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Posts posted by maimeepom

  1. I hadn't forgotten about this sad case, and some of the others:

    Two Brits shot and killed by a cop in Kanchanaburi

    The Thai lady had her arm lopped off with a machete on a hellish motorcycle ride, by a Thai cop.

    Regarding those three cases and others, I wonder whether any of the cops were found guilty in a court, and if so, if they suffered the same penalties that you or I would suffer if we were caught doing such dastardly things. Some might say police (and others in position of authority) should suffer more dire consequences, as they're the ones paid and trained to protect us. It's a sick irony that Thaksin was trained as a policeman, yet he's a poster boy for causing untold harm and abuse to his fellow Thais.

    When I passed through Kanchanaburi earlier this year.

    I heard a rumour, that the policeman found guilty of murdering the young British couple was out of prison.

    Can anybody verify this?

  2. Myanmar reopens Three Pagodas border crossing at Kanchanaburi to celebrate Thai King's birthday.

    KANCHANABURI, Dec 8 - Myanmar has reopened the Three Pagodas border crossing, connecting Thailand's Kanchanaburi and Myanmar's Payathonzu in Kayin State to celebrate the Thai king's 83rd birthday Dec 5 after a two-year closure.

    Myanmar closed the border at Three Pagodas pass two years ago, citing internal security reasons despite Thailand's negotiation for border reopening for trade.

    The Myanmar authorities said they reopened the border to allow tourists to cross as the fighting between the Myanmar army, and the Democratic Buddhist Karen Army in the area has ended.

    Sangkhlaburi district chief Chamrat Kangnoi said the reopening of the border is temporarily open for tourists daily from 6am to 6pm.

    Small traders are prepared to reopen their shops at the border market on the Thai side.

    The Kanchanaburi governor ordered local Thai authorities to be vigilant regarding contraband goods and illegal workers who may flow into Thailand. (MCOT online news)


    Win :wai:

    Thanks for the 3 Pagoda Pass update.

    Any reports of successful runs?

  3. Interesting to note that this new airline only operates during daylight hours, except for early evening arrivals into DMK. I assume most of these small airports are VFR or perhaps have CAT 1 ILS, in the best of cases? You might not want to fly during the rainy season?

    I notice on their website that they are recruiting student pilots.

    Perhaps they havn't got round to doing their night rating yet!

  4. Does the presence of the Russian mafia affect ordinary condo owners/buyers in Pattaya in any way?:(

    Most Russians keep to themselves, and prefer to reside in the Pattaya Tower area.

    The Wikileak extract in the "Guardian" said that there were 300000 Russians annualy visiting Thailand. I guess they can't all be mafia.

    I was interested to read that the US Embassy thought that murder of the two vacationing Russian telephonists on Jomtien Beach, was probably Russian mafia related.

    Perhaps they should have given evidence at the alleged perpetrator's murder trial.

  5. live close to the floods in Lampang puts my moaning about trivial things into perspective.

    Also interesting to see how many posts on this compared to other issues. Time to start worrying about the real things in life maybe?? just a suggestion.

    Sorry to hear about the floods in lampang.

    Has the River burst it's banks in the town area?

  6. The source puts it all in perspective. :)

    I never realised that EU regulations applied in Thailand.

    What are the international rules for the situation where a national airline cannot fly to another country for reasons that are beyond their control?

    An EU Transport official clarified the the situation on BBC World TV.

    He said that any Airline that is based in the EU is resposible for rebooking/refunding the passengers, with accomodation and food.

    This applies to inbound and outbound flights.

    He said the Airlines are not liable for any compensation, Because of the unusual nature of the delays..

    A non EU based Airline is only responsible for accomodation food etc., for flights departing from Europe.

  7. When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

    21st of April

    Not all tourists are quite so impressed by the Red Shirts....

    I have just been reading my local home newspaper in the UK.

    There is an item about a group of 15 tourists, including children, who are stranded in Bangkok because of current the volcanic flight disruptions.

