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Posts posted by mafaso

  1. i didn't realize there were any free hotspots. hopefully people will start putting in more. there is ichiwawa who was trying to corner the market here, but they are very expensive and their service is unreliable.

    What is this ichiwawa thing? I have a wireless computer in the Bang Rak area and I sometimes see the wireless ichiwawa network available but have never tried to connect to it. Is it an ISP or something? Are they the people that are trying to broadcast huge areas of wireless? Who/What exactly are they?

  2. I bet if this website were around 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago you would have people moaning and complaining and prophesying about all the same things. Too many tourists, not enough tourist, too much construction here, need more construction there, too many businesses, where can I find this business?, the island is at the saturation point, "I seek the truth even if others do not", the island is about to explode..duck and cover!!!,..blah..blah.

    It's all very old and tired. There will always be growth and renewal. I'm sure these million dollar hotels have given it at least a little thought about what they are doing.

    A lot of people fret over things they don't really know about or should even bother to care about. And it seems like everyone is an expert on island development, how much money there is going around and sociology.

    I'm not saying these things shouldn't be talked about, in an intelligent manner, but all the outlandish statements and ridiculous requests make this forum look like a bunch of "Grumpy Old Men" for sure. Or maybe a bunch of people who are jealous that either they aren't part of the boom or they are part but don't want competition.

    Can I take someone's crystal ball with me to Vegas please?

  3. I have spoken with quite a few hotel owners and they say they are booked solid for the next four months. It will be a fine high season. Some people on this island have a very myopic and pessimistic view of things. It seems almost as if they wish for the bad things to happen or revel in them when they do.

  4. OK, aside from the problems the high winds and heavy seas are causing I think this current weather is great! Both the temp and humidity are low. I usually have my AC running 24/7 and am always at some stage of sweating. However, the past few days I've been able to shut the AC off, open the windows and finally enjoy some dry shirts. It really is refreshing. For the first time this year it is a pleasure to go outside.

    The only problem about open windows though is that all my neighbors can hear my buzi-nass :o

  5. Common sense should have told me to go somewhere the locals use. But I did think that the place looked clean and presentable. Looks can be so deceiving.

    My partner had never used the place before so was unable to advise.

    But I just wanted a kebab.

    Interesting to hear that others don't rate the place too highly.

    Have eaten at the one in Bang Rak and found the food to be of good quality and tasty. However a bit expensive (compared to local Thai food).

  6. Do they sell shoes and beachtowels........ :o

    I don't get it? :D

    Anyway, to me Mexican food is one of those things that once you are craving it there is no other substitute for it. That is why I have eaten at Gringoes a few times because my body was screaming for it. Then I realized I could just make it myself (but I really hate to cook).

    But now I can just hit up the new taco cart. It hits the spot for a heck of a lot cheaper than what Gringoes charges. Granted there is no sit down atmosphere type but I'm all about quality and saving some baht. My food last night was only 130 baht and I was stuffed afterward. Last week I spent 220 on a small plate of Nachos at Gringoes.

    They only have tacos and burritos (beef, chicken and steak) but told me a lot more food items are coming.

    Feliz Navidad

  7. Just found a food cart in front of 7-11 in Bang Rak that is selling tacos and burritos. I had a chicken burrito and a steak taco and it was very good. I've been craving it and have had to resort to making my own but now I don't have too! I always ended up throwing away the food I didn't use.

    Anyway, it's a good alternative to Gringos in Chaweng. I love Mexican food but can't afford Gringos too often plus it doesn't taste like the Mexican I'm used to.


    Senor Mafaso

  8. Good or bad, who cares? Give me a break! It's not like we have a lot of options regarding entertainment around here. For only 120 baht you get to sit in a nice air-con comfortable seat and enjoy a distraction for 2 hours. I go see just about every movie there. It's a hel_l of a steal I think. For 20 baht less you can buy the DVD so why not pay the extra 20 and enjoy it on a big screen. Even the popcorn and soda is affordable unlike back home where 2 movie tickets, 1 popcorn and 1 soda will set you back 850 baht easy.

    Also, some the Thai movies are pretty good. They make some good funny and scary movies.

  9. I went down to Chaweng beach for something to eat, down the soi next to Coco Blues about a year ago, I think it's First Bungalow, didn't stay there long, got my food to take away, there were 5 or 6 ladymen playing beach volleyball with their tits out, aweful but maybe you can take the missus down there.

    I saw a stunning blond girl down there a week or two ago who was topless so it is happening there and the lady boys are fun to watch run around and scream. Plus they are ###### good volleyball players.

    SO, you like the Ladyboys, mafaso, glad you found happiness!

    I said it is fun to WATCH them run around and scream like a bunch prissy girls. That is all.

    Mafaso don't play that! Only Hot Thai GIRLS for me.

  10. I went down to Chaweng beach for something to eat, down the soi next to Coco Blues about a year ago, I think it's First Bungalow, didn't stay there long, got my food to take away, there were 5 or 6 ladymen playing beach volleyball with their tits out, aweful but maybe you can take the missus down there.

    I saw a stunning blond girl down there a week or two ago who was topless so it is happening there and the lady boys are fun to watch run around and scream. Plus they are ###### good volleyball players.

  11. Today I was eating in Angela's bakery and I could not finish my delicious club sandwich and so I asked for the rest to go. The Thai girl I was with started laughing and making comments about it. Her English is very poor so I could not quite understand what she was saying but I got the feeling that I was doing something that she thought was unusual or a little embarrassing. Then I started thinking about it and I've never seen a Thai person ask for a doggy bag to take home left overs. This is such a common thing in the West that I have never given it a second thought about doing it here. Although here the portions are about half what they are in the West therefor it is not needed as often.

    Does anyone have an opinion about this? I want to know if Thai's just don't do it because they never need too or do they not do it because it is somehow embarrassing or wrong to ask to take the uneaten food away.

    Any comments? I've asked some Thai girls I know but they wont give me a straight answer because I think they are worried about embarrassing me by telling me what I'm doing is embarrassing.

    I hate to see uneaten food go to waste and to leave a complete half of an uneaten club sandwich for the trash doesn't seem right.

  12. Mafaso,

    Are you looking for bulk quantities for the food cart you are building?Because if you are, you better get hold of a supplier that can guarantee you adequate deliveries. :o:D:D

    I wish Taco Bell would come here. It's owned by the same people who own Pizza Hut, KFC and Pepsi and they are here so it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to get one built here. I think only Americans know what Taco Bell is but it is fast food Mexican and delicious and inexpensive. They have a lot of different varieties of tacos and burritos and they use the sharp cheddar cheese I'm trying to find and there are a lot of suggestions on here where to find it so thank you and I'll go look and taste.

    I love me some TACOs.

  13. Hi folks

    We'll be down in Samui for a few weeks over Dec and Jan.

    Any suggestions for New Year's Eve?

    We were thinking of Geko Bar which I've heard is a good night but at 39 I may have to come to terms with the fact that I'm too old for that sort of thing anymore!

    Any suggestions welcome. :o

    39 too old? Man, you've got a long miserable life ahead of you. That is one of the things I love about this place, age doesn't matter, here you are free to be whoever you want to be. You can party all night if you want and have a 20 year old girlfriend too. To say that you're too old at 39 to enjoy a New Year's Eve party is pitiful.

    To each his own I guess.

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