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Posts posted by mafaso

  1. I dunno mate. I can think of better sources of entertainment. A tad on the sick side, if you dont mind me saying.

    I am not your mate and I do mind you saying, you should only say things that you know what you are talking about. When in doubt, shut up. Why do you assume that I want to look for "entertainment". Why is that the automatic assumption?

    I've seen books before and they are a great way to remind oneself just how fragile the human body is and how easily it can be mutilated. I wear a helmet now here on the island thanks to a book like that I saw a long time ago.

    **flame removed***

  2. By the way may they R.I.P (Rest In my Pocket)

    Hey there Jens are you guys still partying after the superbowl ...? That's one long party ... Now I've got to get myself an invite to next years party then :D:D

    Thats OK DJT next year the Thais are going to have a Buffalo Bowl..

    One big mud pit throw in a couple of buffalos and get pissed watching them try to get out.. :o

    Count me in! :D

  3. Mafaso, just hope for you that your face doesn't end up in one those books otherwise it'd be a real cracker (pun intended), wouldn't it.

    I just want to look it at it, relax. Take a break. They are interesting to look at that is why they make them bimbos.

  4. Did you ever look at a book with pictures of people who were involved in accidents on the the Samui roads and didn't wear a helmet. Doesn't make for nice reading, but maybe a wake up call.

    Cool! They have books with these pictures! Sweet, where can I get one?

  5. I just finished watching the game (Monday night 11:00 pm) my friend taped it as we couldn't get up to watch it. He had to work so we had to avoid the internet all chat messages in the danger that we would accidentally see the score. I'm not dodging anybody.

    Anyway, I don't know where the Bears Defense went! They were there in the 1st quarter then they must have went to McDonalds or something. They could not stop the Colts and it wasn't as if the Colts were playing all that exceptionally well. Plus the rain should have been a benefit to the defense but even that didn't help.

    OH well, that's why they play the game.

    Congrats SamuiJens! We need to talk!

  6. I don't understand why they play the fuccking game so early in the morning. ...

    Bears 24-14

    Hahahaha..this is a joke right? The fuccking game is being played in Miami Florida USA at 6:30 PM LOCAL time. Should they have the game at 3 in the morning local time so that we can watch it without having to get up? Do you seriously not understand time zones? Of course UBC is going to show it live. Weird.

    I like your score though and agree.

    Still waiting on a Colts backer to take me up on some action!

  7. I hear they put a sleeping gas in the air system and when everyone is passed out they go through everybodys wallets and take their money. Also, some people have had their private parts played with too while passed out on the gas!

    Take a scuba regulator with you when you go!

    I'd rather walk.

  8. I saw something really weird today.

    It was a mini-quad. It is obviously made for little kids, I mean it was very mini. About a little less than a meter long and about half a meter tall.

    It was driving on the road with a Thai lady and a little boy. Had traffic backed up for a while because I guess it can't go very fast. Either that or she wasn't going very fast. Anyway, it was a weird site to see.

  9. Are any of you guys interested in starting a TV fishing club? If so let's work something out.

    Sounds like a good idea................


    Just got a boat, so if peeps wanna chip in for fuel........................

    Shore fishing

    Best places are off the rocks, first bungalow in chaweng is ok, also chong mon on left side of beach, it's easy to get to the rocks, not too much climbing.

    You need to go at high tide tho.

    I was using soft plastics the other day and had a few small hexagon grouper.

    What we need to do is find somewhere to get livebait, then you'll catch better fish.

    Need to get matey with a prawn farm owner!!

    I've been out fishing with Thai's and they use a red light to pull the squid to the surface and then net them and then use them for bait to catch the real fish. I don't know if it can be done from shore or off pier or not but I bet you could buy some squid off a fisherman.

  10. I know a really good place that has lots and lots of fish. It's a big lake by some big temple in Bang Rak. You don't even need a rod and reel, just throw some bread crumbs in and then get the fish out with a dip net. Very easy! I do it 2 or 3 times a week.

    :D you best beware of the machete yielding monks then!

    You don't suppose it might have something to do with fishing at a temple? :o

    What? Are these like spirit fish or something? Spirish? They taste just the same to me!

    I figure I am helping them out as that pond is way too overcrowded, those fish are starving. I have some good recipes is anyone needs them to deep fry catfish.

