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Everything posted by pepi2005

  1. Hello, I've been walking through my documents, and shockingly found that I have only the "chinot" of a condominium I've bought a couple of years ago, but not the blue book. ???? I hope this isn't a major problem (?), certainly it will invoke massive bureaucratic steps to get it. Does anyone know where to go and what to do in order to get my blue (or even yellow) book? thanks!
  2. Thai tourist insurance charge hassle and visa hassle and "farang price" hassle and business operation hassle (4 employees req, no self-employment) and mask wearing hassle and 'u cheap tourist, we only want rich tourist' hassle and quite a few other hassles paying off big time! ????
  3. Thank you, WEF, for asking your puppets in parliaments around the globe to shut down virtually the whole world for a (as we now know) flu-like virus, to have them force pilots to participate in vaccine trials or otherwise to quit, and to damage a whole industry by lockdowns and other crazy measures. Great experts you have cultivated there in your Davos big brain labs!
  4. I have heard about 50 Covid stories in my personal surroundings during the last approx. 1.5 years. In terms of INFECTION, no significant difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, although subjectively, I would say that the # of vaccinated catching the virus has been rising during the last few months. There was 1 person I know who died *from* Covid since 2020 - 78 years old and heavily overweight, Diabetes patient. Unvaccinated only 1 more severe case, had to stay in bed for about 2 weeks and felt like <deleted>. No hospitalizations (except for the died one). Vaccinated severe cases about 1/3 of all. Mentioned side effects attributable to the shots: unvaccinated 0 (lol). Vaccinated: 4, 1 of them is permanently disabled now (caught myocarditis), can't work anymore. A student was unable to attend school for over a year and has to undergo physiotherapy and psychotherapy (social issues) now. My conclusion: the vaccine doesn't only NOT protect from catching infections at all, but also give people more severe symptoms. On top of that, a risk of serious side-effects. I hope the Thai government really goes with SCIENCE and gives up on the ridiculous restrictions finally, which have been proven to not only be useless, but even counter-productive. PEOPLE CAN GET SICK. It's part of life. At least _these_ 'vaccines' don't help, but have serious risks. STOP the hysteria already. Please.
  5. wait, don't say it, let me guess by myself: .... we'll have to get all these pets VACCINATED!!! ???? Pump dat business!!!
  6. It's politics like this - mindless regulations and red tape, decoupled from rational thinking, let alone science - why this country can't move forward.
  7. This is a step typically done by failing or crumbling governments that try to keep control over public discourse (similar to China, Canada, Australia), while strong governments in countries with happy people can 'afford' to have people talking. A strong politician is one who can deal with critical questions, as he will usually have good answers explaining his actions. I am worrying that the intentions described in this article might give the people living in Thailand the incorrect idea of their government being weak and therefore wanting to suppress and filter communication to their liking. ???? In my opinion, nothing could be more wrong, so I hope they will not get into the trap of really filtering the open Internet. ????
  8. New goal in Thailand: Becoming hub of ZERO SNIFFLES!! Having the sniffles, headaches or - beware! - light fever shall be declared absolutely UNBEARABLE for Thais and tourists. ????
  9. Just curious: what's a 'SHA certificate' or a 'Covid free setting' (whatever that means) good for, when by now we know for sure that the vaccinations used these days do pretty much nothing at all to ensure non-transmission and preventing infection from the Cov viruses, seemingly even less so for the Omicron mutation? Why can't the policy of choice be: let people live, and take risk groups take care for themselves, just as we did for centuries before? This virus (provably already existing since 100+ years) won't disappear, do we want to have testing craze and fear until year 2150? ????
  10. I have a proposal for the TAT: instead of just reinventing Thai tourism to attract only the richest people on the planet, why not reinvent it again and focus on the tourism segment of RICHEST PEOPLE who are also ANTI-ALCOHOLICS? I think they would not only pay top $$$ for the abandoned beaches, but on top of that even more $$$ to not be confronted with the devil's drug alcohol! Genius, isn't it? If you need me for more ideas on how to make even more money with tourism, I could tell you my secret on how to increase revenue from richest people who are also anti-alcoholics by offering an upgrade option for richest people who are also anti-alcoholics and don't enjoy sekkks. My DM's are open. ????????
  11. Thailand trying hard to catch up with Singapore, Israel, Island, States like Vermont etc., by fully betting on these so-called 'vaccines'. What could possibly go wrong? ???? See you soon with super spikes in terms of infections and death counts if this strategy continues and similar patterns emerge as in the vaccination front-runner countries & US states.
  12. Stop the fearmongering about the virus Stop all the pointless testing and the future will be bleak again in Thailand. The countries with little or no restrictions like Sweden, South Korea, now also Denmark, Norway etc. were doing best during and after this 'pandemic'. Why not taking an example from them instead of the country ruled by a geriatric and paranoid Pfizer employee?
  13. Roads in Pattaya are indeed filled with death traps, or at least motorbike killers. There is hardly a day when no new potholes of various depth are popping up. How the company responsible for road construction can manage to continue getting contracts with their amateurish works (2nd and 3rd Road have now been opened and closed for how many times in just 3 years?!) is a miracle to me. It could be other reasons than professionalism, I suppose, but who knows. Great roads in Hua Hin, Ayutthaya, Sukothai, Phuket, Krabi and many other provinces, so it is certainly not a general problem in Thailand.
