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Posts posted by Snowdog

  1. If Thaksin wants any return to "public life" (to serve in parliament or as an MP) he cannot accept ANY jail time.

    thats not his decision.its up to the thai courts he can say i don`t accept jail all he wants but that crook has no say if he returns.sure his sister might pardon him but in sure there will be trouble in the streets if that happens or another regime change

  2. Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

    Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

    only a fool would vote for her.now thaksin will come back and serve no time for stealing millions from the thai people.

  3. Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

    what a airhead this guy is wow.this is none of his bissness.its not his country or his place to speak out in public on stage in the middle of a red shirt riot.he should of been locked up for years.hopefully they will never let him back in

  4. Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

    Not really mate remember the crazy Aussie guy that shot the American in cold blood up here in chiang mai he only got 2 years and that was an assasination style killing if this guy is smart he says the guy insulted the king and he had to do him in and he should be out in 12 months just like the Aussie guy who is now living as a free man in Australia.

    keep dreaming the guys still in jail and will be for many years

  5. I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

    Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

    If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

    What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

    Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

    DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

    Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

    We cannot compare our so different cultures...

    It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

    And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

    Sorry I had to let it out !!!

    Pesche - Living here since 18 years

    UHH....did I miss a quote...where does the US come in:jap:

    the us didn`t come in.the guys makeing up stories as he goes along I guess if thats what makes him feel better about himself.

  6. Tokay, the story has been all over the news in the Phuket Gazette and other local papers. I suggest you check the PG site for details.

    It's gratifying to find that the BiB finally caught this individual - he has been the hot topic of conversation amongst Phuket expats and Thais alike for weeks. He has apparently confessed to the killing, so if he is indeed the killer, I hope he suffers the full force of Thai law.

    I really hope if he did it that he is put to death by her familly.that would be justice.he treated her like a wild animal and he should be treated the same.he denied her her right to live peacefully.now let the familly take out their rage on him

  7. Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

    Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

    get your facts straight dude thaksin has been paying the protesters.all because he wants to clear his name and possibly return to power someday to once again steal from the thai people.the government is doing whats right.anywhere else in the world if the red shirts pulled this crap they would have been imediately aressted and put in jail and allot more deaths would have been on there hands.the thai government hasn`t done enought to protect its citizens from these criminals.i hope they learned a lesson and will start to build bigger prisons to house these red terrorists.the leaders of they should be in prison for life as they are responsible for 67 deaths so far

  8. baby in a warzone is just WRONG!!!!!!!!!! what's up with you red murder!!!!!!

    wow 66 deaths thaksin should be charged with.thaksin deserves life in prison after this is over.why are these fools putting their lifes on the line so thaksin can clear his name by getting his friends elected.it makes no sence to me.they are being paid to die for him wow.

  9. Nice pics.

    It's such a shame that so many posters on Thai Visa call for bloodshed.

    It's very strange that these people calling for bloodshed are not banned.

    I wonder why ?

    is it i wonder that they don't know what it is like to live under a dictatorship and democracy is for the rich only or may be they are communists. the reds are the people there are a lot more than the yellow belly's who took power by taking it not winning it. and the reds they have nothing more to lose this will be a big problem for the government who are traitors to there own people apaist should stand down he has lost it .

    this is killing the king as he loves his people in the north as well as the rest of Thailand. stop the killing now. all yellows should be ashamed of them selfs, you have all gone mad with power. when will it end.

    stop the bloody war now!!!!! before its to late.

    The red out number the yellows only because they are getting paid by thaksin.in which i hope thaksin is brought up on charges for all this terrorism hes causes.I hope dubia sees this a releases him into thai custody to face multiple counts of murder

  10. Hmmmmm, this could backfire.

    If they try to stop the flow of reds coming into the camp, all hel_l could break lose. From a tacticle standpoint, they would then have reds to the front AND to the back of them. Army and police stuck in the middle.