  11. Good one Tax.

    ParadiseLost, you are comparing apples and oranges. Just because things are "cheaper" here than in the west doesn't mean we should accept it when someone steals from us. And that is exactly what they are doing, stealing. Same as reaching in our pockets and taking the money.

    And since you obviously don't mind ("well the coffee is still cheap even though I just paid 30% more than I should have") and let them get away with it then they'll just keep doing it and doing it causing all kinds of problems.

  12. I thought fishing was about the sport of it, not the actual catching of fish....Although I admit, fishing in a pond is like casting your line in the tank at the local seafood restaurant....

    Obviously you have never been fishing in a pond, there is nothing easy about catching fish if they don't want to be caught.

    What is the difference between the "sport of it" and catching the fish?

    After you catch it you have two options, if you are there just for the "sport of it" then you catch and release. If not, you catch, keep and cook. I prefer the latter.

    What exactly is this emoticon supposed to be doing? Is he doing what I think he's doing?


  13. Had it happen again last night:

    Went to a little Thai food joint, ordered one dish take away, the menu said 50 baht. The old lady running the joint brings it to me and mumbles something...sounded like 50 baht so I gave her 60 and sat for a second waiting for my 10 back (I don't tip on take aways). She went to her desk and just hung there.

    I went over to her and she said "Yes, what you want?" I said 10 baht and she pretended she had know idea it was 50 baht and not 60 baht even though it's her restaurant and she's been there for a long time. Incredible. She said "Sorry" and just kept moving along. "Oh well, didn't get this farang, I'll get the next one."

    I wanted to punch her in the face.

    I know they are never going to change but also I will never get used to it either.

  14. I'm in the south of Thailand and really really want to go somewhere where I can feel cold. I've been here for a year and half and would love to have to put on a jacket to go outside. It's been soooo long and I miss cold weather.

    My question is can I get this in Thailand, specifically Chiang Mai? I do not know much about the north but I have heard that it can get quite cold there?

    Any advice on where to go and where to stay to enjoy my "cold" vacation would be appreciated! Is Chiang Mai the coldest place in Thailand?

    Thanks in advance!


  15. I've been in Thailand for over a year and know the situation pretty well when it comes to the bar girls (at least I think I do but probably not).

    Anyway, I'm sure you guys have a lot more experience than I do.

    This hot young bar girl wants to stay with me for a week (I live here) for 5k plus 1.4k for bar. I've been with her a few times already.

    I like the idea, only a week. A week of good sex and then bye-bye. What are the pitfalls? What should I look out for? Is this price right? Etc....etc...

    thanks for any insight.


  16. If you have a valid overseas licence you don't have to take the test.And if it is also endorced for a motorcycle as well they will issue you a thai one on the spot

    So you're saying all I have to do is to take my US DL into wherever, show it to them and they will give me a license? It is for both a car and bike so I would just get a license for both here just like that? No tests or anything?

    This isn't the information I have gotten from other people. Other people have told me there are tests, both written and practical. But who knows.

  17. OK, for the "i don't know how many time's" time: :o

    The times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST) USA, Thailand is 12 hours AHEAD of EST.

    Conference Championships

    Sunday, January 21

    3:00 on FOX -- NFC Championship Game

    New Orleans Saints (11-6) at Chicago Bears (14-3)

    6:30 on CBS -- AFC Championship Game

    New England Patriots (14-4) at Indianapolis Colts (14-4)


    Therefore, IF the games are being shown live tonight (which is all I've been trying find out) is they will come on at 3am and 6:30 am Tonight (Monday morning).

    There is no 1am game.

    GOT IT?

  18. The PFC BAR , soi Reggae , chaweng lake will be showing the 1am kick-off

    New York Jets -v- New England Patriots LIVE

    the 4am is subject to numbers!!.....and drinkers!! hahaha

    we are also having a SUPERBOWL party starting at 5am for the final on the 4th FEB :o ....Big Nigel is doing the food , me the drinks.



    Well I hate to break it to you but the Jets vs. Patriots game was 2 weeks ago. The Jets are not even in the playoffs anymore. The "live" games do not start till 3 am tonight.

    Besides, there is too much soccer stuff in your bar. :D

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