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Posts posted by ChokDeeMak

  1. At least there is more pavement to walk along on Ratchadamnoen. On Phaholyothin near Major Ratchayothin it is a struggle to walk through the mass of vendors at night who have piles of the same crap all over the pavement. Takes patience not to stand on it or kick some of it into the road.

    This is a perfect example of congested sidewalks and pavements. JJ and Silom are just as bad, People just think that every empty space is a place to be claimed. I have heard people talking about this is my spot and what not. Maybe if people had to buy permits to place their towel on the ground and sell fake meat and cheap sandals. That is what Markets are for not the sidewalks. Not to mention selling the exact stuff the person next to you is selling wont help you make a living.

    • Like 1
  2. FYI freedom of speech was originally for ment for Politics not for any ignorant Tom, Dick and Harry to say whtever they want at any given time. Thailand does not have that luxury so.... people have to bite their tongues. Easy. I have to bite my silver tongue a lot mainly in everyday encounters with people who dont realize Thai and Issan languages are not that hard to speak or understand. Reading and Writing is another story.

  3. Ok, I woke up thinking today was the 3rd and not the 4th. Turns out I needed to leave 9 hours ago to the border. I just got caught up with the new years and such. I can speak Thai and I am preparing as I speak the extra 500B. Aranyaprathet/Poipet border would be a good check out check in for this problem right?
    Thank you and Happy New Year

  4. Correct!!! The rule benders always ruin it for the people that do it the correct way.

    So now.... you cannot even work part time? What about Foreign exchange students?

    I actually want to get a ED visa but it looks like I am tooooooo late.

    I speak Thai but I will need more than my GF to help teach me how to read it.

    Though, Language schools are also good for Japanese and Chinese .....sometimes.

    You have never been allowed to work part time. Any work requires a work permit.

    Is that a myth or is that having a ED visa and a work permit used together to work "P/T"??

  5. Correct!!! The rule benders always ruin it for the people that do it the correct way.
    So now.... you cannot even work part time? What about Foreign exchange students?
    I actually want to get a ED visa but it looks like I am tooooooo late.

    I speak Thai but I will need more than my GF to help teach me how to read it.
    Though, Language schools are also good for Japanese and Chinese .....sometimes.

  6. I heard either at the airport or closest land border. Immigration is a no no but I met a german girl who had no problem with her overstay of a couple of days. (probably because she was a girl and mainly dealing with female officers.) If you have been here awhile e.g. been here for awhile or multipule times do show you cared to learn some Thai or you will be treated more like a "dog" or "khee nohk."

  7. I have seen Monster Energy (16 oz can) at the Supermarket inside Siam Paragon. I am over energy drinks but when I was under I always had one around. Red Bull extra probably just threw in extra caffeine and some BS animo acid. M-150, Carabao daeng, Thai Red bull are all sweet. Though, I do prefer Shark if I did drink an Energy drink.

  8. It is sad but I see it all the time. Especially in busy area sideway, MRT, BTS they walk like a snail and bury their noses in these Devices. I never kept my nose buried unless I was proving a point in some conversation I was having. Today, I wish I had 3G to explain better how Pasa Isaan came about. Because even talking in Thai Isaan people don't want to believe the roots are form across the river. Really though I have headphones to keep talking to a minimum. Smart phones are great for language training and Youtube fun but most Thais don't use their phone to the full potential. Just having it and playing with apps makes them "look cool". Plus, they have their little goofy phones in their pockets. Kids are also very Spoiled that is another problem though.

  9. Do You think TamRuad(police) Lao would do this for me? I have 1 full page left and many places to stamp. Thanks to great and wonderful border officials at the borders. Because of this is why I am asking. I hear about Indonesia & Cambodia placing visa stickers on top of older stickers. Though I can also speak the language which makes me think if that makes me a Target for Haters. I need a new PP but I have to wait too long. Also, does anyone know if I go to the Embassy of USA how fast I can get a new passport?

    Repeating post just before this one. If your passport is is still valid for a while you can get pages added to your passport and it is normally done in a an hour or less. Info here: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/extra_visa_pages.htmlhttp://bangkok.usembassy.gov/extra_visa_pages.html

    Thank You UbonJoe it looks like I am going to have to do this it seems. I hear about placing new stickers on old stickers which would be great but my last time to Laos the police stamped on a empty page when I had plenty of space on two other pages. Also, in thai laguage I asked if they would stamp on a certain page. So these are all reasons for me asking since I can speak the language of Thailand and Laos. To see if the same can be done here as in other countries. I would like to not have to spend unneeded money on crap like this, Having a Paycheck is suppose to cure this.

  10. Why on earth would you even put yourself in this situation?

    (1) Renew passports before you risk running out of pages.

    (2) Renew passports before you run the risk of travelling with less than six months on them.

    Many British embassies will give you a second passport if you can justify you need it for work or you travel a lot.

    It's not rocket science.

    It is pretty simple. I would rather not fake my credentials to be legal. Also, I am a young man and an old one with petition to live off. Again, I don't have money to blow on PP I mean PPs are great but I think a roof over my thumbsup.gif head is better. It was not suppose to get to this point. Getting a job was suppose to solve the problem. And Now it is only putting me further backwards. Payday is not until next weeks then I can get a new passport. If I did not forget to say there is a Strangehit-the-fan.gifEvent called "LIFE" Which tends to not always go your way

  11. Do You think TamRuad(police) Lao would do this for me? I have 1 full page left and many places to stamp. Thanks to great and wonderful border officials at the borders. Because of this is why I am asking. I hear about Indonesia & Cambodia placing visa stickers on top of older stickers. Though I can also speak the language which makes me think if that makes me a Target for Haters. I need a new PP but I have to wait too long. Also, does anyone know if I go to the Embassy of USA how fast I can get a new passport?

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