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  1. Only an American would say /believe that !
  2. Just seen this at bahsold Has anyone used these people? https://www.bahtsold.com/view/fiberglass-swimming-pools-542566
  3. When you get knocked out by the ladyboys they take it in turns to teabag you.
  4. Never send anything back if it goes out of your sight. What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen I once had a mango shake and noticed it had a fly in it. They said they would make a new one but in the reflection of a glass cabinet i could see they fished it out with their fingers and brought it back . Never drank it and never went there again.
  5. Ladies and gentlemen we have the legend Chuck Norris as a member on this very forum. I heard he stamped his feet getting off a barstool in soi 6 and hundreds of brits hit the floor simultaneously.
  6. Still waiting for your humour?
  7. You forgot about the American who was funny?
  8. Ahhh feel sorry for you did Trump wake you up moving around in your bed too much?
  9. I reckon if you stay for over 20 years undetected you should be given permanent residency and maybe a new Honda wave and a small 2 bedroom house in Sakhon Nakhon for such an achievement .
  10. Germans have always been strange. The French are just French you can't blame them for that. Harrisfan are you American by any chance? Because the Americans are the strangest of the lot.
  11. Just about to import a few sports cards worth around £800 to Thailand Anyone know the charges I would have to pay as 7% isn't too bad but don't want to get hit with much more.
  12. You just named some of the best places or at least they were 10-20 years ago
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