    This will either work or fail miserably. If the reds had any planning ability at all, they could surround the police and army from all sides and cripple them.

    you forget the army and police have way more fire power then the red terrorists

  11. Probably want to avoid provoking these types of people, giving them an excuse and justifying violence. Good on them.

    when is the military going to show some strenght and shoot tear gas into the crouds to disperse them then arrest the leaders.this has been a joke for the world to see.no other country would allow any of this to go on to this extent.the leaders need to be locked up for many years for trying to over throw the government.most of these people were paid to be there.they are not there because they actually beleave in that crook thaksin.they need to make an example of the leaders of the red shirt protest and that includes a fireing squad

  12. do these politians actually have a brain in there head.they will drive tourists out of thailand with stupid crack downs like this.people will go to other places like the philippines or laos or vietnam and spend there money.and with only woman over 40 giveing massages there will be allot of unemployed girls out there.sometimes i don`t think these idiots use there heads when they make up things like this.if it isn`t broke don`t fix it.why do you think its right to control peoples lives.thailand has been a popular place to go because the way it is.I love thailand very much and the people of thailand.this is starting to become a dictatorship.no public vote on anything just the polititians will forced on everybody.id hate to see the good people of the country I love get hurt by the polititians driveing the tourists away.It will happen

  13. Thai protesters force closure of second airport: airport official

    BANGKOK: -- Thai anti-government protesters have blockaded and shut down a second Bangkok airport, an official said Thursday, just over a day after they forced the closure of the main international airport.

    Supporters of the so-called People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) started massing at the main entrance to the old Don Mueang airport Wednesday evening, and services there were cancelled at about midnight.

    "Protesters have blocked the entrance to the terminal therefore we closed services until 6:00 pm (1100 GMT) Thursday," said Flying Officer Anirut Thanomkulbutra, director of Don Mueang.

    Don Mueang operates a handful of domestic flights, and was the only airport left serving the capital after protesters swarmed the main Suvarnabhumi Airport late Tuesday, forcing the airport director to suspend flights.

    A police official said about 3,000 PAD supporters were gathered outside Don Mueang airport.

    why isn`t the milatary steping in and and declareing marshail law.anybody that doesn`t have bissness being in the airport be put in jail for many years then forced to clean up bangkok on a chain gang for 5 years.something like this has to be done.right now the world is laughting at such lack of security at a airport what a shame i hate to see the good people of thailand suffer from criminals takeing everything over.why not ask for help from some on thailands allies im sure it would take much of an effect to crush these criminals

    Protest leaders had said Wednesday that they aimed to force the closure of Don Mueang to prevent ministers from flying to the northern city of Chiang Mai to meet with Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

    Somchai returned from a summit in Peru, landing in Chiang Mai on Wednesday evening, soon after the powerful army chief urged the premier to call new elections to end six months of turmoil in the kingdom.

    Somchai refused, and called a cabinet meeting.

    The premier had been holding cabinet meetings in a disused terminal at Don Mueang after protesters occupied his official Government House office in central Bangkok in late August.

    But on Monday, PAD supporters besieged his temporary office as well as they upped their bid to topple the government, which they accuse of running the country on behalf of ousted and exiled premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

    -- AFP 2008-11-27

  14. Thailand's king taken to hospital

    BANGKOK: -- Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej is in hospital after feeling weak in his right side, the royal palace has said.

    The 79-year-old king was taken to Bangkok's Siriraj hospital on Saturday morning, where scans revealed an inadequate blood supply to his brain.

    The condition improved after treatment but requires further observation.

    King Bhumibol, the world's longest reigning current monarch, is greatly revered in Thailand and his health is a subject of great national concern.

    A statement from the Bureau of the Royal Household said scans had revealed "a minimal cerebral ischemia" on the left side of the king's brain, meaning that part of his brain was not receiving enough blood to function normally.

    "The team of royal physicians then recommended hospitalisation for treatment and observation," the statement said.

    "After a period of approximately eight hours of treatment, the weakness of the right leg has improved," it added.

    Concerns over King Bhumibol's health have deepened since he underwent spinal surgery last year, after complaining of back pain.

    Since that operation, the monarch has rarely appeared in public.

