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Posts posted by stevespiral

  1. And reading the posts here just goes to prove what I said before...... a lot of people have no idea what TS is but they all have an opinion based on hearsay and rumours....... used car salesmen are all crooks also aren’t they?, they must be because that is common knowledge.

    Have you never known anybody who has brought a good used car from a salesman?

    Answer is NO.

    This can only mean 1 of 4 things...

    1. They don't have cars in Denmark (I know this cannot be true)

    2. You don't know many people (maybe you are an ar%*hole and people don’t like you)

    3. You are a liar

    4. You just want to argue because you are not capable of having a sensible debate

    Which one is it I wonder??? :o:D

  2. And reading the posts here just goes to prove what I said before...... a lot of people have no idea what TS is but they all have an opinion based on hearsay and rumours....... used car salesmen are all crooks also aren’t they?, they must be because that is common knowledge.

    Have you never known anybody who has brought a good used car from a salesman?


    If you don’t know your facts or have never had a personal experience why offer an opinion???? It makes you look ignorant and stupid.

  3. I have a wealthy brother in law who has a time share. He is a smart guy and told me that he does enjoy his membership simply because he knows where he is going to stay and the condos are top shelf in great areas. He also says that they certainly are NOT a bargain and it is not likely he would ever be able to sell his membership. The only plus is that he does get to see many places in the world that he would never normally go to.

    Dont know why, just buy YOUR own condo then sell off YOUR own timeshare. MAKES SENCE

    because you have the option to trade your resort for a resort elsewhere in the world for a small fee.....

  4. To the OP, don't even think about it, unless you like scaming people that have worked hard, yes HARD, for their money and finally get re-tired and want to enjoy their hard earned pension. It could be your parents or better yet YOU when you turn 60.

    I got 1 week at Disney vacation for my parents 12 years ago on the cheap and they have used it every year since and enjoyed every holiday except one.... where the resort was rundown and it pi*#ed down all week. my last post said it all......

  5. ok it's simple..... TS works if you are a family who can plan a holiday at least 6 months in advance and your home resort is not a s*#thole that has been built on the cheap.... if you own at marriot, disney, sheraton etc you have the power to trade to any resort you want, when you want, worldwide, and you can stay in very exclusive accomodation on the cheap.... 12,000 Baht a week for a 3 bed villa (sleeps 6) at the laguna phuket for a week, is that value or not???....but that is only about 10% of members world wide.... 90% never really get value for money.

    if you buy any product on emotion you usually regret it later TS or otherwise..... common sense really.

  6. Yes you need thick skin while looking people in the face and spinning tall tails !!

    spinning tall tails.... you must mean tall tales.....get it right.

    as i said if you are any good..... you dont have to tell tales you close peoples objections on the facts.... and if you are useless you lie..... I had the best sales training in the world.... after working in TS you can sell anything to anyone..... i don't regret a single day..... i am now a sucessful MD of a million dollar company in Singapore after getting head hunted working for a TS resort...... thank you TS for all I was taught.

  7. I worked in TS for 15 years and made some good coin while seeing the world for free..... 95% of the posts here are full of S*^T.... yes you can get a work permit if you are any good and no it is not illegal in LOS and has never been..... but as expected everyone has a third hand story about a friend of a friend and no real facts...... but you get used to that when you work in the industry.

  8. first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

    secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

    I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :D

    Hey I never said this

    BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

    That was a quote from a previous post, BTW sorry about my small typing error .

    I did mean to say good and bad everywhere. And BTW I have been living in Thailand since 1992. I can speak Thai reasonably well, but cannot read or write. I also have a good relation with my Thai Family, Wife & Son 15 years duration.

    I never been to my home country since 1994.

    Just wonder why this thread is so far off topic, sorry if I upset you.

