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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. Oh, so the original protests, the ones coming from the poisoned villagers, that was no biggie? And you don't think there's a chance big money interests were behind that "protest" to reopen the mine? Western companies who violate environmental and social safeguards deserve all the losses they've earned.
  2. https://vancouversun.com/news/new-study-shows-no-increase-in-car-crash-injuries-after-marijuana-legalized Well then! You'll be pleased to note that cannabis use is associated with a lower incidence of driving accidents even amongst the youth. I'm sure that, now armed with this knowledge, you'll change your tune and advocate for the full legalization of cannabis and outlawing of alcohol.
  3. You have made two posts so far with a number of assertions backed up with absolutely ZERO sources of credible information. You then call others who have made posts countering your "argument" with credible sources "propaganda efforts like this have no credibility". Hypocrite much?
  4. Sounds like the poor Old Fella was correct. Hopefully his sacrifice will prevent this young waster from doing other things like reproducing, although I'm guessing he'll not get much of a chance in the hoosegow. Can't say as I've ever had a reason to ride around as a 21-year old carrying a kitchen knife...
  5. "The media ended their article saying that justice could still prevail. But time is running out and the Thai authorities will hopefully take the last few chances available for that justice to be served." Perhaps they ended the article a bit early? Justice could still prevail...pigs could one day grow wings and fly.
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