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Posts posted by turboturtle

  1. what we call single or what the thai woman call single.

    just look at one and they think your in a relationship with them.

    I think that men being so dishonest with Thai women has created an inate urge to seek revenge against a western man and it causes the Thai's to lose interest in us and respectable women are afraid to be frowned upon with a western man outside of bangkok! Thats the trouble here!

  2. Because many people(NOT ALL) on this forum are very unhappy with their lives. They live here for any of several reasons. They didn't plan for the future and in a small village in Thailand is the only place they can afford to live. 2) They couldn't find a woman in their own country, so they come here and use their money to get and keep a woman and she and her family are a constant drain on his finances. 3) Some people are just hateful and bitter and criticize anything and everything they can. And there are some people on this forum that can only feel good about themselves if they are belittling someone else.

    Most westerners i meet in thailand are always trying to drag me down into their dungeon of doom and gloom. I can't stand the negativity around them so I'd rather befriend a thai or just stay with the women in the country who find the positives of life. It would be nice to have an intellectual conversation at times but I can't stand these snobbish westerners who always get into a cock pissing contest when they get a few drinks down the gulley!

  3. I have spent the last 2 months single for the first time in my life. After a 1 month ordination at the Forest monastery I have been trying to be celibate for atleast another month. When I first came here it was tough going 1 week without finding my first S. H. But now it is fun being the bachelor and all hottt college students smiling at me makes my life even more difficult but one of these days I'm going burst and give in to the temptation of seduction at university level!

  4. The point of this topic is for those to learn about EMPATHY with the Thai workers who have no choice but to work for the only place pumping business in town, the Multinational sweat shops. I am truly defending the worth of Thai People that obviously most of you think is at the value of your last drink at the bar for an entire day at work for a hardworking Thai...

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  5. I was born in the UK and raised in Canada, so in a way my parents adventure prompted me to explore a happy life. There are only three country's I would ever live in - Thailand, Canada & the UK in that order so I'm here for selfish reasons I want to be happy. My pathetic attempts at learning the language is only my fault, culture I get and most of all respect.

    I also believe in the "old days" travel was a major expense, nowadays the world is smaller and you can fly almost anywhere for $1500 so it's affordable - location doesn't matter happiness does.

    Well then you would know that the UK is Extremely crowded as is Thailand with overpopulation and that is an easy obstacle to overcome for these expats living in heavily congested areas. For Americans and Canadians we live in vast lush forests of open spaces and clean air. Its a much deadlier burden to overcome for us in North America to make the transition to Thailand. I think Australians would also agree!

  6. In the west most people know that there are no ghosts/spirits.

    I've seen the white pale hand of my grandma rise from my bedside with the lights on in my room at age 7, so I certainly do believe in Ghosts because I've had many experiences. Spirits usually have a positive connotation moreso than ghosts, but virtually the same meaning...

  7. I had a similar situation years back and my simple solution was to just tell my landlord and security gaurds to remember this woman on cctv and tell her when she comes that I have moved to another city and that they don't know my new address. IT WORKED! She stayed away from me, but I was never this womans sponsor like you..

    Good advice, I would also park my bike or car in a new location atleast for a month hidden from conspiring eyes!

  8. The sad fact of the matter is that many local municipalities and government dispose of waste in fire pits outside of city limits as was done in the Petchabun province, fortunately that incident was actually documented on video so they were charged. But they need to strengthen the laws for air pollution, everyday in the Isaan region, garbage is burned and farmers burn the leftovers, I've came to Nakhon Sawan and the weather seems much more fresh here than any of my travels to the Isaan region. Maybe the corruption in the government is more overwhelming to give it notice to the rest of the world, they sweep all the skeleton ashes in the closet! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  9. The beauty of life is we all like different things.

    One (wo)mans treasure can be another (wo)mans trash.

    I have heard men praise women in Chiang Mai, and at the same turn i have heard the opposite. (Same could be said for Thai women in general, or Asian, or European, or American, or Latin, or...)

    Some men actually like women to be articulate and have an opinion. Finding it stimulating rather than something intimidating or a negative quality. I have heard some men complain when a woman has too much of an "up to you" attitude, and state they can feed themselves, and find pandering to be irritating rather than pleasant. For example too, maybe your view of a womans point of view seems combative, when its merely having a voice. Just that you likely have a preference for a more placid partner.

    But im happy for you! May you forever be in your idea of paradise.

    Just might be worth considering that your cup of tea may not be anothers cup of tea, and putting down what you personally dont like is not a pretty trait.

    I also hope you wont be writing in a few months slamming all Thai women because your concept of what you project upon on them has been burst!

    They usually leave in tears out of pity for my other GF that they discover and never connect with me again, I've never dated a crazy combative control freak like many on here have in other posts, i'm with the OP on this one!

  10. Is it Ken kesey, Andy Warhol, Bukowski, Einstien, Al Gore, George W Bush, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Car Sagan?

    Is OK then if someone less wealthy, "inspired' by these imbeciles, get hooked on harder drugs and resorts to crime to feed their habits...?

    I hope you're speaking from experience but judging from your lame schoolboy reply I doubt you have ever known a "druggie" either...

    I have.

    I had a family member go through all the stages until her sad death. Although I was at the time too young to really understand the enormity of the situation, I wasn't too young to be aware of the devastation it caused in the family.

    Flippant, Howard Marks-esque 6th form college pro-drugs comments have no place in any serious debate on the topic.

    1) I think that there is some validity in the view that people should be allowed to make their own stupid decisions.

    2) I think that there is some validity in the claim that some illegal drugs are less harmful than alcohol,

    1) I believe that the knock-on consequences for other people justify strict regulatiion

    2) I believe that to repeal existing tolerance is very difficult. Within our lifetimes, we may achieve it for tobacco; for the more pervasive and insidious alcohol, less likely (I hope)


    Street cowboy thanks for the back up, I completely agree

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