  14. Just direct them directly from the airport to high-class aka slightly overpriced hotels, no alcohol, girls, or other fun of any kind, but they are allowed to 2 hours beach time (minimal spending of 50,000 THB per hour, no problem for the class of tourists Thais want to attract in their new scheme) and maybe even swimming per day (fee 50,000 THB, no problem for the class of tourists Thais want to attract in their new scheme), dinner is 50,000 THB with moderate entertainment (Thai chicken flute dance show).
  15. lol, that goes against everything we see in the top-vaccinated countries: cases and hospitalizations often at higher levels than in 2020, when there were NO vaccines! ???? Now use your head and ask yourself why that may be? These vaccines do not much more than "hide" symptoms - so vaccinated people can easily become super-spreaders, because usually they will feel more confident and can carry higher viral loads without noticing they are carrying the virus. But since the virus is mainly a risk for actual RISK GROUPS (75+ years old, diabetics, obese, lung diseases), the rational thing would be to provide this new technology to the actual risk groups, and let the other people alone. Let the economy run again and open up for tourism. About time to fade out the hysteria!
  16. Well certainly vaccinating into an ongoing pandemic won't help! Unfortunately, this is exactly what we're seeing in Thailand right now. Let's hope that for some mystical reason it will come different as two of the world's experts in the vaccine's technology and pandemics are outlining here, great discussion and very insightful (one doesn't have to agree with all the points they are making obviously, but that's science: listening to various points of view and then evaluating which can be falsified). That no one has listened to them from the very beginning has probably cost tens of thousands of lives.
  17. Cutting the quarantine stay (if we consider this concept even as useful at all for a potential infection with a virus with such a ridiculously small risk for non-risk groups ????) in half for vaccinated people - isn't that pretty silly and just the opposite of the rational approach? Sorry for being blunt. But at this point, anyone who still doesn't know that vaccinated people can carry even multiples of the viral load than unvaccinated, can't be taken seriously. Vaccinated people are not "safe" for others, but arguably even more dangerous, as during an infection, their symptoms are suppressed while they may feel over-confident and spread the virus for days or weeks after leaving the quarantine. They should allow unvaccinated (who usually show symptoms 3-4 days after an infection at latest) to leave after 5-6 days if symptom-free (again: if we consider a quarantine for this virus as useful at all), but keep the vaccinated in for at least 1-2 weeks just to make sure, and also test them for their viral loads extensively.
  18. what is 'influenza' even? Did you look at the mortality rates lately? 2020 pretty similar to 2019 and the years before. You have been pulled into a mass psychosis believing we are facing a deadly virus (well it can be, but mainly for risk groups which were just as vulnerable for "Influenza" or other coronaviruses before!) while in fact it was pretty much just a year like any other with the exception of media fearmongering and public hysteria. With all the hysteria, most even forget about the extreme damage to the economy and livelihoods of the 'living', and the damage the lockdowns caused. As the pressure on mass vaccination despite all concerning data shows more clearly every day, the real goal was probably always to introduce a 'health pass' on a global level (and to make $$$ for big pharma and their shady promoters on the way). It was never about health as it looks. Why the hell would anyone advocate to vaccinate even children who have a higher risk of physical harm from the 'vaccines' than from Covid? Myocarditis risk alone is 5 times higher for them than without the vaccine, and myocarditis means death within 5 years for an estimated 20-35% of patients. If you have current factual information indicating otherwise, let me know please.
  19. No real need for anyone below 75 years of age to get this vaccine according to latest statistics. Statistics don't look great especially for young people and such who received 2 shots after the effect starts to wane (about 3-4 months after the 2nd shot). Natural immunity may well be the way to go for the data we see in spearheading countries like Israel and certain US states. It's a nightmare over there. It would be so bad if Thailand sees the same development if the country is betting so heavily on these 'vaccines'. Why do so few countries check the actual DATA we already have? Full force ahead with these mrna shots has become a very questionable strategy really, even if politicians believe the promotional narrative of the super-dangerous Covid virus (mortality data of most countries suggests otherwise).
  20. People were always just visiting Pattaya for the 'cultural and natural' activities. Who doesn't know the world-reknowned fantastic beaches with crystal clear water, the top-notch road system with revolutionary drainage systems and auto-repairing potholes, strategically placed manhole covers, the carefully maintained green areas and lush parks all over the city, and the clear tap water? It's amazing. Still, maybe using rational thinking, seeing "Covid" for what it is (similar to catching a flu for non-risk groups, and something mainly risk groups should find all options to protect themselves against) and getting rid of this vaccine / mask / distancing "fun" (after all, progressive and developed countries like Sweden, Denmark and about half of US states are doing very well with this strategy, especially economically!) might be the way to go ASAP.
  21. yes, mainly people either over 80yo and/or belonging to other risk groups. The fear-mongering seems to work well on you. I'm all for as many options for risk groups and others to protect themselves as possible - but making the whole population suffer, taking their options to make a living, or coercing people into a world-wide beta test with a vaccine involving record numbers of adverse reactions and with unknown long-term effects has been a horrible idea from the beginning.
  22. to be specific: Thais older than 75 years. But of course, you are free to continue to be scared if you want.
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