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Posts posted by Modem

  1. The Thai people you know may learn to not call you f-rang to your face anyway, but the more interesting question is what are they THINKING ... coffee1.gif

    I think the OP is basically right. We that are seen as f-rangs are targets of a thing called OTHERIZATION and it makes it much easier morally/ethically to treat such others in shabby ways and sometimes (not even rarely in my view), not even as real human beings with real human feelings.

    We are all outsiders. To varying degrees, we are all subject to what you refer to as OTHERIZATION.

    As to what they are THINKING, this varies. But we are not the same as them and never will be.

    We will always be outsiders. Our kids will be outsiders to a lesser extent; our grand children to an even lesser extent.

    I sense identity issues. This happens when we are no longer part of our mother culture but have not yet integrated into the local culture. We are in a state of flux.

  2. One tgf was accosted by one of her friends to say that she and her mates had seen me taking a girl to our house in East Pattaya. Gave exact dates and times etc. Tgf was very angry and asked me how I could have done such a thing to her. I had no answer, as we were talking on Skype and I was offshore Italy at the time all this was supposed to be happening. I also pointed out that she had driven me to the airport to catch my flight, which just happened to be the day before my supposed indiscretion. That was my final fling with her refusal to disbelieve anything her Thai friends wound her up about

    So now that particular tgf is on her tod for believing others stupid talk.

    That's a prime example of what I'm talking about.......malicious gossip that broke a relationship. Terrible.

    It was the credulity that broke the relationship, and her lack of faith in him. If she'd not believed it, they could have said anything.

    Yes, you are right. I read this comment earlier today (the comment you have quoted) and it puzzled me.

    The Thai girl knew that the farang boyfriend was overseas at the time of the supposed indiscretion, yet she placed greater faith in her friends' gossip.

    Women as distrusting as this ought to be discarded. You will never conquer in the face of extreme paranoia or naivete.

    I suppose you could say that the "malicious gossip" was a blessing in disguise. The gossip made the man aware of just how crappy his girlfriend was.

  3. Can other people join this thread, or should I start my own?

    What cameras are you using?

    Love the photos, btw!

    Most of us use nothing fancy. We just take pictures and let the subject matter do the talking. I use a little pocket camera and take most of my shots out on the trails in my area. As the OP (original poster) on this thread I bid you welcome. Please keep in mind that Chiang Rai and its natural surroundings are the subject of this particular thread.

    For the time being, I'll sit back and enjoy your contributions. I wouldn't want my inferior offerings to detract from your own (rather accomplished) oeuvre.

    Henceforth, could you give exposure information and say at what times your photos were taken.

  4. Can other people join this thread, or should I start my own?

    What cameras are you using?

    Love the photos, btw!

    I use a Canon 1ds mark III with a 24-70 2.8 L series lens and a 70-200 2.8 L series IS.

    My current camera is a bit crappy. I'm thinking of getting that new Sony compact with the Zeiss lens. It's about 20,000 Baht.

    Do you know anything about this? I've seen some great reviews.

    I prefer the idea of smaller cameras that offer superior quality and can shoot in RAW.

  5. I believe a definate maximum measured area covered with tattoos as the indication of a BG is needed. Perhaps the bidding starts at 9cm^2 ? (Yeah I know some savages still don't use SI units, google it).

    The color also must matter. Scarlet is a dead giveaway, of course. In fact. aren't birthmarks just genetic tattoo's. I'm starting to get the idea behind the Coroner's Special porcelain skin.

    But how then can you verify the lack of tramp stamps, as with a good girl you won't even be sleeping in the same room before married ? Oh the shame of it, finding a butterfly on the back in wedding night. Drives a man straight to his mia noi's, surely.

    Very complex it is, this Asian culture, mmmmmm...

    Yup......complex indeed.....here's my lady


    Degree educated and working as a restaurant manager and ye gods!! ( well I suppose ye Buddha!! ) she has a tattoo on her left thigh !!!

    Modern Thai women, just who do they think they are eh? coffee1.gif

    Sorry, Theblether, In 25 years of Thailand experience I've never come across a Thai girl with a tattoo on her leg like that, who at some time wasn't involved in the sex trade,although, to be fair I don't know if I've ever met this particular lady,so possibly she's the exception.

    A Thai education Degree means nothing,unless it's from Chula or similar university,and then again some people don't

    Rate those universities very high.

    This is correct. That tattoo is not "westernized", but just lo-so. Listen to normal Thai women how they gossip about such girls.

    If I dated a Thai girl and she flashed a tattoo like that in public, I would consider it a very serious insult.

    The girl in the photo is allowing herself to be perceived as a hooker. She know this. She must also know that her farang boyfriend will be perceived negatively.

    This is abusive. The girl has psychological problems.

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