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Posts posted by BudfahRuksa

  1. "Police investigators reported that nothing at the scene look suspicious and didn’t believe foul play was involved."

    Isn't the death of a 31 year old suspicious by itself.

    Normally people die of natural causes at an older age, but young people do die of natural causes.

    Take an example of several prof football players who died of hearth failure in recent years. They have a good condition, doctor check-ups etc but still.

    Yes of course people can die of natural causes at any age but if someone of 31 dies with no reported health problems a full investigation is needed to make sure if it was or was not natural causes.

  2. BudfahRuksa

    To be honest , I think you are buying a load of trouble . Having a baby doesn't solve anything , is just a further impediment and source of argument . Moody and manipulative describes most Thai women . You have to learn to say NO and mean NO , they accept it and will sweeten up . Don't take any nonsense from them . I wouldn't send copies of your passport and birth certificate .

    I would strongly advise against getting married until you know one another really well . Thais will be looking for a hefty bride price . If she is coming to Australia that is the place to have a simple registry office wedding . She may at a later date try to persuade you to go to live in Thailand , Don't . The Cops aren't going to come after you in Australia . Take Care !!!

    No documents will be sent by me I will be present at the birth and I will deal with any requests at the time. I have told her that just because we are having a baby does`nt mean that we will be together forever. I also told her that I would not abandon her. She knows we had problems when she was here and that we are not ready for marriage..I reiterated that I will know when we are both ready. I do truly want to make it work with her and maybe have another child..she knows I`m not into divorce and that If she knows now that she is going to deceive me to please go away. I also send her emails from ThaiVisa and she doesn`t like it. She has actually told me to not send anymore saying she is not like "them" . I have been sending money to her and have told her that I am sending more than 3 times her monthly salary..I thought living was cheap in Thailand she says yes it is I say spend wisely..I am not the bank. She is also aware that when she comes to live hereIi will be consentrating on "our " family. Yes she is a virgin bride but I feel that the dowry thing I have already paid for and anyway from what I hear this is old fashioned beliefs.. I`m not at a market buying a steer. I have told her I want the little ones to grow up in Thailand..I like Thais and their gentle easy going nature...is this just a front? Grazie Toscano

  3. My first reaction to your post is " Don't Get married " If you must be very careful as to whom you are marrying , ie no workers in the tourist trade or met in resorts .

    Get yourself a Retirement Visa !!! You will be free to come and go as you please , you will not be dependent on living with a Thai wife , you will save yourself a lot of paperwork , time at immigration and having to drag your wife along for your annual visa extension . This will also give you the option to have a simple Thai wedding , which you can simply walk away from if it doesn't work out .

    Remember that " Thai Love " is exclusively about " Money ". If you are marrying a previously married woman , don't pay a bride price , that is for first time virgins . You can buy gold jewellery , do up an existing home to western comfort standards ; but be wary of all the relatives hard luck stories .

    You cannot get residency in Thailand as in some other countries , unless you have been a professional in Thailand for some years and then there is a quota .

    You can buy a Condo in your name . I would advise against buying a house in your wife's name , better to lease a house . If anything goes wrong you can simply leave and not lose all your capital .

    You might think I'm giving very pessimistic advice . I am married to an educated professional lady 52yrs , we have a good loving relationship , even so money or gold are of equal importance as love .

    You would not believe the number of foreign men who have effectively been robbed of all their savings and have ended up destitute . Take Care !!!

    One day I came home and she said to me something about opening a 7/11 store.. I would have to sell everything I have namely my own home and a newly bought investment property to do this. I didnt dismiss the idea but in no time flat as I was talking she just walked out of the kitcken and went back to the lounge to sulk..she said I was too negative. For 2 hours not a word was spoken and she ended up going to bed. The next day i didn`t call her during the day like I usually do but decided when I got home that she being a long way from home and alone here I was`nt going to aggravate the situation just be pleasant towards her..but i was starting to think I can`t wait for her to go home... turns out she was pregnant sad.png

