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Rajab Al Zarahni

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Posts posted by Rajab Al Zarahni

    • People who are so inarticulate that they can't be said to have a language, be it a first language or any other kind.
    • People who shake their heads from side to side to confirm they mean yes.
    • Countries where people don't have sex.
    • People who have opinions on everything and expertise in nothing.
    • People who take their toilet bag on holiday then simply use the hotel toilet.

  1. Police mafia?

    Motorcycle taxi mafia?

    Russian mafia?

    Police mafia?

    Italian mafia?


    you forgot the cheese mafia....big $$$$$

    The Italian mafia put a horses head in your bed and make you an offer you can't refuse.

    The Russian mafia put a horses head under your bed and make you an offer you can't understand !

    1. Supermarkets that: "thank you for coming"
    2. The weather
    3. Drinking Guinness in an air conditioned pub then going out to walk in tropical weather by the sea.
    4. Being given a real bank book with my bank account and getting it updated in an ATM machine.
    5. Having the book shop cover my book covers in plastic film.
    6. Buying furniture made from real wood.
    7. Walking around in shorts and sleeveless shirts and not needing scarves,anoraks and coats.
    8. Eating out all the time without worrying about the cost.
    9. Having Thai tradesman carry out my every wish to a good standard for a fair price.
    10. Is there something obvious that I might have missed?

  2. I know a guy who tries to tell everything to everyone 'new'.

    Everybody considers him a <deleted>, and the newbees who listen to him end up in a much unhappier, unfullfilling place.

    I let people explore and learn for themselves, and we usually have a lot fun along the way.

    Go figure.

    Revelation 13:18:"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is.............!"

  3. The question you pose is like asking someone to write an essay on the history of the world.

    To make a start:

    • Be cautious.
    • Be careful.
    • Think twice and cut once.
    • Read as much as can written by people who have already done it.
    • Try to integrate and mix with people but not just your own kind but don't try to rush the process.
    • Remember that if people do things you don't approve of, it's their country, not yours!
    • Be aware that human nature is very much the same wherever you go but that a lot of strange people migrate to the seaside.
    • Steer well clear of politics,religion and anything illegal.
    • Be kind,friendly and helpful whenever you can.
    • Don't treat people like commodities but expect them to treat you as uniquely human and special.

    I like this one: Be kind,friendly and helpful whenever you can.

    But not sure about this one: but that a lot of strange people migrate to the seaside blink.png

    Any further thoughts to back-up the second point, oh wise one ?

    Firstly, I need to extend my expressed opinion to include tourist resorts generally,rather than just the seaside.For example I feel the same way about LA. I can't provide evidence to substantiate my view. It's simply a view arising out of a number of threads of experience and my instinct for what seems right and what doesn't.

    In Pattaya I have noticed people who walk around talking to themselves, a significant number of people who dress in a strange and eccentric way and people who brag in restaurants and ensure others can overhear them. This of course is their prerogative and it may be that they are perfectly OK. In order not to strike the correct balance in my comment I have also met a number of very pleasant,amusing and interesting people in Pattaya.

    I have met people here with curiously eccentric and aristocratic names that you would find it hard to believe they were born with and people who have tried to get me to invest in unmissable opportunities that I have had the good sense to pass up in the past. Sometimes Pattaya has that " wild west" feel about it.

    I recognize that I am prejudiced but then I am also justifiably prejudiced about a number of things including emails from people in Nigeria who I don't know !

    It's my feeling that these characteristics of behavior are less prevalent in mainstream residential and business areas of towns and cities anywhere.

    The biggest two con cities in the world are NY and London. Check how much our taxes paid to bail them out a few years ago. Pattaya! Gimme a break. Lehman bros Pattaya? In the LIBOR fraud I think the L stands for London not Pattaya or LA.

    "Pattaya! Gimme a break" What advice would you give? Throw caution to the wind and trust everyone? You're as safe as houses here

  4. The question you pose is like asking someone to write an essay on the history of the world.

    To make a start:

    • Be cautious.
    • Be careful.
    • Think twice and cut once.
    • Read as much as can written by people who have already done it.
    • Try to integrate and mix with people but not just your own kind but don't try to rush the process.
    • Remember that if people do things you don't approve of, it's their country, not yours!
    • Be aware that human nature is very much the same wherever you go but that a lot of strange people migrate to the seaside.
    • Steer well clear of politics,religion and anything illegal.
    • Be kind,friendly and helpful whenever you can.
    • Don't treat people like commodities but expect them to treat you as uniquely human and special.

    I like this one: Be kind,friendly and helpful whenever you can.

    But not sure about this one: but that a lot of strange people migrate to the seaside blink.png

    Any further thoughts to back-up the second point, oh wise one ?

    Firstly, I need to extend my expressed opinion to include tourist resorts generally,rather than just the seaside.For example I feel the same way about LA. I can't provide evidence to substantiate my view. It's simply a view arising out of a number of threads of experience and my instinct for what seems right and what doesn't.

    In Pattaya I have noticed people who walk around talking to themselves, a significant number of people who dress in a strange and eccentric way and people who brag in restaurants and ensure others can overhear them. This of course is their prerogative and it may be that they are perfectly OK. In order not to strike the correct balance in my comment I have also met a number of very pleasant,amusing and interesting people in Pattaya.

    I have met people here with curiously eccentric and aristocratic names that you would find it hard to believe they were born with and people who have tried to get me to invest in unmissable opportunities that I have had the good sense to pass up in the past. Sometimes Pattaya has that " wild west" feel about it.

    I recognize that I am prejudiced but then I am also justifiably prejudiced about a number of things including emails from people in Nigeria who I don't know !

    It's my feeling that these characteristics of behavior are less prevalent in mainstream residential and business areas of towns and cities anywhere.

  5. The question you pose is like asking someone to write an essay on the history of the world.

    To make a start:

    • Be cautious.
    • Be careful.
    • Think twice and cut once.
    • Read as much as can written by people who have already done it.
    • Try to integrate and mix with people but not just your own kind but don't try to rush the process.
    • Remember that if people do things you don't approve of, it's their country, not yours!
    • Be aware that human nature is very much the same wherever you go but that a lot of strange people migrate to the seaside.
    • Steer well clear of politics,religion and anything illegal.
    • Be kind,friendly and helpful whenever you can.
    • Don't treat people like commodities but expect them to treat you as uniquely human and special.

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