring old social democracies like Canada that pretty much function as they should and provide a good place for people to live and raise families. I liked that place too, but it's too boring compared to Southeast Asia and the USA.
  6. LOLOLOLOL! Sure, why not? Nothing is sticking so far, let's see....we tried turning her into the Joker, that didn't work. Let's double down on racism and misogyny, wait, hold on, why are our leaders telling us not to? THAT'S WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO! What about Hunter Biden's schlong! Or...Sleepy Joe's too old to run, he needs to resign immediately! Whoops, now we've got the old and sleepy guy. Impeach Kamala Harris for the border! Oh, why didn't we do that when we tried to impeach Mayorkas for the border? She's an anti-semite! Oh, what do you mean she's married to a Jew? She's a childless cat lady! Who helped raise her stepkids in a mixed family like so many other Americans (you're aware the divorce rate in the USA > 50% right?). And here we are. Hilary Clinton. E-mails! LOLOLOLOL!
  7. I didn't attack him, perhaps he was a good placekicker? I don't recall who he played for. Maybe the Giants? My point was (please read slowly so you can understand it) that when you're posting political thoughts from obscure former NFL placekickers when it comes to the upcoming US Presidential election, that means you ain't got squat. It's the same reason why Kid Rock is the biggest "star" of Right-Wing music and Scott Baio has replaced Jon Voight as the highest profile actor. Anyone with a brain, a conscience, and relevance is not endorsing Trump and Vance.
  8. Can you provide a reference source that she was a DEI hire? I believe that this is a stated fact so requires backup evidence according to my interlocutors from the Right.
  9. Every accusation is a confession with our friends from the Right. Really wouldn't go there if I were you, everyone knows who DEPENDS on sanitary pads for his incontinence. And it ain't ol' Joe. BTW, didn't you get the memo? Hunter don't matter no more, especially when he's been convicted of a firearms offense. Focus!
  10. As fake as a Donald Trump crowd figure? As fake as hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign donations raised from millions of people overnight? What's great about your post is that you've put a time limit that is quite short on your marvelous prediction. So let me remind myself to come back in a week and rub your face in it.
  11. Wow! Not Jay Feely! Who is....a former placekicker in the NFL (American football). Well, that settles it then! When former placekickers start pontificating on politics, you simply gotta put down your pens and listen! But what did Kid Rock, Scott Baio and the other celebrity luminaries of the Right say? And why is it that practically zero talented musicians, actors or other famous artists share these political viewpoints? Could it be that the policies of the Right are only for the greedy (billionaire class) and mediocre? Seems that way.
  12. This is going pretty much as I figured it would. The ASEAN NOW Right are so desperately clutching at straws 7-11 may have a shortage soon! C'mon, keep flinging that poop, something surely must stick! This is just a political master stroke by Joe Biden and the Democrats. They were toast and would have lost the House and Senate - democracy was genuinely at threat from this. The case for not electing old and declining men for President was made using all the resources available by the Republicans and they largely succeeded. And that political capital has just been banked by the Democrats who will now point out Trump's age and regular word salads, gibberish and other signs of his decline. Oh I know y'all are excitedly thinking that Kamala is a dummy, after all you've been listening to dog whistling about women and POC for so long you can't hardly think differently since it is on the viewing menu every day in various forms. Did you know that she's NEVER lost an election? Pretty cool, huh? This has been an incredible week for those of us on the Left. Watching the Right Wing melt down, throw out conspiracies, desperately attempt to launch legal challenges to the candidacy and prevent their access to funds already raised for Biden and immediately go off into racist and misogynist messaging despite being begged not to and becoming so desperate they're convinced that videos of Kamala laughing are going to somehow convince everyone to vote for the GOP has been just what the doctor ordered. Oh, that and the hundreds of millions of dollars that she's energized people to give over the last couple of days. Remarkable how her entry to the race has galvanized the Left and terrified the Right. Thanks Joe Biden, history will remember you kindly. As to those convicted of felonies, time to serve is coming soon!
  13. And you'd be wrong (to be fair, you're consistent which is somewhat a virtue). The reason he won is that he mobilized the Democrats, Independents and younger folks to get out and vote. As you may be aware, if turnout is high, GOP loses in pretty much any scenario. This is why Biden was going to lose and the Democrats were going to get whooped if he stayed in the race. Your assessment that Obama made a "turn hard-left" is risible. He campaigned as a moderate and turned out to be Center-Right. Disappointing, but you deal with the situation you have not the one you wish you had. Being President is like steering a massive oil tanker, not like driving a highly tuned sports car. My post was riffing on the one I responded to and was in the same vein. My points on the election and likely impacts of Kamala Harris being the Democrat nominee are all over this thread, why pretend that "name calling is all you have" when the evidence that this is a complete fabrication is splattered all over pretty much every page of this thread? Oh, right, because that is the Far-Right playbook; just throw stuff at the opponents magnified by compliant social media by your billionaire backers and with support from Russia, China and Iran's misinformation machines and see whether any of it sticks. Typically, it's started with the lowest common denominator, racist dog-whistling and overt misogyny. What a surprise. As we have on very rare occasions had some actual discussion of points rather than flinging poop, allow me to ask you a question that hopefully you can provide us some insight about. Why are Russia, China, Iran and North Korea all cheerleading and supporting the election of Donald Trump when they are America's adversaries?
  14. If you actually knew why Obama won the first time and was re-elected, you'd know why she's likely to win against Trump this time. The electorate has had 4 years of Trump's disastrous rule and destruction of the rule of law and 3+ years of competent administration and an improving economy while staving off Russian aggression. I'm waiting to observe the usual pathetic claims of voter fraud and how the Democrats must surely have cheated to have such a landslide result rather than the Fascism, racism and misogyny being offered by the captive GOP.
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