    They have been stuck in Bangkok for a week, and Thai Airways have booked them on the next available flight on the 7th of May.!

    They have had to find their own accomodation, which as I understand it correctly, is the responibility of the Airline, if they operate anywhere into the European Union.

    The leader of the group claims that the British Embassy cannot help the group, and failed to give them any advice regarding current the civil unrest.

    One of the Mothers in the group said that they are now frightened to go out on to the streets, after a group of Red Shirts started shouting at them when they visited the local 7/11 store.

    Anotherof their concerns, are the possible overstay fines that they may incurr. I assume these have been waived, as per the last Swampy Airport unpleasantness.?

    I really don't know what the British Embassy does these days.

    They have franchised out UK visa applications.

    Hong kong looks after passport applications.

    And now it would seem that they are not carrying out their responsibilities, to take care their citizens, and dispense sound local advice..

  8. Unless I missed it, we haven't heard a peep from N.Korea on this. Plus, it's still not watertight that the weapons originated from there. Could have been Russian weapons.

    It might be interesting to get a listen to what Bout and the new guys are discussing in prison.

    I saw an interesting interview on Al Jazeera news channel, with an English professor who specialises in all things North Korea.

    He said that N.Korean arms exports were worth about $1.5 billion a year.

    He also said that in the past N. Korea has exported considerable amounts of arms to Pakistan and Iran, including large missiles , that had been converted by N.Korea.

    The Professor mentioned that the Thai government were quite incensed with N.Korea, for refusing to settle outstanding bills for rice imports.

    I don't know how much N.Korea owes Thailand for the rice, but I wonder if it is more than the value of high milleage IL 76 and some assorted munitions?

  9. There is an estate agent in front of the Chateau Royle complex in Jomtien, that has had a "Boat To Hua Hin" sign up for about a year now.

    I have made occaisional enquiries, and they always tell me that they are still negotiating the lease of a boat.... Don't hold your breath.

    I used to use the high speed Wave Piercer ferry about 20 years ago. It did a triangular trip from Bangkok-Pattaya-Hua Hin.

    A great journey up the estuary to Krungthep.

    It never made any money, and was subsequently transferred to Phuket, to operate on the Penang run.

  10. http://aerial.rcahms.gov.uk/database/recor...6-001-015-006-C

    Kanchanaburi RAF photo 2nd of Jan 1945

    "BBC World News" just announced that 1000s of RAF WW2 aerial photographs have just been rediscovered, and made available for viewing.

    I have put a link in here to a photo of the Tamarkan /Tha Mar Khan Japanese POW camp, which is ajacent to the infamous 2 bridges.

    If you bring your resolution up to max, you can just about make out some of the prisoners.

  11. Public executions would prove remarkably effective so lets have a few beheadings on the roof of the car park !

    Beat me to it.

    Sometimes it's akin to a bunch of kids in charge of a banana republic... leave me alone or I'll tell so and so, don't tell or so and so (who is as bent as a nine bob note) will lose face.

    "One measure has been to transfer some officials who were thought to be involved with the gangs. A reshuffle of officials will be made this month, he said."

    Never mind the reshuffle, look at how places like Singapore would deal with this, get in there hard n fast and bang some heads. The world is watching. :)

    In 1888, writer Joseph Conrad was a first mate on the steamer Vidar.

    He wrote, "Anchored off Bangkok, awaiting customs to row out and collect the Char Money"

    Nothing changes, corruption is endemic.

  12. I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

    Yes, I quite agree.

    I listened to the programme "Parting Shots" on BBC Radio 4 and subesequently read the original documents.

    The original confidential hand over document was not meant for release to foriegn embassies.

    Due to a cock up, it was sent out to 120 embassies , and caused a great deal of embarrassment in the Far East.

    Remember, the Viet Nam war was still raging.

    I recommend any long term resident who has any interest in recent Thai History and politics reads it.

