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Posts posted by Rimbuman

  1. Applies to single men over 50 to.

    If your 50+ and cant scrape 800 k baht together , I think you have bigger worries than being able to stay in Thailand.

    Yeah! You're absolutely correct. Unless you are fortunate to be Nowegian or Russian, if you can't scrape 800K baht together, then you do have bigger problems that being able to stay in Thailand.

    Unfortunately, for many "farangs", the gods have not been as generous to them, as they (the gods) have been to others. Many expats are here, simply because the annual rise in the cost of living index @ home has outpaced their ability to provide a decent standard of living for themselves. Thus, Thailand is available.

    The real tragedy is that there is so little solidarity among "farangs", who spend considable beer time & effort playing the pretentious game of "one upmanship" with each other. The American expats, of course, take the blue ribbon prize, in the fragmentation and "lack of solidarity" department. So, its no small wonder that the Russians keep to themselves, and maintain considerable distance.

    So, if you can afford to help out another expat from your home country, then simply do so, with the help of a Thai lawyer. I have seen far too many expats who will risk losing millions of baht, over the "whining & crying" sob stories of Nana Plaza / Pattaya Beach bargirls, but wouldn't spend 100 baht to buy a destitute expat a meal & shower for the day. That is truly tragic, and indicative of why the western world is losing its grip.

    There are no starving Asians, either in Asia or the Western world. Hmm! I wonder why not? Guess you need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, eh?

    So what would the advantage be if you are Norwegian or Russian?

  2. I am officially scared of all means of transportation in Thailand. Until this year at least I had the trains.

    buses are not to proper specs and are top heavy

    vans have madmen at the wheel

    taxis will beat you for a nickel

    motortaxis have you hanging on for dear life

    now trains are tipping over.........w00t.gif

    p.s. boats are known to crash/sink

    Buffaloes ?


  3. bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

    Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

    He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

    Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

    Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

    Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

    Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

    Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

    Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

    You're deluded.

    Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

    You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

    The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

    Unfortunately you both are right.

  4. This story will be denied and forgotten tomorrow. Shame on everybody participating in and profiting from this humanitarian nightmare. Nobody should buy fish caught under these conditions.

    Don't have to be like that if you send this to the media from the country where you come from.

    I forward not only this but all the crazy stuff thats going on here to the media of my country of my origin all the time and what they do with this info is up to them, I do what I can.

    So should all of the TV members (who feel that something should be done) do, just try to make a difference.

  5. I didn't read all the posts but it's a fact that Thailand is losing grip and it is in an accelerating mode now. Corruption, crime, political and environmental issues all spinning out of control.

    There will be some sort of outburst or multiple outbursts anytime in the near future, better stay inside when this happens.

    If this happens hopefully it will be for the better this time but I guess I have my hopes up far to high.

  6. It's the lack of proper recycling procedures and teaching these people to quit being so <deleted> lazy and throwing trash where ever and when ever. They are all polluting their country and generally don't care.

    I feel sorry for the people that have to live here in 100 years.

    I am sorry for my self, for the (aware) people who live here now and the tourists who payed for their vacation because the rotting garbage and pollution is all over Thailand and there is no escape, it is in your face almost everywhere you go here in Thailand.

    It is in the mountains, the rivers, the beaches, the ocean and you can add on more your self. This is done by the Thai themselves.

    The fishers villages and mountains have some off the most trashed and polluted sites I've ever seen in my life.

    The islands and the coasts are a biological hazard and the sea around them is nearly dead.

    These problems are here now and if nothing is going to be done about it, it will be like this or worse in 100 years from now.

    This country is a trash can and this is a fact, google trash or garbage Thailand and view images, Thailand can not hide from truth and reality anymore, the world has internet.

  7. Bars have to be calculated in value to the weight of gold. Coins with a face value like American eagle or Maple Leave (50 Can $ per troy ounce) are legal tender (money) and can be calculated by value thats minted in the coin itself.

    I've done it, had to open my hand luggage and show what these black spots were about on their scan machine screen and they had to let me go because it was only 2000 Can $ in coins.

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