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Posts posted by MistaDorn

  1. God, I'm talking about Farang and Thai a. but the topic been changed

    I feel like I am bad here

    MistaDorn, Don't feel bad. You did nothing wrong here. All topics change and then go back on subject.

    Don't worry.

    That's what I keep telling my Thai wife since I lost my job yesterday. :o

    ow ok, thank you, still scare if i'm a black sheep still. anyway, I don't mean to against anyone. I have a wrong post for the topic, instead America should put "FARANG" I could change if i can. sorry

    I'll continue to post

  2. Maybe not a troll... just youth :o

    :D what do you mean? :D

    I don't mean to be offensive MistaDorn. :D

    I was simply alluding to the fact that much of your rhetoric shows a degree of naivety or singlemindedness... :D

    There is nothing wrong with that... we all have to learn sometime, and life is the big classroom we learn in.


    Hello, I don't understand still is it mean bad? am i annoying? what is Rhetoric and naivety means?

  3. [if all Thai Buddhist's thought like you did about "life worth" there would be no Thai's murdering other people or their own, would there?

    don't say all, I always use "some"

    ofcourse there is. don't b so innocense. you know that. are you going to talk about people in south?

  4. MistaDorn, I also do not understand why you are singling out Americans?  As stated by a previous poster, there are far more British and Australians coming to Thailand for sex.  Make no mistake though, most foreign men come to Thailand for this very reason. 

    It's obvious that you have a personal dislike for Americans but you have to learn that the general population of a country doesn't represent the foreign policy of it's government.  People that mesh American citizens in with the foreign policy of GWB are ignorant.

    Dear Tripxcore:

    Sorry, I do not mean I hate American, sorry for my mistaken in English. I'm not good in English. I was wondering if my English will understand by other people.

    America is the country that I want to step-in. My brother lived there. the Generation there are so cool. The only one thing I against America is POLITICS and NO PEACE. but not the people of America. I dont' hate them. whole world every country got Prostitude. but Thailand hot one. even russian women are coming to here working as prostitude near my house in Sukhumvit 3. So America is the example country in my topic. I don't know how to explain the Topic I post, but I have some reason for it that hard to explain.



  5. this is a good post, this is what i wanted you to post. they are treating you good, but inside they did not show up what they feel. remember that people have a mind thinking that they will now shown up. for some people that they don't really like, they will show up or make a face like disagree. and the "LOOK" of both of you maybe are higher or look a like a person who have a $$$?

    ALL women like to see the $$$'s and the more $$$'s they see, the better they like it.

    My last wife was 30 years younger than me and 'Greek'. People looked, stared and some talked about her being my 'daughter' by mistake... Most Greek men did not like it... stealing their beautiful women (I am English) jealous... envious because I have $$$'s or so they 'thought'. I am not rich at all, but 'young' women seem to like me... and of course I was the boss... women like bosses too because they are attracted to 'power' and $$$' and if you can make them laugh and enjoy themselves it is a bonus.

    What do I think about it and how do I feel? I don't think about it.... and feel nothing. I don't give a <deleted> what other people 'think' I only care about my happiness. :o:D

    I don't like u a, do u love her? pls explain. cuz u said "you care only your happiness" It's look like you are so selfish jang leoy, so if you bored her then you gonna leave her and have new one???

  6. k. Dorn,

    I wonder what your response would be when you get a Farang girlfriend, and someone call you her 'toyboy'... :o  Would like to hear your response to that.

    I will do as CHONABOT. but first of all I will have to talk with this person first. if it is going well that person ask apology then finish but if it is going hard and hard, I will do gently PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH and KICK KICK duay. and that is, I'll be ready to go home with fast heart beating. hehe.



  7. Hello Dorn,

    What you and I and everybody else must understand is this:

    There is ALWAYS a super-power. Whether it is the Americans, The Greeks, The Romans, The Ottomans or the British, it does not matter. The super-power wants to STAY a super-power and that is HUMAN NATURE. As we progress in technology the power becomes more mighty.... We have gone from bows and arrows to the atomic bomb.

    Now if Thailand was the super-power then the rest of the world would 'fear' you. And it is HUMAN NATURE to hate what we 'fear'. So at this time of human history much of the world fears and hates America. The more 'fearfull' they are, the more they hate them.