    I was not upset, I was just pointing out a few basic flaws in you logic, if you are going to take potshots at people be sure you know what you are talking about, I promise you I DO... your comments were stupid and I just pointed that out. I could not understand, if as you say, you lived in Laos for 2 years (and you are not lying, when really you have only visited on visa runs from Chang Mai) I fail to understand how you could not know that everybody watches Thai TV and the characters are 90+% the same?????? ... and BTW you have been in LOS since 92 (14 Years) and have been in a relationship for 15 years, Please explain that one as I cannot understand how that is possible, did you meet your wife in your home country and then move to LOS with her or are you talking B******T.... where did you learn maths???? was it the same place you learnt typing??? And by the way I was aware that it was two different peoples posts, that’s why I separated my reply into two parts...... does you know if LDB stand for LaDyBoy ???? I was just wondering!!! :o

  9. well said my man,

    some people are just dumb mother fo's pure and simple and yes why dont they read the whole freaking post for what it is intended to say before they blow a rod, rip there undies off and start crying about nothing at all.

    they slip into the thai girls and had a good go at you for freaking nothing but i recon they wear there mommys undies the big girly swats.

    im on your side bro but can you please go easy on that spell check thing that you spat out at that bad dude up top.

    i forgot to spell check my last post and im :D:D:o sensitive and feel a bit silly now.

    maintain the rage and im there to back you up.

    lets unite against silly people writing <deleted> and giving us grief because we got john cleese pulling for us doing that silly walk sort of thing, but lets not forget the golden rule ?


    hey dude, hope you are not a german and if you are im real sorry about About that so we will just keep that


    thing between me and you OK.


    Cheers my man.... and no im not German... UK :D

  10. BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

    LDB = LaDyBoy

    Hey totally Agree, I lived in Laos for 2 years and have known many Lao Girls both good and bad every7 where my friends. Why would you learn to speak read and write Thai when you are married to a Lao. bit strange too.

    first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

    secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

    I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :o

  11. OK simple...... she was a stupid for not looking after her rice bowl, how hard was that to do? (3 months per year)..... and he is a fool for thinking that a girl of 24 (when he met her) was loved up with him....... but it is sad that the outcome is death and prison...... I don’t post very often because most of the comments are from ignorant people who have come to Thailand thinking they belong because they have a bit of coin in the bank and they speak 10 words of Thai and therefore are not worth the time and effort...... after living in Thailand for 10 years and taking the time (and Effort) to speak and read and write Thai i realized that working girls are just that WORKING..... i married a Laos girl (not Issan) who had never worked in a bar or learnt to speak English because she never needed to...... WHEN WILL THESE FOOLS LEARN SOME COMMON???? Bottom line is this.. 2 years plus selling herself in Pattaya she should have known better.... and 62 Y.O well educated British person......WHAT A FOOL

    By the way, me and my wife (legally married, not some water over my head in the village) now live in Singapore because we got fed up with all of this type of S**T in Thailand and we don't want our kids to subjected to bigots who think they know the score and offer opinions on stuff they don't have a clue about.......

  12. Police want to arrest passengers of drunk drivers as well

    BANGKOK: -- Bangkok's police are calling for passengers of drunk drivers to be punished as well, while seeking jail terms for drivers who are repeat offenders.

    "Such measures should reduce the number of road accidents," Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Viroj Jantarangsi said Friday.

    He said the passengers should face arrest for condoning drunk driving because they had agreed to let the drunk driver give them a ride.

    Viroj said police would also ask the courts to send repeat drunk drivers to jail, especially if they were caught while still under probation from a previous drink driving offence.

    Police stations across the capital had been instructed to set up 112 more checkpoints for drink driving, he said.

    "We will take comprehensive details of drunk drivers upon their arrest. If they repeat the offence, we will propose that they are given a jail term," he said.

    He said the Don't Drive Drunk Foundation would recruit media members into a mobile team that will be dispatched to cover drunk-driving arrests.

    "Some drivers refuse to take the alcohol test when intercepted by police. In most cases they have been arrested before and hardly cooperate with police, so the media presence should help us a lot. These drivers are afraid of getting themselves in the news," Viroj said.

    --The Nation 2005-11-05

    Is this some kind of joke??? or maybe a ploy to get the police a bigger bribe so that their wages can stay at a pittyful amount.

    When was the last time anybody remembers being arrested for drink driving in Thailand???

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