    I think many "old hands" will find Sir Anthony Rumbold's following observation, still stands 42 years on...

    "There is a small handful of foreigners who have lived here a long time, and whose opinions about the Thais are worth listening to...

    But most of these confess to there benig great areas of the Thai mentality, which they have long ago given up attempting to penetrate."

  13. I used to be an Aeronautical engineer for 6 years in UK, and the one time i flew from Samui to Bangkok on one of these aircraft, I noticed how poorly maintained these aircraft were, so much so that the steal wire was poking through the canvass on the tyres, and oil traces over the wings from engine cowls, and filthy to say the least thus making more drag and strain on the engines to be basic.

    Samui is privately owned by Bangkok airways. I now fly Ultralights and all airfields and airports owned by Bangkok airways incur and 300 USD landing fee. I simply stay away from!! They are not hard up for cash they are just tight MF's!!!

    Is anybody familiar with the Samui Airfield lay out?

    I understand the ATR veered into a disused control tower.

    Is it the closest obsticle to the runway?

    If so, should this building not have been demolished when the new tower was completed?

    In Europe many airports are now having to remove buildings constructed quite recently, as they are now deemed by the authorities to be in the runway safety zone.

    I seem to remember a tragic accident in India, when a landing aircraft left the runway and took out the airport fire station.

    Incidently, I am always amazed how Mae Hong Son is allowed to operate as a commercial airport, with a mountain situated at one end of the runway.......

    As other contributors have stated, as far as the operation of the aircraft is concerned, lets await the outcome of the enquiry.

  14. Heard a story before about similar things happening to an asian tourist (a singaporean if I recall correctly) who alledgedly had an extra carton of cigarettes put in his/her shopping bag and assumed it was a gift or a promotion. Result: stamped out of Thailand with "Thief" in the passport.

    Has anyone ever actually seen a passport with 'Thief' stamped in it? I've read this before and find it hard to believe.

    I used to work in aviation. I must say I have never seen a passport inscribed with any such comment.

    Any passport belongs to the issuing country, and only they can officialy add an endorsement.

    However, in the past I have seen old style passports with comments added by customs authorities, regarding smuggling irregularities.

    With the new style passports, all such information is held on computors.

  15. No need to cancel your holiday . Do not forget that most countries allready have more then a few cases and probably also the country where you come from . It is not HIV or Hepatitis where there is a lot more infections from in Pattaya and is more dangerous . Get real and do not let the media make you scared . Yes you need to take care , same like with every flu but at the moment it is not a dangerous form .

    Re The wearing of protective masks

    Masks are fine, as long they are changed reguarly. Maximum wear 3 hours.

  16. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the turism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran :)

    Anyway, let's hope the virus doesn't mutate to something more dangerous...

    Have a nice day everyone...

    I just heard on the BBC, that it is unusual for people over the age of 57 to to contract this particular virus.

    I figure that most of the Pattaya bar "clientle", can now breathe easy!

  17. :o

    Who thinks that the exchange rate, Pounds sterling -- Thai Baht, at around 52 to the pound is low and do you think it will rise?

    Will it get back to rates in 2003-2004 of around 70 Baht to the Pound?

    Any experts out there?

    I have just watched a feature on Bloomberg T.V.

    They say Moody's have dowgraded the status of a number of Thai Banks.

    This would indicate all is not well in the Thai Banking world, and could well weaken the bart, when the currency traders resume trading on Monday.

  18. Just to cheer all the regular BA travellers up.

    The "world's favourite airline" is revamping all their baggage allowances on February the 13th 2007.

    Thus the maximum weight of any bag in any class will be 23kgs.

    In steerage, The longhaul excess rate for a second bag, will be £120!

    club will be allowed 2 bags

    first class - 3 bags

    I quote from the BA leaflet. " we are simplfying our baggage policy to make it easier to follow"

    nothing to do with trying to replace the billions deficit, missing from the pilot's pension scheme then?

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