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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. That's true! But then going from that to describing what's on the hard drive using pure speculation is classic ASEAN Now Detective work. Don't be modest!
  2. "After watching the video of Mac Isaac's interview, the computer shop owner, I would say there is a lot more damning evidence on the hard drive; evidence more damning than the gun charges." So who is making claims about the evidence on the laptop from a video, was that someone else who also is named "Hawaiian"? You're the AN Top Detective, not me. Do you have a special room in your house with a frosted glass window with your PI name on it?
  3. Wow, look at you! Taking the most obvious results based on logic and even the most basic knowledge of the justice system and making accurate predictions! This may seem trivial to the vast majority of sentient humans, but for someone who has completely swallowed the Right-Wing Agitprop, this is an important first step. Now keep using those logical facilities - we may even be able to have a nuanced and productive debate before November at this rate!
  4. This is why the world is wasting an incredible resource just sitting around waiting to solve problems. The ASEAN Now Top Detective Team can read the evidence on a hard drive from watching a video! Why worry about AI, when the ASEAN Now Shamuses are on the case!?!
  5. Wait until they discover just how entwined and ensnarled ALL banks are and in ALL transactions, and how if you wish to take puritan stands that you end up standing for nothing other than the complete destruction of the existing systems. Which isn't a bad thing to stand for, but do so under the correct premise, not this BS.
  6. You think that anonymous posters criticizing other anonymous posters about their appearing to support a known terrorist organization is grounds for libel? Okay, then! I am guessing that you're not a lawyer nor do you play one on the internet. If you're not one of the Left who have been happily blaming Israel without any approbation for Hamas, then my apologies are in order. As to being sued for libel, pretty sure that making statements about imaginary internet avatars is not defamatory unless you wander around under the rather unusual name of "Chomper Higgot" and are well known as said personage.
  7. You are the one who raised this as an issue, not I. You claimed I shouldn't have made this post since it is apparently "whataboutary". I think it's a valid point. You apparently do not, hence it is a reasonable assumption that you are one of those people, something I have confirmed in my observations on the Gaza threads where you appear to be Pro-Hamas.
  8. My comment was not pertaining to having a thread on that. It wasn't that difficult to understand. It was a comment on why in this thread on that topic, the Lattefada haven't showed up yet to offer their sympathies and pity to the poor victims as they inevitably do whenever Palestinians are involved. Did these folks do something awful to trigger this horrible violence? Perhaps if they had perpetrated a pogrom, they'd be getting the support of people like yourself?
  9. I see. So we have hundreds of posts, daily media reports and regular outrage over what's happening in Gaza, including regular denunciations of "Genocide" and breathless reporting of 35,000 deaths of mostly women and children (now thoroughly debunked statistically as complete lies, but whataboutary!) but when 200,000 CHILDREN alone are at threat of famine and death and civilians are desperately forming militias to fight off roaming bands of para-militaries in a real-world Mad Max scenario, that's just "meh" to you and the rest of the world. This isn't whataboutism, this is deliberate misinformation campaigns and propaganda leading the gullible like yourself into the arms of these savages.
  10. The link was supporting the claim of excess deaths caused in the USA during the COVID-19 era. The statistics in your post refer to worldwide statistics, rather than USA statistics which was of course the topic of the thread. I do appreciate that you posted a link to a genuine site with a proper scientific and professional basis. They didn't separate out the excess deaths by country in terms of numbers, but for example if you look at the graph in Figure 2, you can see that taking 2020-2021 the countries that exceeded the P-values are all former Eastern European countries with no G7 nor any G20 country unless you allow anyone who is an EU member to count. That's a sign of policy failure, when the country with the highest health expenditure per capita and at the center of so much medical technology and where many of the vaccines were developed that successfully saved the lives of tens of millions or more people doesn't beat a single country whom most Americans could point out on a map. Not sure what that equates to in numbers of deaths and can't be bothered to do the math, but you get my drift. "Police let the protesters into the Capitol" - lie, already disproven. "No police officers or anyone else where (sic) killed by the gunless insurgent insurrectionists" - in the days and weeks after the riot, including one the day after who suffered two strokes, 5 police officers involved in the Jan 6 riots died. Gunless? Nope. Link below. Zip ties, arms caches, pipe bombs, this was a coup attempt. Over 450 already convicted, over 780 guilty pleas, your Dear Leader has pied pipered practically all of his dubious "best people" into the Justice system due to habitual law-breaking as taught to him at the foot of Roy Cohn. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/capitol-rioter-armed-gun-jan-6-found-guilty-charges-rcna80387 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/3-years-jan-6-numbers-1200-charged-460/story?id=106140326 The list of US Presidents who are war mongering is long and by no means exclusive to one side of the aisle or the other. The characterization of the Israel-Hamas conflict as "genocide" makes the term meaningless if true. Which of course is one of the goals of the massive misinformation campaign that you have fallen prey to. But this thread is not about that.
  11. You're a poor learner. Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are headed to the Pokey for ignoring Congressional Subpoenas, and referrals to the DOJ are examined on their merits and charges are either laid or the referral is dismissed based on lack of evidence or likelihood of non-conviction. Seeing as you have issues with the law, how do you feel about Hunter Biden's gun charges? You reckon that he should ignore the Subpoenas and DOJ referrals? Do you think the gun charges he's up against are constitutional?
