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Everything posted by boonchu

  1. boonchu

    Dental Clinic

    I use Palo Kaset hospital dental clinic and have had no problems over a 20 year period.
  2. I have always found parking on the road in front of the immigration building.
  3. Good sheep skins are probaly better to reduce bed sores. They can be washed and would be much cheaper and easier to transport.
  4. We were married at Keht Bangkapi some 38 years ago. It cost us 20Bt plus I had the free to marry declaration,passport etc. I was also coerieced into purchasing a tape recording of Thai music for 50BtIn and out in 1 hour. One of the staff was our wittness. Stll married to this day.
  5. Home Pro sell AC with installayion included.
  6. I used TOA Roof paint White colour. Nine years now and still looks great.
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