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Posts posted by girlx

  1. Why can't Thais get it together in this area? The treatment of dogs in the country is absolutely horrific. They need to round them up and humanely euthanize them, rather than indiscriminately putting out poisoned meat (the method of choice in Koh Phangan where I lived), or dumping them elsewhere to starve to death.  Fix the ones they don't kill, to control the population. Guess avoiding animal cruelty isn't as Buddhist as one might think. 

  2. I would urge anyone living in Thailand to create a living will asap, especially if you don't have insurance (which you should get). My best friend is currently in Bangkok caring for his father, who is an expat there with no insurance, who unexpectedly got a brain tumor and has declined within the past 2 months to being a complete vegetable. He has been kept alive despite being in a horrible state, because he had no living will and there are no euthanasia options in Thailand. It's a nightmare for my friend, as he has to do visa runs for his dad, deal with Thai doctors without the ability to speak Thai, he had to find a decent hospice for him and get him transported there, etc. , and he has run through his whole inheritance, with no support whatsoever.  He can't leave Bangkok and is sort of in limbo with his life until the dad dies. I feel so bad for him (and less so, for the dad). The latest update (this morning) is that the doctors finally took his father off the intubation, and are going to starve him going forward, but this should have happened way earlier.  Most of these problems could have been avoided if there had been a living will in place. 

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  3. I was gonna update the older post on this topic, since I am back visiting Bangkok now... but it has been archived. I have had eyelash extensions at a few places in Bangkok, and most of them ended up being horrible. For instance, if you google "eyelash extensions Bangkok" the first result is a lady gushing about a salon in MBK, but I went there and it was gross, unprofessional, and I ended up looking like a clown. But today, I went to Take Care in Siam Paragon. They are located on the M level, just above the Estee Lauder counter. This place was super professional. They had a menu of styles to choose from, everything was sterilized, and they just did a really great job. The only drawback was the price- 3400 baht- is way more than I had expected since usually a full set will run you 800 baht or so. Still, if you have a special event or just want professionally done eyelashes, I recommend this place. There you go...

  4. thanks so much for answering (i have been meaning to reply to your facebook message as well but have been moving around and haven't had much internet access). good luck with having galit teach yoga, and if you don't mind sending her my best and asking about my (ex) dog 'puppy', i would much appreciate it. i actually would like to send her a little package with stuff for my dog, if you don't mind PMing me your address? (probably just luna lounge, thong nai pan noi would suffice but who knows?).... i don't think i will have the time to come down there this trip, sadly. :D though i will be back eventually as this short trip back has made me lust for asia again (now that all the hard feelings have dissipated a bit!)... i am hoping to work it out so that i can live half here and half in NY! or if i win the lottery i can come buy one of those snazzy villas that are going up in thong nai pan now :) ... anyway, take care, and if i do manage to add a few days onto my trip so that i can come down, i will say hi! hope you and your family are well...

  5. if there were a good yoga teacher on thong nai pan (yai) again (like my old yoga teacher shan, who sadly moved on back to india) i would be much more tempted to come back there.

    please post if one magically appears!

    also, if anyone happens to know where galit and boaz (of boozy's bakery and that weird place near the waterfall) moved to, please let me know. they have my dog and i would like to visit her.

  6. I am coming back to Bangkok for a few days to get my stuff out of the Bangkok Self Storage place there, and I am hoping to ship a couple of boxes of my stuff back to NY. I am trying to figure out the logistics of this- I will probably need to pack my stuff and call a taxi, and have them take me to the nearest place to ship. I prefer UPS or EMS as my mail man in NY sucks so I never receive anything that goes through regular mail. Anyway, my question is, does anyone know the address of a shipping place near Thonglor that I can go to? Thanks

  7. Here is a few of her exes

    yum! weird that they all look alike though!

    i don't think michael hutchence is sexy. something about him does seem a bit femme to me too.

    as for ananda (the post above me)... he's definitely cute, but i met him in person years ago and didn't think he was all that. he looks better on film. in real life he's pretty short.

  8. I really don't see the point in wasting time and energy writing to Tesco to give them tips on how to expand their already massive profit margins when you have fresh food widely available from independent stall holders who are relying on your business for their livelihood.

    bravo! i love tesco but come on, those fresh food stalls are good too. nice people and a more personal shopping experience, wouldn't you say?

  9. do thais have to pay too?

    i don't think fabrique is all that anyway. most of the time i went there the music sucked and it's just people sitting around tables getting drunk. i suppose if you are a guy in your early 20s it is a good place to meet pretty thai chicks.

    edit: they do have a great outdoors area

  10. my neighbors on koh phangan were like this.

    i finally decided that i could stay on trying to live the fantasy and possibly get myself shot- or i could move on to the next adventure. i chose the latter and though i miss island life, i will never regret leaving.

    there is NOTHING you can do as a foreigner to prevent this sort of situation. all you can do is avoid it.

    i really hate this aspect of Thai culture.

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