  12. Did you read the link? It was the CDC who published that. They're actually charged with that task so it's the very opposite of conjecture. As to disgusting, well, I find the anti-vaxxers to be more disgusting personally, and the idiots who behaved badly caused the deaths of many people by spreading the virus to people who were trying to protect themself. Rubes who believed nonsense peddled by known grifters so highly manipulable and dangerous people, as shown when they stormed the Capitol on 6 Jan. They're no loss.
  13. I wasn't positing that as one. Do try to keep up. I was noting that not only are the Tories heading for an historic thrashing, there are significant numbers of their own electorate who would be appalled that they're voting for the children of immigrants.
  14. Well, you know who has forgotten it already? The 1.366 million people in the USA who are dead because of the botched response, the misinformation and the anti-vaxxers. Luckily the majority of those people would have voted for Trump again seeing as they listened to his advice to the point that it actually killed them. It will be even more glorious this time around that they died for nothing since the loss of those numbers will just add to the margin of victory by President Biden. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  15. Gym Jordan? The Assistant Wrestling Coach who failed to report the sexual abuse of the young men under his wing by the convicted pedophile and pervert Dr. Richard Strauss who sexually abused at least 177 student-athletes? That guy?
  16. The same way they knew Ivermectin was effective as an anti-viral. The same way they knew that the election was stolen. The same way they knew that Trump was a man of religious piety. They simply make up the reality they wish while carefully ignoring any contrary evidence that they're continually surrounded by. It is also why every accusation is a confession, they know that their people, or they themself, would and have done these things, therefore they cannot imagine that the opponents whom they despise wouldn't. So they feel confident in accusation, since they know it's certainly true on their side, and, after all, they're the "good people".
  17. Oh, is that Nigel Farage in front of cameras and the Right-wing rags to proclaim hatred against others? Must mean there's an election in the offing. Don't think it's going to work this time, made too big of a mess. Plus, your own leaders are children of immigrants. Perhaps time to have actual policies that are sensible and help your population? Or is that going too far?
  18. I would say it is the logical outcome of many years of deliberate strategy to obfuscate the truth, to radicalize the Right and to push false narratives such as "both sides" and "whataboutism". How else could you take the "law and order" people who are fundamentalist Christian and have them slavishly devoted to someone who represents literally the diametric opposite of those values - lust, hatred for strangers, avarice, excess, self-glorification. Mind you, those Evangelical mega-churches so little resemble the origins and meanings of Christianity that they function instead as unintentional parody.
  19. Well, glad that you eventually realized that this was simply an attempt to be humorous, nothing more...
  20. What could possibly go wrong when the Thai commission, build and operate a nuclear power plant? Let's think for a second.... To showcase national pride, they hire local graduates from the Physics Dept. to design a new Thai-style nuclear power plant that will be "unique and the first of its kind in the entire world". They treat it like every other infrastructure project and it turns into an aircraft carrier-sized nightmare of epic proportions as mismatched and sub-standard parts are procured on separate contracts and critical systems are cut out by the lowest bidders. A Frankenstein's Monster is the resulting design. They actually build the thing and turn it on. The idiot third cousin twice-removed of the local bigwig gets assigned to the safety officer position and proceeds to use all the budget to fund his string of girls and fancy cars while no safety measures are actually put in place. He gets promoted to run the place after an inquiry while the only technical person involved in the entire project has it pinned on him and gets sent to prison. The contaminated materials get carelessly disposed and local charlatans latch onto it and start packaging the waste as skin whitener so widespread radiation contamination occurs throughout the country. They have a party for the New Year and wreck the place in a drunken free-for-all while forgetting to turn the coolant stream back on after they leave so it melts down.
  21. Sigh. De-Nile. The river is called the "Nile River". It's one of the largest rivers in the world and played a major part in the Judeo-Christian religion along with the Tigris and Euphrates. I shudder to think of how you might spell "Euphrates". Just a helpful hint - your misspelled rants and "whataboutism" going all the way back to Ted Kennedy (LOL! FYI, he dead) aren't exactly demonstrating your mental acuity.
  22. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth?" Donald J. Trump
  23. There we go! Looks like they listened to my comment and put the "family friendly" back in Pattaya! That sentence being the only location it will ever be found...
  24. The video shows the Thai security guys walking away, not the victims. The quotation on the first page of the thread appears to quote the Webfact that provided the initial story. Perhaps it was written originally then edited out after not being confirmed?
  25. And you might perhaps be under the impression that this would thereby provide the lubricant for the wheels of justice to turn? Afraid we're in Thailand - the wheels have been welded in place. The only possible outcome that would cause police to do anything about this would be for the person in the ICU to recover, make the charges, and then the men would be reluctantly arrested and charged. They would be subsequently released on bail, with an eventual notification that they should show up quietly at court. Unless the ICU fella decides he loves it here so much that he's willing to stay indefinitely and assign someone to sit daily inside the Pattaya courts, they'll whisk the lads out the back door with the case dismissed before it's even brought in front of a judge, with brown paper envelopes passing from bar to plod and all happy about the outcome. Oh, other than the poor fella in the ICU. But then again, stupid to argue bills in girly bars, only one likely result and this is it.
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