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  4. Hmmm My Thai gf is giving birth early Oct and she says she wants to come and live with me in Australia.. Iv`e known her no I should say I first met her late Apr 2012. Oct last year I went back and she applyed for a passport and a tourist Visa. approved and arrived in Sydney Dec15 and she stayed with me until she had to leave March 12. We knew she was pregnant and at 49 Im happy she also, she`s 34... but I worry. Her dad retired cop her sister and her husband are cops. Her other sister is a nurse and her husband also has a government job. It worries me the number of farangs being murdered swindled etc.. Things I have noticed to date.. Shes moody can be stubborn sulks manipulative argumentative prone to being depressed..and this was all within 3 months..never travelled before in her life. Positives she speaks her mind..when shes not sulking..trust me thats a positive..it means I can see who she really is, good cook loving clean loves her family. I know it`s going to be a wild roller coaster ride I`m thinking she will change when bubba arrives..we both want kids...this may help settle both of us..Man who knows ! Question she is constantly asking me for a copy of my passport and my birth certificate..for the childs birth certificate im guessing..I intend to be nominated as the father she is my daughter and i intend to pay for both my child and my gf..It worries me to marry her..we`re basically not ready yet..but I didn`t want my daughter to suffer because were not married...Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

  5. Wow I`ve got a lot to learn... So Farang is looked down upon? Someone to exploit? I`m in a bit of trouble maybe...Hmmm I need to start another thread on this but getting back to this Dengue fever my gf is pregnant and she is in A north eastern province I am concerned about her getting this and also is the white smoke they use an insecticide? Is it safe? last year in a Hotel in Suphan Buri they sprayed this smoke through out hotel lobby. I cleared out and wondered If in Thailand being a poorish country whether they are up to date with Saftey issues like do they still use DDT for example. Cheers

  6. ...she stormed off into the lounge room saying im too negative and not a word was said that night until I got home the following day.

    If you don't mind answering an odd question, is that precisely what she said, "you are too negative?"

    Yes..within minutes of announcing her idea and without listening to anything i had to say..it was qite odd but it wasnt a good sign for me

    Might be better idea to start your own topic on this? Afterall, this thread is about a woman allegedly murdering her Austrian boyfriend.

    Yes ok..sorry I`m new to this

  7. I read this sort of thing a lot on here and think "What have I got myself into? Is this going to happen to me? Will I be safe in Thailand"?

    Im 49 and Ive been to Thailand 2 times now. My first visit a year ago was to meet a 34 yr old Thai lass that I met on a web site. Her sister acted as chaperone and things moved rather quickly. My second visit was 5 months later and it was this visit that I organised her passport and applied for a tourist visa for her to come to Australia.

    In December 2012 she arrived and we spent 3 months together. It was an interesting time.. I worked during the day and she slept mostly and watched TV a fair bit but that was ok because I knew she was learning more english and it kept her busy while I worked. She did ask me when I first met her If I knew about "thai culture"...Hmmm I thought ..Is she was referring to money? anyway alarm bells rangfor me. I later learnt that she was referring to money and in particular me helping support not only her but her parents. I told her that I don`t mind helping when I can but not to rely on it being regular... . One day i came home and I noticed she was quiet more than normal. I asked her If everything was ok and she said yes but I wasn`t convinced. Much later when I probed more she told me about her credit card and I remember saying why did you say everything was ok when It was not..she said she was embarrassed..yeah right!

    I got to a point where I felt the age difference in this case was an issue. Shes a bit immature and moody tends to sulk ..I cant say that I love her because everything is rushed we have communication problems in that I need to learn Thai and she needs to learn English which has improved heaps. She wants me to sell everything and move to Thailand and open a 7/11 store. I am not happy with my current employment in a government job but I can`t just sell everything and move to a country where I cannot buy property in my name...she stormed off into the lounge room saying im too negative and not a word was said that night until I got home the following day. When I got home we hugged and she apologised which was a relief but I was starting to feel that i can`t wait for her time to be over so she can go home..for me it was over...Until she told me she was pregnant.

    Has she been married before? If yes, to whom?

    How many kids does she have? Being 34 it is very likely...

    She is trying to manipulate you into a corner. Here in Thai you will not even be allowed to work in this 7/11.

    Run, Rabbit, Run!