    America is not a country to fear. If the USA wanted to take over and control the world they could have done so, when they were the 'only' country on earth to have the Atomic Bomb. America is not a country to fear, unless you go against thier foriegn policies....... or if you own oil. :o

    Dear Ravisher:

    I think you have misunderstood something, no countries feared out of America, accept the country that is below it. for Example "Australia" when U.S.A got a problem Australia Country must helps even though the don't want to. but WHAT IF AUSTRALIAN" DID NOT JOIN U.S.A? What's America will do to Australia Country? I wonder why. Australian who against the war have to join the war because they are under U.S.A? or used to HELPS Australia" and U.S.A got a power to ask Australia to join. they will be no peace in this world rite? there is something blocking. Lifes could not go on good as it should. America is a rich country and a king of world? what I like of american is Technologies, but less then Japan. I love European more. they are look more peace special to Asia. America is feared of every country, if you think deeply. they have too much protected their country. even other countries want to travel or stayed in U.S.A, it is super hard. I watch Exite channel, an American channel. God, this country full of camera everywhere, even street. Too much protect who gonna love to live like that. now about Thailand, do you think Thailand is a peace country? Thailand is an open country. you are most welcome to our country. You can do what you want here. business, travelling...etc. but to join the war "hurting Human Being" Thai will not join for that. but we stuck on Bush which he is a good friend to Taksin. :D . yesterday I entered Bangkok Chat. they are chatting about American. and always look down. because planning to bomb again. U.S.A spent a huge of money for bomb? for what? destroying other country? Killing a Human that is belong to God? for me life is a test from God.

    puad hua, post too much,

  8. Hello once again,

    95% of the Thai people I've met have treated me and my Thai girlfriend with courtesy and respect. I could care less about the other 5%.

    this is a good post, this is what i wanted you to post. they are treating you good, but inside they did not show up what they feel. remember that people have a mind thinking that they will now shown up. for some people that they don't really like, they will show up or make a face like disagree. and the "LOOK" of both of you maybe are higher or look a like a person who have a $$$?

  9. MistaDorn, what would it be like of all the tourists left and came never came back.  Or maybe it is only the American's that your friends would like to see leave?  Racism and discrimination in LOS, why I never.....................

    If you were in America and 70% of the people felt that disgusted about something, believe me when I tell you that the people would change it.  Can the same be said for the Thai people?

    Dude, I am talking for some people, not the whole country. Some farang come to thailand for their business and travelling. don't forget this. I only take 1 example that I have talking with friends about farang and thai woman. I don't know American much, but as I know they are scared in something that make them becoming look down to other country and selfish. "SOME" I have posted about this in somewhere. Thai people, I believe farang man also agreed with me "Thai people is more honest than farang"

  10. (2). Everytime when farang walking with Thai woman "in Thai people opinion" they will think this woman is prostitude" i believe around 70% are thinking like this.


    You have stated that 70% of the Thai people think the woman is a prostitute and they dislike the farangs. What you don't say is what this 70% thinks about the woman doing this, do they dislike her too? Are they thinking that it is the farangs fault that the girl does this kind of work.

    Just curious

    โอโฮตอบเยอะชมัดเลย 555 คงต้องอธิบายกันสนั่นเมืองแล้วเนี่ย Ok. I said that when thai woman and farang walking together krub. then most of thai people always decided their mind to said that this woman is prostitute or used to be prostitude, the word used to be prostitude is because some have kids. Thai people will don't like the woman for living with farang, some are agree because they are likes farang. Farang not fault. most goes to woman. Woman fault to choose to live with farang. Thai people will look another way for Farang. As I told you. Farang come to Thailand for sex "in Thai mind". friend of mine "Jodie" from U.K said that in England everybody will look down to each other when they are coming back from thailand or going to thailand as they may think also that farang come to thailand for thai woman. Thai woman has a low education and don't have a good job. Then they have to find money to survive, to pay for their parent, or some thai woman already had a kid with other thai man, and they are divorced. The woman choose to be prostitude to find money for supporting life. but for this "This point Thai people know very well why are they doing this, but they do not like to do this". some Thai woman really fall in love to farang because the farang man can support their life. Farang always had a money for them, The honest of Thai Woman when someone supporting her, that woman will desire their life to farang and love him much. Thai people are gentle heart. when farang do something good to them. whoa, in whole life that person will take care of you as long as they can. But when farang leave the woman, The woman becoming crazy and try to do anything to get him back. I tried to answer your question shortly. but it goes so long. anyway, do you understand what i meant? Farang likes Thai skins and heart, Thai woman love farang because of they are cute and can support her life "money". so both when you combine it's gonna be "Love"? :o:D. I saw some post here that farang also really love their wife. I am so appriciated for this. specially when he said he punched that person" I believe he is doing the right thing that showing a true love and protect her from the enemy. he hurt when he hear that guy saying "ga-ree". So the way he punch thai person, I agreed.

