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Posts posted by linuxuser010101

  1. The machine is repaired, And why would Thai people be pushing you they do not need to go to immigration?

    Maybe they are paid to go for someone else?

    That's just silly how many could there possibly be doing 90 day check-ins. It is more likely someone can not tell the difference between Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any other Asian person in general but is comfortable with blaming Thai People for all the trouble in the world LMAO how very typical.

  2. I know this post is 5 months old but, I just bought a new Dell that came with ubuntu (also has the ubuntu logo on the machine) which wanted to update as soon as I turned it on (terrific, that's what it should do!).

    I installed Linux Mint 13 cinnamon Maya in a matter of minutes as that is the distro I personally prefer and I have not had any trouble whatsoever. I would recommend anyone looking for a new system have a look here http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/hiner/whats-the-best-laptop-for-running-ubuntu-linux/3793 this year anyway but do a google search to the effect of "good laptops for running Linux" before you buy.

    The worst machine I bought (and returned recently) was a Toshiba, the sales person lied to me and told me it would run Mint perfectly which the floor model did because it was connected to the internet via cable however, Toshiba clearly states on their website they will not make Linux drivers for their products so, you are pretty much stuck with asking the community to make one for you. In any event the wireless did not work and the machine was a piece of junk compared to the Dell that cost 2000B less anyway.

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  3. These are the links to torrent files for easier downloading, they are very fast downloads.

    ubuntu 12.04.1 desktop (32 bit)

    Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers

    ubuntu studio 12.04.1 dvd i386 (x86)

    The links below are server install CD's which allow you to install Ubuntu permanently on a computer for use as a server. They will not install a graphical user interface.

    ubuntu 12.04.1 server (64 bit)

    ubuntu 12.04.1 server (32 bit)

    I have all of these iso files ready for burning if anyone has trouble, I also have just about any other distro you can think of going back 5 years, feel free to ask if you need something.

    • Like 1
  4. I have been playing with Zenix and, it is very light weight also Xubuntu, Puppy Linux, Lubuntu, SliTaz or CrunchBang shold work on the old 32-bit machines quite well. I would recommend running a live disk version first to ensure you don't have any trouble.

  5. I'm not going on about anything, I suggest reading the news. Judge Lucy Koh even Suggested Apple was "smoking crack" in the Samsung case and said Apples lawyer was wasting the courts time. I don't think about Mac or Apple, never did I always thought it was a bad option for me from the start (back to the very beginning of it all) and I am saying it is a bad choice for ME it is an opinion not bashing or hating, I am a Linux user and would like to think I am above the petty arguments of Coke being better than Pepsi and I will not engage in a debate with people that do not program or use source code it's like debating biology with a creationist. The case against Samsung was by the way thrown out of the courts in Japan as a wast of time and pure silliness. I personally do not think Apple ever had an original idea other than the fanboys to bully non-Apple users kind of reminds me of a religion recently outlawed in Germany that bullies people.

    As for telephones and corners Apple says Samsung copied the design of the iphone and put round corners on it just like the iphone they also say Samsung copied the ipad which in my opinion is one of the most worthless pieces of hardware ever not even a USB port or SD slot to load and store data but if they do add a USB port or SD slot to future models I hope Acer and Samsung sue them (just kidding that would be stupid).

    • Like 1
  6. I just can't wait to buy the next iMac2012, ( hopefully within a month) sorry. My existing one is 5 years old, still going strong but not up to coping with modern NLE editing programmes. I just love how Macs 'just work' You boycott them if you like,

    Mac is the easiest thing to use if you do not have good computer skills or you do graphic design or video editing but over all it is not a good product but it sure is pretty, not quite sure how a mouse with only one button works though seems like you're missing out on a lot of options with that flaw alone.

    You could always just run Linux on your old Mac, in fact Mac OS X is Linux copied poorly by Apple. I would never personally own any product from Apple simply based on the human suffering they have caused and continue to cause not to mention they lie about everything including what they did not invent like rounded corners and flat, soon they are going to try to patent the "square" and say they invented it.