    --BBC 2007-10-13

    my thoughts and prayers are for this man.god bless him and his familly may he pull through this.

  15. Who would gain from an action such as this? Not an easy Q but Muslims would not and Thaksin would not. I think the plot for separatists from the north is to try and make this look like a Muslim action! Then the present administration will get the blame for being unable to control the situation in the South. A great deal of the posters here is currently playing right into the hands of these assassinators!

    It’s obvious isn’t it? :o

    No it isn’t! Just another guess!


    Do you actually beleave what you posted.this definatly is an action from the muslim south.They even had hand gernades that they stoled from the armory down south.shouldn`t be to hard to trace the fragments back to the armory

  16. Having been happily married in the UK to the most marvellous Thai woman I have seen many Thai /English marriages go sadly wrong with extreme suffering for the Thai girl who has married a bad farang. In most cases we have been able to help, however our latest tale of woe exemplifies the worst of alL such situations.

    Let us call this poor girl A to protect her a little ok.

    We met A two weeks ago when the thai wife of another guy asked us if we could take her to the bus station to pick up an old friend who was now homeless. we did and I then met A and her 16 year old son B.They had nowhere to sleep that night and the Thai lady had been asked to give them a bed for the night, which she did.

    Over the last two weeks I have come to learn A's story and I am shocked, horrified and totally disgusted by the way she has been treated by her now ex farang husband, the system here in the Uk and her fellow Thais.

    A used to live in Buriram and her Thai husband gave her the usual two children then decided he was bored with her so he kicked her out. With no other means of support and a sister who had worked Pattaya and married a farang( not English) she sought and found work in the bar scene in Pattaya. There she met an Englishman who married her and took her and her 6 year son to England.

    A spoke little English and together with the cultural differences the farang soon fell in love with another English girl, he eventually told his Thai wife to leave the home and take her son with her ( after 5 years)

    .A asked her husband to pay her air fare home to Thailand but he refused telling her that she was a big girl now!

    A did not know about divorce and getting half of the famiy home-she left with the trivial sum of a few thousand pounds she had managed to save from her work as a waitress in a local restaurant. She acquired a very cheap shop and lived over the shop and started her own restaurant with financial help from her sister who had a succesful farang marriage in europe.

    A still loved her farang husband and trusted him where money was concerned. He used to visit her restaurant and borrow money and robbed her blind. The business failed.

    A was in a mess, she now had a 10 year old son to support and no job, barely spoke the local language and had no home.

    The local governement benefits agency did help but the benefits system is convoluted and she did not understand most of what the people there told her. the result of this was that A ended up living off a total income of £40 per week for everything----she could and should have got more but did not understand the systems here.

    Still her ex husband refused to help her ( the bastard) and she sank deeper and deeper into debt borrowing from Thai friends, eating so little for herself in order to feed her son.

    Winter came and she had no gas nor electric on in her flat due to unpaid bills. She had to resort to llighting a fire in pan to keep them warm.

    Ultimately the expected happened and the flat caught fire and she was evicted. With no good command of English and three years of hel_l behind her she was ony able to tramp the streets daily with her son and knock on the doors of her Thai friends asking for a bed for the night. This obviously was not wanted by the Farang husbands of her Thai friends and she rarely stayed in the same place for more than a couple of nights.

    Many nights she found nowhere to stay and slept on the streets at the mercy of all the low lifes who saw her there. Twice her 16 year old son was badly beaten and even knifed whilst trying to defend his mother from the unwanted attentions of scum.

    Eventually they were taken into police custody and the boy taken into care and A left to fend for herself.

    My own heart weeps when I hear her story. She has been living with myself and my wife for the last week now and her mental state is horrendous. She is nice person regardless of her origins and is totally stressed to the limit now. We shall do everything we can to make her life normal but it will take time.

    She herself would like to return to Buriram but after 10 years here in the Uk her son is no longer Thai- He has english friends his own age and would not adapt to life in Thailand. A does not understand that there is help availabe for her-there is no social security in Thailand.