  11. Dear Bronco:

    As I told you it is thai mind thinking for a guy, sure up, I ended to be a friends with them. rite now i'm sooo lonely lol. I used to be a bit selfish and never listen to anyone. so no wonder I don't have long friend enough :o. Living in Thailand it is teaching me a lot. The Experience.

  12. I had a bad situation in Kalasin last year , myself, wife and 2 sons were just pottering about the shops looking for nothing in particular when a few lads ( 19-20 ish) started following us and a few insults were aimed in our direction. My wife said a few choice words , she was called " Gar-ee" amongst other insults.

    My kids ( 13/6) were scared and felt threatened.

    What could I do?

    I'd like to say we left them and walked away heads held high.

    But Alas , no.

    I punched the bigger one hard enough to knock some teeth out , the other one

    "Fled the Scene" ( Typical Thai , unfortunately I have seen that many times)

    If it happened again , I would like to walk away.

    Hope it doesn't happen again..... :D

    Stupid is as Stupid does.

    What would you say if you saw this happen "MistaDorn"?

    I would be interested in your opinion.

    Dear Chonabot man"

    Oh, In this case is what I am talking about. you meet someone who look down to your wife. and you punched that person with Thai-Farang punched style? As I told you if farang walk with Thai woman they will always look down to woman no matter what. when you punched him. what happened more? how about that thai person do? I believe he stoped following you cause he know what he done. Thai people running to help him? or just stand and watch? in this case you know? thai people will still look bad to you as a farang stayed in bangkok and hurting Thai people. but If I am were you, I could punch him too, but I never hurt anyone. My personal style is to fight back with "word". In Teen ager they will fight immediatly, but in older age they will fight with word, for thai people if that fight is getting harder both will hurting each other.

    In other time if this happened again, You said you'll walk away. but you still keep them inside your feeling and how will you explore them? "sorry, I always thinking too far away" :o.

    Last thing, I still believe that Thai women chob farang maak, tae puchai Thai mai chob farang. b'cuz they are thinking that farang stealing thai woman from them. Tae khon Thai chob phuying farang Mai dai because phuying farang too big for Thai People lol.

  13. Quite simple , I treat them worse........... :o

    Hi, whoa, so many reply, anyway, as if you said "treat them worse" Thai people will show up that he is own this country and fight back to you and said "this is my country" go back to ur country" lol. I am saying this cause of been talking with some several of my thai friends.

  14. Hello once again,

    First of all I tought most of people here are Thai, but seems to be not. I am Thai and wondering something about American people or other farang who lived here in Thailand. Mostly America is the country that being hate by many countries including American people. The crazy power of American, and always look down to other country or seeking other country, destroying....etc that American people selves said are helping. Anyway. The question is. There is a lot of Thai people who against American people who lived here in Thailand. For some bad reason, they are coming for "Sex" with thai woman" that's make Thailand look like a sex country for farang who's travelling. Some women "prostitude" agreed to having sex with traveller just for money, they are a low education and cannot find a good job to support life. But world look like that they are really loved to do this.

    (2). Everytime when farang walking with Thai woman "in Thai people opinion" they will think this woman is prostitude" i believe around 70% are thinking like this. and that's make some other Thai people disgusting farang. I want to know if you some farang have meet thai people that against you here in Thailand and tell you this? I believe one of you have meet some people who don't like farang and treating you bad. I wonder what did you do when they are treating you bad? Do you ever know about this? sorry if this is a hard questions to all of farang here. But this is a real thing happened.



  15. Hi there. anyone of you have a good tracker site? the good of Bittorrent site a. the torrent I used mostly is to download anime video by dattebayo "Naruto anime" http://a.scarywater.net/db/ hehe I don't like much anime, but my brother let me watch this anime only 2 episode, now i'm crazy about it. but there is a lot of torrent site. which torrent you are using the most and good one? i mean good seeder.



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