    No she says she has not been married before.and I tend to believe her. She has changed her first name I know this because I helped her with getting a passport. She does not have any children and I sensed a rush to have one because she felt she was getting older and most of her friends have children. So me being a farang I cannot work in Thailand at all? What about a business? yes I sense she is trying to manipulate me into getting what she wants but I`m thinking maybe she will be more settled when the baby comes..I tend to want to marry for the sake of the child but I risk loosing everything I worked for all these years.

  8. I read this sort of thing a lot on here and think "What have I got myself into? Is this going to happen to me? Will I be safe in Thailand"?

    Im 49 and Ive been to Thailand 2 times now. My first visit a year ago was to meet a 34 yr old Thai lass that I met on a web site. Her sister acted as chaperone and things moved rather quickly. My second visit was 5 months later and it was this visit that I organised her passport and applied for a tourist visa for her to come to Australia.

    In December 2012 she arrived and we spent 3 months together. It was an interesting time.. I worked during the day and she slept mostly and watched TV a fair bit but that was ok because I knew she was learning more english and it kept her busy while I worked. She did ask me when I first met her If I knew about "thai culture"...Hmmm I thought ..Is she was referring to money? anyway alarm bells rangfor me. I later learnt that she was referring to money and in particular me helping support not only her but her parents. I told her that I don`t mind helping when I can but not to rely on it being regular... . One day i came home and I noticed she was quiet more than normal. I asked her If everything was ok and she said yes but I wasn`t convinced. Much later when I probed more she told me about her credit card and I remember saying why did you say everything was ok when It was not..she said she was embarrassed..yeah right!

    I got to a point where I felt the age difference in this case was an issue. Shes a bit immature and moody tends to sulk ..I cant say that I love her because everything is rushed we have communication problems in that I need to learn Thai and she needs to learn English which has improved heaps. She wants me to sell everything and move to Thailand and open a 7/11 store. I am not happy with my current employment in a government job but I can`t just sell everything and move to a country where I cannot buy property in my name...she stormed off into the lounge room saying im too negative and not a word was said that night until I got home the following day. When I got home we hugged and she apologised which was a relief but I was starting to feel that i can`t wait for her time to be over so she can go home..for me it was over...Until she told me she was pregnant.

    I reckon the best thing you can do is try to find out who the father is and give him the bills.whistling.gif

    Well that would be me kind sir ;)

  9. I read this sort of thing a lot on here and think "What have I got myself into? Is this going to happen to me? Will I be safe in Thailand"?

    Im 49 and Ive been to Thailand 2 times now. My first visit a year ago was to meet a 34 yr old Thai lass that I met on a web site. Her sister acted as chaperone and things moved rather quickly. My second visit was 5 months later and it was this visit that I organised her passport and applied for a tourist visa for her to come to Australia.

    In December 2012 she arrived and we spent 3 months together. It was an interesting time.. I worked during the day and she slept mostly and watched TV a fair bit but that was ok because I knew she was learning more english and it kept her busy while I worked. She did ask me when I first met her If I knew about "thai culture"...Hmmm I thought ..Is she was referring to money? anyway alarm bells rangfor me. I later learnt that she was referring to money and in particular me helping support not only her but her parents. I told her that I don`t mind helping when I can but not to rely on it being regular... . One day i came home and I noticed she was quiet more than normal. I asked her If everything was ok and she said yes but I wasn`t convinced. Much later when I probed more she told me about her credit card and I remember saying why did you say everything was ok when It was not..she said she was embarrassed..yeah right!

    I got to a point where I felt the age difference in this case was an issue. Shes a bit immature and moody tends to sulk ..I cant say that I love her because everything is rushed we have communication problems in that I need to learn Thai and she needs to learn English which has improved heaps. She wants me to sell everything and move to Thailand and open a 7/11 store. I am not happy with my current employment in a government job but I can`t just sell everything and move to a country where I cannot buy property in my name...she stormed off into the lounge room saying im too negative and not a word was said that night until I got home the following day. When I got home we hugged and she apologised which was a relief but I was starting to feel that i can`t wait for her time to be over so she can go home..for me it was over...Until she told me she was pregnant.

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