    All that we can do is try our very best to give this precious person a chance to recover her strength and her mental faculties and hope that she can make a life for herself.

    She is not the first we have come across in her situation and I doubt that she will be the last.

    So please guys,when you meet and fall in love with that very sexy Thai girl and marry her and take her half way around the world to be your sex toy, remember that she too is a human being.

    You cannot discard her like a used condom when you become bored because you find that you have little in common beyond the bedroom.



    If this jerk has a house that they bought together then the time hes been liveing in it without her he should have to pay her interest on it plus half the house cost at the time of the split up that the house was worth.if the interest and total cost of the house is more than the value of the house then he should be tossed out on the street and she should be the rightful new owner on the house.(Not saying english law is this way but it is in usa).And i hope this scumbag pays dearly for this poor lady.I have a thai wife and son myself.We don`t always get allong and yes there are cultural differences but i love her and can work out any problems we will face.both me and my brother have thai wifes.Good luck to this woman and god bless you for helping her.

  17. Manchester murders husband flew to Thailand

    LONDON - A 36-year-old man wanted for questioning in connection with murder of his wife and three children in their home in Greater Manchester left Britain for Thailand more than three weeks ago, police said on Friday.

    Uzma Rahan and her three children, Adam, 11, Abbas, 8 and daughter Henna, 6, were found dead on Sunday after apparently lying undiscovered for up to four weeks. They died as a result of serious head injuries.

    Police have said they want to speak to Rahan Arshad over the deaths and are working with international agencies in a bid to find him. They have also arrested a 40-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman on suspicion of murder.

    Arshad's car was found at Heathrow Airport on Monday.

    "We are concerned for the welfare of Rahan Arshad and are actively looking for him," said Detective Superintendent Martin Bottomley.

    "We are unaware of any contact he may have made with any family member since late July and I now know that he left the UK via Terminal 3 at Heathrow airport on July 29, bound for Bangkok in Thailand.

    "We are liaising with our police colleagues in Thailand via Interpol to help us to trace his onward movements.

    "Of course that is now four weeks ago and he could be anywhere in the world by now."

    Officers discovered the bodies in the house in Cheadle Hulme after being called by neighbours who said they were concerned about the families' welfare.

    - Reuters


    Additional story with repetitive details omitted:

    Missing father 'on Bangkok plane'

    In a statement, the family of Uzma Rahan said she was a "loving, caring and devoted mother".

    "We have lost a very special family member," they said.

    "Adam, Abbas and Henna were gorgeous, intelligent and well-mannered little children.

    "Thinking of our four family members being murdered so violently is beyond belief."

    Rahan Arshad's brother Raswan said: "We as a family are grieving for their loss, and their mother Uzma.

    "We can deeply understand and feel the pain and grief that Uzma's family must be going through."

    And he said to his brother: "It is absolutely paramount that you come forward at this moment in time to assist the police with their inquiries. If not for yourself, do it for us, your father, sisters and me."

    Magistrates have granted police a warrant allowing the two suspects to be held on suspicion of murder until early on Saturday.

    - BBC



    Uzma Rahan, Abbas, Adam , and Henna

    The murdered woman and her three murdered children


    Rahan Arshad

    Husband wanted for questioning

    Once again another arab kills his familly must be trying to get to the arab city in thailand i rest my case

  18. How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

    Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

    These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

    [This says it all.They kill anybody that disagrees with them.and now you want these fine bunch of arabs moveing into bangkok.good luck time will show exactly what they will do to thailand

  19. Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

    Please read the Forum Rules.

    Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

    Are we supposed to say nice things about them? :o

    not from me but i siad what i had to to bad it got censored

  20. Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

    Please read the Forum Rules.

    Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

    what ever we are all tired of killing thats all

  21. Its sad to read another instance like this one. Condolences to all involved.

    As mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think this guy is a psycho. It seems to be more of a crime of passion. It doesn't make it right, but it lends more to the notion that this was an isolated event and that the guy is probably not as serious a threat to society as a psycho killer. Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long.

    Anyways, that's just my opinion. Everyone to their own.

    Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty.

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