    It's a bit like driving a car, no need to be a mechanic and fix it regularly, just drive it. I have some computer skills, have to, my wife uses a PC and I have to 'maintain' it. I use a variety of mouses? (sic mice,?) two button, trackpad, a special one for editing. No need to run linux,don't want to, Mac OSX is fine for me and Adobe Premiere runs on it ( not fast I've only got a core duo, waiting for the new iMac). I suspect you are just a little biased.

    Mac OS X is a cloned Linux kernel that is why it does not crash, although most of the tech that went into the kernel used in Mach Kernel was scraped and considered a failure, the kernel was developed at Carnegie Mellon University with grant money.

    I'm not biased at all I even mentioned if you do movie editing or graphic design Mac is the way to go it's the best for doing those things, I just would not buy one strictly based on the human rights violations Apple engages in as well as frivolous lawsuits they bring against the competition because they want attention. You have to admit Apple did not invent the shape of a telephone, nor did they invent "flat" or "rounded corners" well, unless you're a fanboy or an Apple Evangelist, very sad.

  7. I wonder if he's bright enough to have changed the router's default password?


    LMAO, yeah, you have a valid point there I suppose there are a lot of people out there that wouldn't know how to do it or even think about doing it. So, chances are the user name is admin and password is admin. Now all you need is the IP address. thumbsup.gif
  8. If you're just trying to get a reaction I suggest playing with the mac fanboys, Linux users have too much class to play silly games. If you're serious the answer is because Linux is the best product available for people that are knowledgeable about computers, virtually everything today is run by Linux.

    Have a look at this:

    As for your car analogy Linux is a Porsche, Windows is a Toyota and Mac is... well something burned out on blocks in the ghetto.

  9. My guess would be people downloading torrents which can be blocked by the owner in the router set up menu. I doubt anyone is actually trying to stream TV because if they were you would have periods where you would actually have good internet when they were not using it where as downloading torrents is something you can do 24 hours a day and it will suck all the bandwidth available.

  10. I just can't wait to buy the next iMac2012, ( hopefully within a month) sorry. My existing one is 5 years old, still going strong but not up to coping with modern NLE editing programmes. I just love how Macs 'just work' You boycott them if you like,

    Mac is the easiest thing to use if you do not have good computer skills or you do graphic design or video editing but over all it is not a good product but it sure is pretty, not quite sure how a mouse with only one button works though seems like you're missing out on a lot of options with that flaw alone.

    You could always just run Linux on your old Mac, in fact Mac OS X is Linux copied poorly by Apple. I would never personally own any product from Apple simply based on the human suffering they have caused and continue to cause not to mention they lie about everything including what they did not invent like rounded corners and flat, soon they are going to try to patent the "square" and say they invented it.

    • Like 1
  11. I just burned my first ISO image to a USB drive (Mint 13) so I will be hunting a machine running Windows or Mac tomorrow to see if I can get it to run. I have been carrying 2 DVD"s one with Mint 13 and one with Ubuntu 11.04 to run on hostile machines when I am at work if I can not connect my notebooks. I used USB Image Writer which was installed in Mint 13 on my home PC, I will report back how it worked if anyone is interested.

  12. I'm very happy to see a Linux users group here in Chiang Mai. I am currently running Mint 13 (Maya) Cinnamon 64 bit on 2 of my machines and the 32 bit version on 2 machines. Linux Mint 14 (Nadia) is supposed to be released at the end of November 2012 at which point I will up grade my 2 notebooks but I think my home PC's are getting a bit out of date and possibly will not support all of the features properly. I just bought a New Dell which is Linux compatible however there are a lot of machines out there now that are not compatible and do not support wireless or Bluetooth drivers although the sales people will tell you it's fine. I noticed at Pantip Plaza there are a ton of new machines that have the Ubuntu logo and I am very happy to see that to say the least.

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