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Posts posted by arnestockholm

  1. Would vote for Hong Kong. It's more colorful and the light show at night at the harbor is nice. Also a lot of waterfront what I really like. Hotels the Conrad is nice as well as the IC. Price range could be hard to fit for 3 nights Hong Kong and Singapore are both not cheap. Also join the Hong Kong horse race at night. Very nice event.

  2. Not sure what version of iOS you are using but the newer once have an overview about what app uses what data. Go to settings - cellular and scroll down than you see all your apps with an indicator on how much traffic it use and you have a switch for every app you want to disable mobile data for.

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  3. Well the UK is only giving a small part compared to the other spender in the EU. Even Italy is paying more ... Since 1985 the UK is getting huge discounts. Some reason why I think they should change it or kick them out.

    That process is called negotiation. I doubt Italy contributes more in reality. You need to check their claw backs and this is another country famous for accounting irregularities and scandal.

    France has its inefficient farming and agriculture, Germany carries the Euro etc. Each country has pros and cons,

    Sweden is free to leave anytime - it won't be missed.

    Well at least my country isn't just picking the raisins from the cake. Sweden is integrated into the EU. For example why to the hell I need to show my passport when I enter the island? When you want the EU there should be no two class system.

    Because Britain elected not to join the Schengen agreement. Which it is free to do. Notice some Schengen members like Italy and France are now expressing concerns about the lack of inherent security, this freedom of movement brings. A good idea, but has side effects. Maybe Britain was wise.

    This is not EU. Sweden's wealthier neighbor Norway has joined Schengen but is not an EU member, like Switzerland.

    Separate things.

    Sweden keeps some of its strange laws, and that's fine. A one class system would mean changing them.

    What kind of strange laws you exactly mean? I know that Schengen is not directly related to the EU. But it's one sign that the UK play there own game. And security wise? Well I think the UK have the highest internal security risk ... Sadly. So maybe it's a benefit that you control the people who try to left the island. Maybe a benefit!

    Btw. without the EU subsidies I think it could be hard for Scottish farmers or?

  4. Well the UK is only giving a small part compared to the other spender in the EU. Even Italy is paying more ... Since 1985 the UK is getting huge discounts. Some reason why I think they should change it or kick them out.

    That process is called negotiation. I doubt Italy contributes more in reality. You need to check their claw backs and this is another country famous for accounting irregularities and scandal.

    France has its inefficient farming and agriculture, Germany carries the Euro etc. Each country has pros and cons,

    Sweden is free to leave anytime - it won't be missed.

    Well at least my country isn't just picking the raisins from the cake. Sweden is integrated into the EU. For example why to the hell I need to show my passport when I enter the island? When you want the EU there should be no two class system.

  5. Have an IPB gold account with citibank in Singapore and as I wanted to open a citigold account in Bangkok it was very easy. My account manager from Singapore come over and goes with me to the citibank branch at the exchange tower. And we together open the account within 20 minutes. Had only the 30 day stamp, but they wanted to see my condo rental. Works very well.

  6. First don't let them vote. Now try to stop them choose? I am sure Kim Jong-un isn't gone missing he is just training the Thai PM. But well I wouldn't even call him PM more dictator as he isn't voted... But that's another story. Not sure if he is really that kind of stupid or just have a very very bad PR agency.

    He has been more effective in getting Whats gotta be done to move Thailand forward

    Like Ending endemic Corruption, paying the farmers, handling various "Mafias"

    than the last how many elected People in his current position????

    The entrenchment right from the top to the bottom of much of Thai society of these problems

    will likely take years to clean out properly.

    Not voted in???????????... ... ... My informal poll of all I have spoken with leads me to believe if an election was held today he would be voted in in a landslide. Votes against just Mafia profiteers, drug dealers... ... ...

    A dictator????????????... ... ... If so a dictator that listens to the best advice of of people knowledgeable in specific areas that need attention and moves rapidly to correct wrongs that need correction.... ... ...

    Any comparison to "The only Fat Kid In North Korea" is totally imaginary and not valid.

    Does he? Give a proof! And yes he is nothing else than a dictator! A junta! Nothing more or less. If he would be sure that he would win the election why there is no election? And I am quite sure he will fill his pocket as any one before him did. His PR is the worst ever. Let's think about his speak outs about the murder case of the two British tourists. He maybe was a good military ( can't say anything about it ) but who gave him the right or power what he is doing now? No one beside himself. For me no one should call him PM. And yes his messages are just funny. He is a joke.

  7. Wondering how long they can finance the 10000 THB reward? So after the rice scandal we will have a anti-bribery scandal soon? [emoji1] And no I am sure not any one will misuses the new system ... Really wonder where all the great new ideas come from. There must be a new oracle some where!! First the medicine against Ebola, the world next fashion metropole, the new Tour de France location, eat rice and no bread, stop bribery with rewards. What's next? I am sure Thai airways will invent the airplane!!

  8. Well I am sure it will not work very well. As the team not even have access to the real virus and testing it with synthesised Ebola genes. This means nearly nothing and in my eyes they just try to get some subsidies. They not even have the technical equipment like gene sequencing and other things like computerized modelling of the molecule. So it's just another hero Thailand sorry. And this time a real bad one that give out some hope! That's just a fake!

  9. From my experience in my last two years in Thailand. They look friendly but are not as friendly as they look. The land of smile does only exist in our imagination. In two years I don't can build up a real friendship. Most contacts are only friendly to you as long as they have any kind of benefit, job, money, can buy your old stuff cheap etc... First I thought I am doing something wrong or its a personal failure of me. But now living since 6 month in Singapore I can say it seems not to be my failure. Have already found some people here that I am sure it will come out as new friends. Yes people here don't smile this much but when they do its real. That's only my experience maybe I met the wrong people in Thailand.

  10. Sorry to say but if you can't pay for an insurance you will never can save enough for an "self insurance". I am in the same age as you are. When I came to Thailand I start the insurance and pay around 180 USD per month. Not really much but have huge coverage. Know paying since about 2 years the premium und luckily never need the insurance but things can change so get an insurance!!!! If you can't pay for it you are doing something wrong...

  11. I did something similar to you yesterday and they let me in no problem. The only difference I was living for Europe the next day, while you stay a bit more. My suggestion is you bring the ticket to Europe with you or the reservation if it is an online one. If they question you, you say you are leaving on the 9th and show them the ticket. I think you should not have any problem. Good luck!

    Thanks for your answer! Do you already had some entries before? Thanks once more for your help!

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