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Everything posted by varun

  1. Here we go again.. Drunk Brits get into an argument with some locals and receive a 4-on-1 Thai-style kicking, and that too outside a go-go...and that too in Pattaya! 99% of the security guards outside go-go's and clubs/bars in Bkk/Pattaya are itching for a reason to beat the crap, out of a farang - don't be that reason!
  2. Not a chance in hell that this money will end up in the coffers. More like siphoned away to fund the mia-noi budgets of the poo yai.
  3. You're panicking for nothing; she just needs to answer the immigration officer's questions honestly - nothing else.
  4. 2000 short times from Beach Road after 1 am, if you don't care about gender or STD's
  5. Lots of international demand (and supply) on lower Suk after midnight
  6. It is unclear what is meant by "visa free" Will they get a "visa-exempt" entry for a set period (e.g. 30 days) same as UK/US/AU/Canada passport holders? Or is something else going on?
  7. So what was originally 1 million for 20 years, has now ballooned to 3.4 million. Typical Somchai logic: No hab Customer? Let's raise the prices!
  8. He didn't conquer anything, but coronary heart disease will surely conquer him.
  9. Make it Somchai monkey-proof, so that it cannot be overridden to a manual setting during peak traffic hours. Otherwise, just another castle in the sky.
  10. Thailand desperately needs more hansum man two-week millionaires.
  11. Good idea in theory, but Tanaka-san has not "accounted" for Thai corruption. Somchai's will invariably skim off the top and ultimately the students will suffer, with being left to feed on sub-standard, over-priced, over-processed garbage.
  12. Does anybody know if the Amphur's will issue a Khor Ror 2, to a third-party - apart from either of the persons that are married? Me and my wife are not in Thailand at this moment, but need a Khor Ror 2 for our marriage certificate (Khor Ror 3). Thanks!
  13. What are you, some kind of crusader? What gives you the right to give him a "verbal warning"? Firstly, are you his line manager / does he report to you? Secondly, if a formal complaint is indeed to be made, it should be made to HR / his line manager. Thirdly, you'll have a hard time proving that any questionable behavior actually took place - there is no documented proof. It was just a harmless quip at work that you have obviously taken out of proportion. In summary, mind your own business.
  14. Does anybody have experiences getting their Thai marriage certificate legalised at the German consulate? Is it mostly a painless process or there are some curveballs I need to be aware of? I have: 1) The original Thai marriage certificate 2) The English translation + certified true copy of the Thai certificate (both attested by the MFA) Does the consulate legalise the Thai version directly or is there an option to legalise the certified true copy, which was attested by the MFA? Cheers.
  15. He was caught with a fake British passport - therefore, he is not a British citizen, but pretending to be one. Name sounds Indian, so probably an Indian masquerading as a British citizen would be more accurate.
  16. The most frequently used phrases by Thai's, based on my observations over the years: "mai dai" "mai mee" "ki kiat"
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