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Posts posted by Zooheekock

  1. if you wanted a woman your age, you would have stayed home and find one that could actually speak your language. So I'd imagine you'd prefer a younger one.

    Not everyone who ends up married in Thailand (and not even everyone who comes to Thailand with the idea of getting married and ending up in Thailand) is a lecherous, unprepossessing old twɑt. It's just that the massive preponderance of them on this forum (and perhaps also in the social circles of people who make posts like yours) makes it seem that way.

  2. She's some rich, clueless little idiot whose only interest is in securing her class interests so her motives are at least understandable but where the organizers get off with re-producing these outrageous lies is a bit more mysterious. On the other hand, Bob Geldoff seemed to be involved in it so it's hardly maintaining the highest standards. Anyway, this is being held in Bangkok next year so expect the BMA to pay for lots and lots and lots of equally irritating little brats to turn up and produce much more of the same.

  3. Your options are way better here,

    You can find an attractive woman in her 30s happy to have babies and share your money.
    University and high school are cheap, if you want to send her.
    Every Amphur has 'catch up high school' running on Sundays each week, free of charge, four years if she left school age 13, then she's ready for university.

    Jesus wept. I'm swimming in the sewer.

  4. In case there is any doubt about my post above, may I present exhibit A. All men are, it seems, interested only in <deleted> 'young girls'. Gary Glitter no doubt evokes fond memories amongst some on this board.

    Ye, Ye. I guess he would like to meet a 45 - 55 years old lady. 555555555555555555555555555

    Of course he wants young girl.

    Ask him.

  5. Seems there may be no widespread prejudice or preconceptions about foreign men as I had feared.

    Everyone (near enough) has prejudices and preconceptions and you may occasionally find that people judge you a little less generously than they might, but given the fact that Thailand attracts enormous numbers of scumbags, losers and tossers (as this forum evinces on an hourly basis), it's only to be expected and it's not usually much of an issue.

    • Like 1
  6. The odds are ZERO of success with an educated Thai women.

    Not even remotely true.

    The term Educated doesn't mean a lot in Thailand

    This is half-true. There is educated, and then there is educated. Meeting a Thai who has a degree (or even a couple of degrees) is hardly difficult - they are handed out almost for free - but meeting someone who counts as educated is a little trickier, though they are around and if you're not an <deleted>, you have as good a chance as anyone else with them. I wouldn't worry too much about not speaking Thai (at least for the reason of finding a partner - though you should of course learn it if you are planning on staying here) as anyone who really counts as educated in Thailand has almost certainly studied abroad at some point (and even if they haven't studied abroad, the chances are that their English is better than your Thai ever will be). How you would meet them, I don't know. I was lucky and met my wife through work, which is not something you can easily copy.

  7. They are far from perfect but I don't buy into the propaganda that they have an ultra right wing racist undercurrent.

    The media focuses on UKIP every time one of their candidates puts a step wrong, but let every other party go with a free pass.

    Of course people from the mainstream parties say terrible things, and the Tories have long institutionalized that as party policy, but they are not on the scale or regularity of UKIP's racist, sexist, gay-hating, or just outright insane, drivel - all of which is now a weekly event. Just today, another one of their reptilian little representatives is in the news for going on about 'Chinks' and 'disgusting old poofters'. What will it be next week, I wonder. Really, pretending that it's not a racist party for racist imbeciles is ridiculous; its appeal is precisely that of a particularly nauseating reactionary, white, petty bourgeois Englishness. They know that. And reactionary petty bourgeois white racists know that, too, which is exactly why they are flocking to UKIP in droves.

    If a BNP councilor defects to LIBLABCON (there have been several - here is one) http://www.theguardi...rnment.politics, it's a non story, just a minor footnote

    That's a story from a decade ago. Is that the best the Google can do? And it's reported in The Guardian so it's hardly a non-story.

    • Like 1
  8. Actually, the current draconian crack down on non EU immigration was installed by the LIB CON government (strange how nobody labels them as having racist policies).

    That rather depends which newspapers you read and who you talk to.

    I think a Thai spouse would have a far easier time migrating to the UK under UKIP than any of the other parties.

    Perhaps but only those with acute learing difficulties would want to. Life under UKIP? I think Prayuth might be less unbearable.

  9. Go ahead junta, these points, especially the first one, need to be taught to people. Not just on social media, but maybe in schools and colleges as well.

    Nice to see that you're up to speed on things. Why let a lack of knowledge get in the way of commenting, eh? They are being taught in schools, though at least some pupils (at Triam Udom Suksa, no less) have both the balls and the intelligence to object.

  10. So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

    Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

    No they are not two options. They are the same option used by two sides. Other options exist.
    I was being sarcastic. As far as I know, there is only a low to medium risk of ISIS riding into downtown Tak and executing apostates.
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